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In game location help!


Stratics Veteran
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I know I'm gonna sound like a dork here, but I'm trying to find a certain area/bridge. It's a huge white bridge I believe in Trammel, square shaped from what I remember and a good place for in-game weddings? Any idea where I am referring to?

Shamus Turlough

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Recall to Destard, then run to the left, and follow the mountain up about 3 screens. Turn left. That is one bridge. The other is called lovers' leap in my runebook. I'll have to recall there tonight when I get home and I can tell you what it is close to...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for replying.. that one up from Destard is Statue bridge> :) The bridge I'm looking for is quite a big bigger and white in color.


Stratics Veteran
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It's N/E of the Justice shrine, at the one where all the weddings are held...


is it the one if you make a right coming out of luna front. i am bad at directions


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again, thank you but wrong spot. Maybe it's not a bridge I'm thinking? I know it's an all white-ish colored structure and Huge. LOL


Stratics Veteran
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The one outside Luna?? Oh wait, does it have pillars and flames on it??


Stratics Veteran
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I believe the place I'm looking for was here long before Luna existed.


yah at least on atlantic i was on a newbee and someone gave me a gate to a vendor right outside luna and told me to cross bridge to walk to luna as i am sure that was where there was a long white bridge it even i think had 2 guards that appeared and disappeared. not sure crossed it on cats my home shard .do not remember flames but was running .


Stratics Veteran
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No and No. hehe LIke I said, Ive racked my brain for last 2 hours trying to find this place again. :(



You sure it's not in Ilshenar? I know there are a few large bridges and structures in there, like the temple area to the north of blackthorne's castle and the entrance to the gargoyle city.

The only other white structures I can think of are Nujelm palace, which I haven't visited since all the Daemons took over the island (are they gone yet?)



Stratics Veteran
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Well, there is the chessboard in Nujelm that has a guillotine next to it, if that doesn't spell marriage I don't know what does... ;)


Oh, and I know Wind has a few "bridge-like" areas that are white or white with blue tiles.


Grand Poobah
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are you sure its not the thing by the justice shrine?



Babbling Loonie
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A quest to find a location in Britannia! These are always fun. Can you give a few more specific details if you can remember them?

Did the bridge run north to south or east to west. What was the water like that it crossed? A bay or did it bridge islands? What was the land like to either side of the bridge? When you say huge and square, it's just a square area of white brick like the bridge that leads west out of Britain? Or does it have a square area with an opening in the center down to the water?


Hmmmmmmmmm that jogs the memory a bit...

I wonder wonder if she's talking about the old bridge in Haven that got destroyed???


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isnt there a white structure in ilsh by the savage camp and one by the big dragons "same as appear at oaks spawn"and centures.


Babbling Loonie
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Yeah, I was thinking it was that South Haven bridge, which is why I asked if there was a hole in the middle which opened down to the water. It's sad, there were a lot of great little details about Haven Isle that were removed. I'm all for the game progressing, but my regret is not snapping screen shots of everything to keep as a remembrance.


Are you on Atlantic, Wolfie? Could this be what you're thinking of?



Grand Poobah
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That one no longer exists, since Haven was blown up and New Haven appeared
yes new haven....the new player tent town. The thing new players see and go...oh....so this is uo?

sorry to burst your bubble wolfie, but it is gone =(. That picture, unless someone has some old screenshot if it, might be the closest you get tos eeing it again.


Grand Poobah
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Here is the aftermath of what you are looking for. The bridge in the bottom left of old haven.



Stratics Veteran
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Well sucker punch! Thanks to everyone who helped locate it. See, I'm not crazy after all... it did exist!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well sucker punch! Thanks to everyone who helped locate it. See, I'm not crazy after all... it did exist!
So where will you hold your wedding instead? If you enjoy a bit of danger, Reg Volom turned out to be a nice place for a wedding. I always thought it would be good, but you have to get by the terrathans first and you can't invite shady guests. Still, some guildmates went for the idea and it looked amazing when decorated and angels (er, I mean ethereal warriors) sang when they exchanged their vows! :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No wedding, was just running around with friends today and sharing interesting places when I remembered that place from a "wedding locations" runebook I had years ago but for some reason that rune was missing from it today when I looked. :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
aye, the bridge was lovely... also gone is the little dryad shack (kind of a shack, more just broken walls and flowers), the ship you had to cross, the guy that went for a swim and left his clothes on the shore with a continuous flow of bubbles just offshore, little barracks dotting the island (took years for me to notice the door on them!) and wasn't there a lighthouse out there, also?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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If you're in Illshanar there are several Awesome locations for weddings... both for the mages and for the evil folk and for your more... virtuous types... I can think of at least 4 locations just off the top of my head... the only trouble with Illshnar locations is you can't gate in...

