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Rare Set Pieces and the Lesser Mondain's Legacy Bosses


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
For those who are unaware of what Item Sets are or of the background of this thread, click here:


In theory, most armor item sets have "common" pieces that come from "lesser" Mondain's Legacy bosses, such as Lady Jennyfer, Miasma, Swoop, Coil, and the like.

And, "rare" pieces that come from Peerlesses, Dark Fathers, Champions, and certain event creatures (such as Melissa and the Ethereal Shadowlords).

The weapon sets basically only have "rare" pieces.

However, in another thread, others have reported getting the "rare" pieces from the "lesser" bosses, such as Miasma!

So....If you have had a similar experience, post it here.

Let's gather information and see if this was a one-in-a-million fluke or if maybe the rare set pieces actually DO spawn on the lesser monsters, just with extreme rarity.

So if you've gotten a rare set piece from a lesser boss, post it here! What piece if you recall, and also if you recall what boss.

Thank you.

-Galen's player

Bomb Bloke

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I've only ever gathered two set parts, and they were both Gremist gloves (one was from Swoop, can't remember for sure where I found the other). These are classed as "common", of course, my point is that the things are really rare anyway so it wouldn't surprise me if there was room for error!

One thing to remember when looking for set armor is that (appart from the Spring Cleaning sets and the Virtue set), they only take on a dyed appearance when you wear the full collection. Prior to that they appear as standard items, so you'll miss 'em if you don't check over pretty much every bit of armor your targets are dropping.


Crazed Zealot
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I have a Myrmidon gorget - I believe its from Lurg (tiny chance I picked it up somewhere else along the way)


Grand Poobah
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There's a house on LA with every piece of every set....rare huh?

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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There are houses on most shards where you can find most things. Would people bother to display a full set of Orc loot?

Stratic Fanatic

There's a house on LA with every piece of every set....rare huh?
There are many houses and museums on Atlantic that have full sets....still doesnt take away from the "rare" title.

Look how many people wear non faction crimmys. They are considered rare loot also.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Below is a pic of all the set pieces my BF and I have collected. 68 pieces, some rare, most not. I can say out of the 68 pieces, not one of the more rare pieces came off a smaller "named" creature. We have only gotten the more rare ones off of: Peerless Boss, Champ Spawn, DF and Melissa. (not included in the count: virtue armor pieces as shown)



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive gotten 2 Myrmidon helms from Coil.
You and Maplestone have both found pieces of that set from "lesser" bosses that appear to be considered rare.

At the VERY least we know this isn't a one-in-a-million fluke.

I believe someone in that other thread said he got every Assassin armor piece there was from Miasma.

I have to wonder, now, if the "rule" about certain pieces coming only from Peerlesses and the like has....has an exception, perhaps one exception for each set. So, for example, maybe you can usually only get rare pieces from Peerlesses....Except that you can get ANY Myrmidon piece from Coil, or ANY Assassin piece from Miasma?

-Galen's player

EDIT: I have always, ALWAYS had the feeling, as a player of this game, that it was in fact far richer than even we ever gave it credit for, and that certain things had rules we just never stumbled onto, slipped in by designers over the years, who just kept mum.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EDIT: I have always, ALWAYS had the feeling, as a player of this game, that it was in fact far richer than even we ever gave it credit for, and that certain things had rules we just never stumbled onto, slipped in by designers over the years, who just kept mum.
A slight tweak here and there to RNG based on the in-game phases of the moons and we'd be completely wrecked.

(I had some wild theories about heartwood rewards because of some crazy streaks I had, but in the end, my testing failed to find a pattern)


Babbling Loonie
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I definitely have found set armor pieces on various named ML creatures. However, they drop very rarely (I estimate about 1 every 300 kills), and you have to check every piece of armor in the corpse, which is quite time consuming.

As the complete armor sets do not really have good properties, those sets are mostly for rare collectors.


You and Maplestone have both found pieces of that set from "lesser" bosses that appear to be considered rare.

At the VERY least we know this isn't a one-in-a-million fluke.

I believe someone in that other thread said he got every Assassin armor piece there was from Miasma.
I posted in the other thread, i got the legs of miasma the rest tend to come from grizzle.

I remembered the assassin legs as i was testing my sampire out and on what must have been the 3rd kill i got them! RNG favoured me that day!!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I definitely have found set armor pieces on various named ML creatures. However, they drop very rarely (I estimate about 1 every 300 kills), and you have to check every piece of armor in the corpse, which is quite time consuming.

As the complete armor sets do not really have good properties, those sets are mostly for rare collectors.
I thought that too.....Then a discussion about the Assassin Armor in the Warrior's forum suggested to me that that particular set was of some value. That got me thinking about the others. if maybe this was one of those many instances in UO where a change of paradigm will make something that appeared to be useless last week seem valuable this week.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I posted in the other thread, i got the legs of miasma the rest tend to come from grizzle.

I remembered the assassin legs as i was testing my sampire out and on what must have been the 3rd kill i got them! RNG favoured me that day!!

What did you sacrifice to it?

-Galen's player


I didn't realise the rare set pieces dropped on the lesser mondain creatures, swoop, coil, irk etc. Maybe it's a really rare occurance, I remember chaining many many swoops a year or two ago with my tamer (prolly 1000+ easy) definetley recieved a lot of lesser set pieces from swoop, didn't get any of the rarer pieces from it though.


The Paladin armor set is OK with its +30% HCI +25% RPD and some others...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't realise the rare set pieces dropped on the lesser mondain creatures, swoop, coil, irk etc.
I didn't either....Sooner or later I'll have to edit the UO Guide article to reflect this, if someone else doesn't beat me to it.

Maybe it's a really rare occurance
Must be. And some folks sacrifice chickens to the Random Number Generator.

Or.....some Sets are tied to specific monsters. What I'm hoping is that enough people will reply to this thread that a clear pattern will develop that we can put in the UO Guide.

-Galen's player


I didn't realise the rare set pieces dropped on the lesser mondain creatures, swoop, coil, irk etc. Maybe it's a really rare occurance, I remember chaining many many swoops a year or two ago with my tamer (prolly 1000+ easy) definetley recieved a lot of lesser set pieces from swoop, didn't get any of the rarer pieces from it though.
Same for me until last xmas. I thoroughly checking Swoop loot for some reason when I found Greymist gloves rare). Last week I was doing Swoop again and got Greymist arms (common).

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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He's talking about this. This is the name it is given on the Test Center (The command "give armor" places bags named after the sets they contain into your bank... But hasn't been updated for the Spring Cleaning/Virtue sets yet).

It is indeed "ok", but by the time you collect it all you could have just as easily gotten something better.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He's talking about this. This is the name it is given on the Test Center (The command "give armor" places bags named after the sets they contain into your bank... But hasn't been updated for the Spring Cleaning/Virtue sets yet).

It is indeed "ok", but by the time you collect it all you could have just as easily gotten something better.

Same set I knew as the "Plate of Honor," as that's what the pieces are called.

Thank you.

-Galen's player