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So, Who is the Greatest PK'er in the game?





If I remember correctly, one of if not the biggest murder counts was on a tinker-bomber, basically a character that never left a house.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe, Ya I did that on Sonoma with Tim the Toolman. Xmas of 99. All the towns were packed. You had to push through a mob of people just to get to the bank.

I made around 1200+ explosion traps and my guildies and I would place them in front of the banks and boom! Instant death. Then the thieves and looters would come in and go grey. Then we would call guards then loot the looters. It was a blast hehe. In all my days playing UO I have never seen that much carnage ever in game.

Ya I tried burning the counts off, but the thing was those traps kept giving me counts until faction reprieve came out. To bad I couldn't get an actual number count. Though I did top out the bounty boards for a week or so.

After that OSI put in the requirement for locks on trapped containers..


Oh, and by the way. If you come play Siege, you will die. *smiles*



my counts^^
Thx to all the people that dropped at my feet muahahahah

(thx to all for the congrats;) )


Alice Cooper.

This was before Trammel. Back when if you lost your house key along with your life, you lost the house and everything in it. Alice and his J-D Guildmates were very good at what they did and that was kill many, many people. One big difference was they always did it with class. Never talked smacked, taunt, nothing like that. They were silent most of the time. Kill you, take your stuff, ride off, you went looking for a healer. This indeed was the good old days of UO!


Thanks Adida for the info.
Would be great to track and display info like this on the UO web site.

Congrats Krystal and Sairen for the dubious honor.

love2winalot... you made the news!


- Cheers!
Und thx Adida for droppin' the knowledge.

You are number 1 UO murderer

You should get an honorary 'wanted poster'

Keep keepin' on!


--------------------------------cut his head and leave .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

hey if we cant have bounty hunting than still let us cut peoples heads off that would be sweet


that's pretty good, i would have over 12k if i still had my account (post wipe).


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

my counts^^
Thx to all the people that dropped at my feet muahahahah

(thx to all for the congrats;) )

[/ QUOTE ]

isnt that pic in luna?


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well on siege i could see that, i just thought someone was being cheeeky and got caught.

i myself have 8429 on my main, with another 7k on my other reds total. just enver seen anyone even close to me before.


I wish Trapped Boxes were as deadly as they used to be. I'd plant them all over the place. If only they would work in Tram too!



well on siege i could see that, i just thought someone was being cheeeky and got caught.

i myself have 8429 on my main, with another 7k on my other reds total. just enver seen anyone even close to me before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if you did you woulda been in that list wouldnt ya.
Oh no someones got more counts than you.
Im sure within a week these numbers will change since its openly discussed, and doing things to irritate others is alot more insentive than doing it just to do it.


Kristi 9200 sieg
Sairen 8200 Atlantic
Sixunder 8500

Waht about bounty hunter,How can you see that i have killed as bounty hunter 4500 pks and thiey are not inocent miner no player wtih no clue of pvp.
We want back a bounty system with pk counts kills.
Im on Atlantic now.I never sow Sairen on yew gate as pk.If i see him i will duel him wtih 2 characeter first wtih my Busidodexer parry Funman and if i have no success then wtih my pvp tamer Caci 120 magic resi tamer.A bounty hunter is more worth then a pk.PK is no honor to kill innocent and you make hin as honor player here.ON Drachenfels some called my tamer a legende becasue there was pks wich kill at yew gate at same time 5 pvp blues solo.and on other day i kiled such uber pk with tamer.And with dexxer i have destroed hall pk guild one after another.You can say a pk has 50000 kills becasue oyoui can see his count but as bountyhutner you dont see my kills on pks and i can still kill this pk again and again.Im playing eve onloine they have bountyhunter system wtih bounty on pks head.IM there 3 month noob in Eve onlien now and i have killed a 2 years veteran pk in eve becasue im thinking 24 houers in my mind into pvp in eve too.
This is normaly in eve for 3 month noob normaly impossible.
In uo what shoud i do there further after 4500 pks kills.I got bored.
We bountyhunter want a COUNT and BOUNTYSYSTEM for the player who hunt pks!Im going to test DARKFALL to becasue in eve i cant powegaming.You have to wait you skilles.



