Hmmmmmmmmm that jogs the memory a bit...
I wonder wonder if she's talking about the old bridge in Haven that got destroyed???
This is it, almost certain! I remember it being large and squared. Can we no longer go here?![]()
This maybe?
yes new haven....the new player tent town. The thing new players see and this is uo?That one no longer exists, since Haven was blown up and New Haven appeared
So where will you hold your wedding instead? If you enjoy a bit of danger, Reg Volom turned out to be a nice place for a wedding. I always thought it would be good, but you have to get by the terrathans first and you can't invite shady guests. Still, some guildmates went for the idea and it looked amazing when decorated and angels (er, I mean ethereal warriors) sang when they exchanged their vows!Well sucker punch! Thanks to everyone who helped locate it. See, I'm not crazy after all... it did exist!
Yes, there was a light house. There was also a burning/half-sunken ship, a dark pyramid with an ankh at the top, though it had skeletons chained inside. What else? A meteor. There were roses all over the southern island. Those redoubts/barracks had different things inside, like treasure, a cannon, and the third I forget. I recall a mushroom circle and the two huts which was probably leveled to make New Haven.aye, the bridge was lovely... also gone is the little dryad shack (kind of a shack, more just broken walls and flowers), the ship you had to cross, the guy that went for a swim and left his clothes on the shore with a continuous flow of bubbles just offshore, little barracks dotting the island (took years for me to notice the door on them!) and wasn't there a lighthouse out there, also?
I was just in an interesting place in Ilshenar tonight that would be lovely for a wedding. Unfortunately you have to go through a pretty nasty dungeon to get to it so the guests would most likely all arrive deadNo wedding, was just running around with friends today and sharing interesting places when I remembered that place from a "wedding locations" runebook I had years ago but for some reason that rune was missing from it today when I looked.![]()
Aye that is the place! We were all warriors so we had to get in the hard way. It's good to know that you can also teleport in. The other way is moreThe upstairs of the "Sorceror's dungeon, right?
Complete with a small park overlooking the outside waterfall....
Don't apologize to us! Apologize to all those Havenites wandering around Old Haven as undead! hehe. When the Havenites ask what God would do such a horrible thing to them, I'll tell them it was Basara!Guys, I'm sorry I blew up Haven......
Really, I'm responsible....
Ask them why it had to be so cramped and cluttered. Hate to say it if i never played before and saw that place, Im afraid i'd bolt.Guys, I'm sorry I blew up Haven......
Really, I'm responsible....
Back at Gen Con (2003 or 2004?) I was showing Vex and some others at the EA booth, using the computers they had set up in the exhibit hall to let people try the game out for free, some of the really weird things going on in Haven.
You know, the rubberbanding around the doors of Uzzeraan's mansion, the guardshack to the newbie hunting area, etc., and stories of how I found a ghost image of my guildmaster outside the newbie area, while he was INSIDE it training his drake on orcs - and I could see his health and HEAL HIM by pulling a health bar off the ghost image.
When I went to the Columbus 2007 meetup, I asked what was the reason the island was blown up, since all the areas that got completely blown up/non-accessible, were the locations I'd showed them that day 3-4 years before.
I was told that, after I had showed them what it was doing (in both 2D and 3D - apparently, their first reports of the issues, they'd thought was a client issue - but it was a SERVER-side issue), they had worked several years trying to fix the existing areas. But, there was something in the code that they couldn't find for those areas, causing it in the server, and the only way to fix it was to totally WIPE those areas, and redraw them from scratch to only look like they did before. As this ended up coinciding with the New Player Experience quest development, the two got rolled into one, and became the big blackrock event, in which they DESTROYED all the problem areas (and, just to be safe, make all the badly effected areas, no-go locations for characters, or just empty water), and designed New Haven (the whole island, actually) from scratch for the NPE quests. You'll note that things don't REALLY match up 100% as to what buildings were actually present with their specific contents, in the Old Haven ruins. Only Dev/EM added things survived, such as the house at the ruins, and the now-underground hammer of one of the Devs (you can find it at its old coordinates using CTRL-SHIFT in 2D, by its object handle)
Personally, I'd like to see them restore the Pyramid, and the circle of Stones (as in the song - it was the closest to the actual Stonehenge in appearance, in the game) that was near the old graveyard location. For that matter, there was no reason to remove the graveyard.
Cramped and cluttered? I didn't think it was cramped and cluttered and I know many new players I recruited to my guild who loved Haven as it was. Perhaps you're the clusterphobic type???Ask them why it had to be so cramped and cluttered. Hate to say it if i never played before and saw that place, Im afraid i'd bolt.