Give us some help here.
Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.
We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.
Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.
It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.
If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.
While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.
Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.
Thank you for your time.
Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.
We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.
Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.
It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.
If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.
While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.
Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.
Thank you for your time.