As far as Trammel locations there are a few Nujelm comes to mind... As does either of the castles British or Blackthorn... There are numerous councilors halls that look ok and are large and open that you could deco up a bit but then you run the risk of griefers stealing stuff or of spontaneous decay which occurs about 2 hours after an item is placed on the ground...

If your on Great Lakes I own a Theatre which lies just to the South of Yew gate... Can't miss it it's the large building in the clearing just 6 O'Clock from the Gate Trammel side... says YEW on the top... This space is always available for rent and I will deco it to suit needs. I may even assist in gating if I'm available... Very nice building with a Large room and plenty of seating... was well as "private" entrances for groom and bride. Anyone interested is free to contact me my contact information is on the bulletin board out front.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
aye, the bridge was lovely... also gone is the little dryad shack (kind of a shack, more just broken walls and flowers), the ship you had to cross, the guy that went for a swim and left his clothes on the shore with a continuous flow of bubbles just offshore, little barracks dotting the island (took years for me to notice the door on them!) and wasn't there a lighthouse out there, also?
Yes, there was a light house. There was also a burning/half-sunken ship, a dark pyramid with an ankh at the top, though it had skeletons chained inside. What else? A meteor. There were roses all over the southern island. Those redoubts/barracks had different things inside, like treasure, a cannon, and the third I forget. I recall a mushroom circle and the two huts which was probably leveled to make New Haven.


UO Forum Moderator
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Guys, I'm sorry I blew up Haven......

Really, I'm responsible....

Back at Gen Con (2003 or 2004?) I was showing Vex and some others at the EA booth, using the computers they had set up in the exhibit hall to let people try the game out for free, some of the really weird things going on in Haven.

You know, the rubberbanding around the doors of Uzzeraan's mansion, the guardshack to the newbie hunting area, etc., and stories of how I found a ghost image of my guildmaster outside the newbie area, while he was INSIDE it training his drake on orcs - and I could see his health and HEAL HIM by pulling a health bar off the ghost image.

When I went to the Columbus 2007 meetup, I asked what was the reason the island was blown up, since all the areas that got completely blown up/non-accessible, were the locations I'd showed them that day 3-4 years before.

I was told that, after I had showed them what it was doing (in both 2D and 3D - apparently, their first reports of the issues, they'd thought was a client issue - but it was a SERVER-side issue), they had worked several years trying to fix the existing areas. But, there was something in the code that they couldn't find for those areas, causing it in the server, and the only way to fix it was to totally WIPE those areas, and redraw them from scratch to only look like they did before. As this ended up coinciding with the New Player Experience quest development, the two got rolled into one, and became the big blackrock event, in which they DESTROYED all the problem areas (and, just to be safe, make all the badly effected areas, no-go locations for characters, or just empty water), and designed New Haven (the whole island, actually) from scratch for the NPE quests. You'll note that things don't REALLY match up 100% as to what buildings were actually present with their specific contents, in the Old Haven ruins. Only Dev/EM added things survived, such as the house at the ruins, and the now-underground hammer of one of the Devs (you can find it at its old coordinates using CTRL-SHIFT in 2D, by its object handle)

Personally, I'd like to see them restore the Pyramid, and the circle of Stones (as in the song - it was the closest to the actual Stonehenge in appearance, in the game) that was near the old graveyard location. For that matter, there was no reason to remove the graveyard.


That would be Hanse's Hammer, I presume. I'm glad they left it, I'd have been a bit upset to lose that little piece of historical record.

There were LOTS of odd things with old Haven, a good number of them to do with the newbie valley and their attempts to keep non-newbies out of it. At some point they disabled the mechanisms keeping us out and I wandered around a few times... and was highly amused at the rangers that would die with one or two hits by a mongbat. Or the cannons that the guards would keep firing if something got nearby, yet ignore the creature standing right behind them hitting my poor smithing girl on the head.

It would also at random times teleport you to the entrance, almost like the server finally "noticed" you in the area.

Anyway, I miss the old island a bit now and then, though I can't say I visited all that often after the first few months. I was hoping that they'd destroy it with us players having to get an armada of ships together to evacuate (escort) the npcs, and transport them to a new nearby island. However, like usual, they ignored an opportunity to make a fun and meaningful event and just blew it up.