Kristi 9200 sieg
Sairen 8200 Atlantic
Sixunder 8500

[/ QUOTE ]

Where are you getting those figures from?



They still work on siege!

The best way to rack up counts is bank bombing imho!



well on siege i could see that, i just thought someone was being cheeeky and got caught.

i myself have 8429 on my main, with another 7k on my other reds total. just enver seen anyone even close to me before.

[/ QUOTE ]
Could you explain why you are not one of the top 2 listed then?


ea would be the best pk they have slayed ultima online

Fayled Dhreams

sure sure sure ... Thing is ... First post:

Hail. Log in your PK. Say, "I must consider my sins", Take a screenshot, and post it here. Even if you see you have been out done, post anyway, maybe you are the best on your shard. hehehe, Weeeeeeee.

[/ QUOTE ]

till then .... talk talk talk ...


pfft, krystal is not that tough, in fact, i believe i even have a valentines day card from her.


The player with the second most long term murder counts has posted his response here if anyone is interested in reading it. He talks a little bit about UO history.



pfft, krystal is not that tough, in fact, i believe i even have a valentines day card from her.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhhhhhhhh! lol
You ned get ur butt back to sp! we miss ya!


Yes, it is still locked down in its place of honor on the floor next to your Reico's pumpkin and kryss crafted by Sexy Beast.



Does anybody remember dobermann on drachenfels? this guy was awesome...


Granted she has alot of counts, but far from being the best PvPer. Krystal has always been one to attack anyone on screen and being she was an archer in Luna, anyone who died would always have her name on the count list. Mainly its from her group Pking and Luna house days.


*We bow at your feet for your all mighty power and skills. In both knowing how to fight and using your skills well*

So my question is what is your current skill set? And items do you use?


Number of counts doesn't really mean anything. Which is why I never get the people who complain about someone not giving them a count...who cares...



Was Siege subject to the murder count wipe of p16 out of interest?

[/ QUOTE ] yes i lost around 11k counts


I would think this forum IS NOT the place to ask this type of question.. Lock it I now before it gets ugly.



Does anybody remember dobermann on drachenfels? this guy was awesome...

[/ QUOTE ]

I do, both from DF and his very short time on Siege
He did not make it on Siege, him and his 6 mans gank was back on DF less than a month after they went red.

His comment to be about Siege players was "People do not die easy here"



my counts^^
Thx to all the people that dropped at my feet muahahahah

(thx to all for the congrats;) )

[/ QUOTE ]
OVER 9000!!!!


Personally, I think all of the truly great P.K.'s left shortly after Publish 16. Sure, there were some that remained, but for the most part i've found that they went elsewhere. Though, I am glad to see a discussion about this. Taking out PK's is certainly the most fun part of the game in my opinion.


It's a pretty safe bet that if you have to come here and beat your chest on a stratics message board your NOT the greatest. Nuff said....

Yenji Yasagari

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am the greatest pker on UO. I had four long terms before any skill was about 55 *on siege* from running around and poisoning blues in snake form, and watching them die while chasing them down.


OVER 9000!!!!

There ya go, see Siege is a lot more populated than any one thinks, lots more populated than even EA thinks it is. jk hehe

Although any older chr. 'if' they are GIVEN counts for murder any more, would merely have to maintain 3.6 kills *that they do get counts from/for via their victims* per day + over 365 days or so to maintain 1k a year counts, could become a grand total of 9k or more counts per time, over a characters life span on any shard, becoming large total sum of counts .. over 8-9 yrs of a character's UO lifespan.

The trick is to get or be given or to get ..a count. Lots of folks won't/don't bother to even give them any counts, at all anymore. I only GIVE a count like one would hand out an Oscar; for an award winning performance.
I may count some few of them the very first time they kill my chr. as a form of *tribute* if they really are an elder player one could think of it as an *honor* they bothered to acknowledge one's existance to exterminate it.

