For those who are unaware of what Item Sets are or of the background of this thread, click here:
In theory, most armor item sets have "common" pieces that come from "lesser" Mondain's Legacy bosses, such as Lady Jennyfer, Miasma, Swoop, Coil, and the like.
And, "rare" pieces that come from Peerlesses, Dark Fathers, Champions, and certain event creatures (such as Melissa and the Ethereal Shadowlords).
The weapon sets basically only have "rare" pieces.
However, in another thread, others have reported getting the "rare" pieces from the "lesser" bosses, such as Miasma!
So....If you have had a similar experience, post it here.
Let's gather information and see if this was a one-in-a-million fluke or if maybe the rare set pieces actually DO spawn on the lesser monsters, just with extreme rarity.
So if you've gotten a rare set piece from a lesser boss, post it here! What piece if you recall, and also if you recall what boss.
Thank you.
-Galen's player
In theory, most armor item sets have "common" pieces that come from "lesser" Mondain's Legacy bosses, such as Lady Jennyfer, Miasma, Swoop, Coil, and the like.
And, "rare" pieces that come from Peerlesses, Dark Fathers, Champions, and certain event creatures (such as Melissa and the Ethereal Shadowlords).
The weapon sets basically only have "rare" pieces.
However, in another thread, others have reported getting the "rare" pieces from the "lesser" bosses, such as Miasma!
So....If you have had a similar experience, post it here.
Let's gather information and see if this was a one-in-a-million fluke or if maybe the rare set pieces actually DO spawn on the lesser monsters, just with extreme rarity.
So if you've gotten a rare set piece from a lesser boss, post it here! What piece if you recall, and also if you recall what boss.
Thank you.
-Galen's player