Not to mention my characters are "good" and didn't sell their blackrock, so I got nothing out of the whole mess. Really makes me think being good is overrated in UO sometimes.

Arch Magus

If I said I thought Wolfie's sig was hot as hell, does that make me a bad person. o_O

or just some kind of freak?

:danceb: :blushing: :dunce: :next: :coco:

Miri of Sonoma

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No wedding, was just running around with friends today and sharing interesting places when I remembered that place from a "wedding locations" runebook I had years ago but for some reason that rune was missing from it today when I looked. :)
I was just in an interesting place in Ilshenar tonight that would be lovely for a wedding. Unfortunately you have to go through a pretty nasty dungeon to get to it so the guests would most likely all arrive dead :) it is very peaceful once you do get there though


UO Forum Moderator
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The upstairs of the "Sorceror's dungeon, right?

Complete with a small park overlooking the outside waterfall....


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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That's likely the one.... though you can get up there by teleporting so if "guests" wore some mage jewels carried a spellbook and used a scroll I'm sure they could get up there safely... without having to roll through the dungeon...

Of course it might be fun to have the run though...hehe.


UO Forum Moderator
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I had never been there just stealthed there pretty cool place

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
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The upstairs of the "Sorceror's dungeon, right?

Complete with a small park overlooking the outside waterfall....
Aye that is the place! We were all warriors so we had to get in the hard way. It's good to know that you can also teleport in. The other way is more
fun though! :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guys, I'm sorry I blew up Haven......

Really, I'm responsible....
Don't apologize to us! Apologize to all those Havenites wandering around Old Haven as undead! hehe. When the Havenites ask what God would do such a horrible thing to them, I'll tell them it was Basara!


Guys, I'm sorry I blew up Haven......

Really, I'm responsible....

Back at Gen Con (2003 or 2004?) I was showing Vex and some others at the EA booth, using the computers they had set up in the exhibit hall to let people try the game out for free, some of the really weird things going on in Haven.

You know, the rubberbanding around the doors of Uzzeraan's mansion, the guardshack to the newbie hunting area, etc., and stories of how I found a ghost image of my guildmaster outside the newbie area, while he was INSIDE it training his drake on orcs - and I could see his health and HEAL HIM by pulling a health bar off the ghost image.

When I went to the Columbus 2007 meetup, I asked what was the reason the island was blown up, since all the areas that got completely blown up/non-accessible, were the locations I'd showed them that day 3-4 years before.

I was told that, after I had showed them what it was doing (in both 2D and 3D - apparently, their first reports of the issues, they'd thought was a client issue - but it was a SERVER-side issue), they had worked several years trying to fix the existing areas. But, there was something in the code that they couldn't find for those areas, causing it in the server, and the only way to fix it was to totally WIPE those areas, and redraw them from scratch to only look like they did before. As this ended up coinciding with the New Player Experience quest development, the two got rolled into one, and became the big blackrock event, in which they DESTROYED all the problem areas (and, just to be safe, make all the badly effected areas, no-go locations for characters, or just empty water), and designed New Haven (the whole island, actually) from scratch for the NPE quests. You'll note that things don't REALLY match up 100% as to what buildings were actually present with their specific contents, in the Old Haven ruins. Only Dev/EM added things survived, such as the house at the ruins, and the now-underground hammer of one of the Devs (you can find it at its old coordinates using CTRL-SHIFT in 2D, by its object handle)

Personally, I'd like to see them restore the Pyramid, and the circle of Stones (as in the song - it was the closest to the actual Stonehenge in appearance, in the game) that was near the old graveyard location. For that matter, there was no reason to remove the graveyard.
Ask them why it had to be so cramped and cluttered. Hate to say it if i never played before and saw that place, Im afraid i'd bolt.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Ask them why it had to be so cramped and cluttered. Hate to say it if i never played before and saw that place, Im afraid i'd bolt.
Cramped and cluttered? I didn't think it was cramped and cluttered and I know many new players I recruited to my guild who loved Haven as it was. Perhaps you're the clusterphobic type???

Miri of Sonoma

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I thought Gark was referring to New Haven which is cramped and cluttered. It is really a shame they had to not only blow up old Haven but also sink most of the island. There used to be a lot more for new folks to do on various parts of the island. I even have a couple of youthful treasure maps..wonder if those still work.

*works on forgiving Basara * ;)