So they might get that count the FIRST time..after that..........they better be damned entertaining or I don't bother to count em again. More like yeh yeh it's just YOU again .. been playing uo since 98 pre tram.. like soo ya best entertain me or no count ! LOL It is a game... ENTERTAIN !


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
on the production shards, murder counts have been wiped clean at least once in the past 10 plus years right around publish 16, so murder counts are not a good measuring stick for a PK. Besides, it is all subjective. Some may say that killing miners and such does not rate as high as someone shooting another player in the back when he/she is low on health fighting monsters, Go figure.


Yeh it is subjective. IF a gank of 4-5 are killing my crafter I more or less just roll my eyes and think.......wow my tinker tools so created fear in your hearts it took 4-5 of you to approach my feared carpenter tinker to attempt to slay her... NO COUNT ! HAHA Ya must suck then if it took THAT many of ya.

*more comic actually* cuz they *look* silly ganking a crafter when reality says one silly corpor do me in.. as crafter dont take much skill nor brains to do THAT much alone to get the crafter killed.

5% Luck

I have a story LOL

there was this guy at the yew gate that apparently wasnt well liked. Not sure how he was doing this but he was blue and hed pop out of the gate and arggo no one. He would then run aroung getting attacked by 5-6 peeps(seemingly everyone hated him) then run back and call guards 4-5 of these peeps would up and die guard whacked. He was imo a guard zone master musta gotten 30 kills in 20 mins if ya can consider that a pk

I do!

Jerry Seinfeld


cookie chefs!

if you remember them, congrats! you played when pvp was not a colossal joke.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cookie Chef Clan? Exiled from Humanity? Do you even remember BloodyAxe?

Those two guilds used enough illicit tactics on me and my (relatively peaceful non-pvp-seeking) guild that they were sure a joke to fight unless you wanted to lose all your stuff due to the old crash bugs.

CCC? Don't even get me started. A number of them were banned for their fiasco and returned shortly afterwards.

&lt;G&gt; and SUN, I at least had respect for due to their honest gameplay tactics...even made some friends after good fights in those days...

Those were truly the days. There were a lot of bad seeds, but a lot of good folks were there to cull them before they could sprout.

My personal favorite PKs were from the era of Paulifer, Countess Bathory, Pokesmot, Sir Butcher (Catskills), Archimage, SNOWBALL, ect.. Well long enough ago for most of you to have forgotten.

Nyte Doombringer

all the good pks left UO like five+ years ago.

all that remain are ten year olds =p

but for giggles ill name some good pk/evil guilds from when being evil/pk actually meant something (atl and catsk - off the top of my head):

the trinsic borrowers (these guys were amazing and hilarious)
the mercs
\D/ draxarum
cookie chefs!
team goat
menendez bros

if you remember them, congrats! you played when pvp was not a colossal joke.
Yep that is true, all the big time pvpers left when Trammel came in the game. On Europa it would have been XLordX and crew, Leoric, ect
The Mercs are in DF now btw.


Had to dig a bit to drudge this thread up eh? I remember Alice Cooper who was mentioned earlier, and do agree with the assessment less his tendency to roam the Brit newbie woods. There was a duo named Azash and Azile who were also memorable. Adrick and a fella I can't remember who maintained a website as a dungeon "guardian" were also notable. The entire KoC guild were incredible solo but they were hacked/ buffed so they probably don't "count." The trouble is in defining the "best" PK, is it counts, demeanor, skills, technique, tenacity, etc? We played three shards way back, and were on the "other side" - battling against the PKs. If I had to note one or two just based on "gut feel," I'd vote Alice Cooper or Azile.

Nurse Miss Maude

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Actually no, we were discussing it on a thread on the SP forum. Just want to know the standing now. *shrugs*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i had 11k murder counts on my main before i quit OSI 2 years ago. its not worth the $15 just to post a screenshot tho. That was what 4 years between the count wipe and i quit. Im sure there are other peoples accounts out there with more since that was only an average of 8 a day which a couple of years ago was nothing to get from one spawn.

The characters name was "A newbie" i played most east coast shard with e. and sx


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only good PKs are the ones that don't use hacks or scripts or cheats. So I guess there are no good PKs in UO. :(