Siege had a very healthy population when the shard was set up to work well. When AoS hit, things began to fall apart because the dev team didn't tailor the expansion to Siege so it could continue to flourish.Siege is different than the other shards. Because of this, yes, we are always going to have a smaller population. By changing things up to get more people to play the shard, what are we doing? making it closer to what people originally came to the shard to get away from. It's not like you can't have multiple accounts, by adding a single slot this time, what will be asked for the next time someone feels the shard is too empty? Another slot, more monster loot, etc....
What we are doing, is trying to bring Siege in-line with today's Ultima Online. Many expansions later, design flaws still linger. For example, we needed an 8% boost to crafted intensities just to piece together suits that were in-line with the way combat with players and NPCs is designed. If crafting wouldn't have been updated, Siege would have suffered.
Like it or not, UO has evolved and Siege must evolve too.
If it does not evolve it's going to die.
It's taken blow after blow to it's population because it hasn't evolved properly or at the pace UO has. We have item properties. We have new skills. New templates. New items. All kinds of things that are tailored to production shards with item insurance, multiple character slots and Trammel.
For example, Siege does not have item insurance, therefore players lose items at a much faster pace than production shard players. Yet items are created at the same rate as on other shards... THAT just doesn't make any sense and it really inhibits how these items are used by the playerbase. On other shards with item insurance, the rate at which items are generated is the rate it's supposed to be. Item insurance and Trammel make sense to have slow spawn rates on artifacts because once a player gets an artifact... they don't lose it! Or they lose them at such a slow pace, it's as if they don't lose it. This is why replica's have caused such a stir... and why, if the spawn rate on replica's was cut to 1/20th of it's current spawn rate... people would be complaining left and right.
So why shouldn't the entire playerbase of Siege enjoy a polished shard with new content that works the way it's supposed to? This is not the year 1999. UO has changed, whether or not you'd like to admit it.
You are the biggest hypocrit to walk the shard. You talk about RoT, but then you buy up SoT's to train your skills so you don't have to deal with RoT.
This extra character slot is only in discussion because of the up-coming expansion. If we get another expansion after that, with a new race... then yes we will again discuss yet another character slot. When the 1 slot rule was created on Siege... there was only 1 race. This is not about a low population... this about bringing Siege up-to-date with the times and the in-game content UO offers its players
Monster loot has nothing to do with the low population either. It has everything to do with bringing Siege up-to-date with no item insurance and fixing it's economy and it's play-ability for it's playerbase.
Siege needs to be updated.
The end.
PS. As an added bonus, if the devs actually update Siege... it will be more in-line with the rest of the shards in UO while maintaining it's uniqueness and it's essense. It will become easier to add content and balance the game for everyone.
PPS. The end, again.