Ok I'll add to the confusion.
I had a small Zento house 13 x 11 or so on an 8th age trial account that I had paid for once or twice.
We have about 3 extra ML upgraded new accounts floating around that I might have used to place this plot but didn't think to duh.
So I think if I am going to pay for extra accts to hold houses they might as well be ML upgraded ones.
Having read the IDOC FAQ over in the Homes and Castles forum, I decided to try to put the house on an ML account using information from that forum.
No way I wanted to pay for the 8th age account ever again, so it was a gamble I was prepared to take (I have a large Zento house too so no biggie if the gamble didn't work as planned).
IDOC FAQ info said: If a rental vendor pulls his vendor(s) the OSI will fall immediately.
Ok I had rental vendors that I owned on a main account in the 8th age house, so I decide when the account needs renewing I will just let it turn OSI, then pull my rental vendors a bit before server down when fewer people are on (before 7 am central for me on Pacific), and then I will place on the other account when my OSI instantly falls.
I feel bad people waited for hours for my little Zento house to fall down DESPITE THE FACT THAT I NAMED MY VENDORS RENTAL VENDORS MAKE IDOCS OSI. Despite the fact that I popped in here and there and explained that the house would go OSI due to rental vendors people waited and waited.
So ok the house turned OSI as planned I forget exactly what time it was but before 2 pm central.
Ok great phase one of plan switch house to ML account done.
About 6:40 am central time, I went on my rental vendor owner account and canceled all 3 vendor contracts and removed their items, clothing and gold. The house was in the slightly worn state at that time.
I waited for awhile and the house did not collapse. Came back after server down still standing!
The house went throught the normal stages of decay, slightly to somewhat, somewhat to fairly, fairly to greatly, greatly to in danger of collapsing and it took the ful length of time(days) any normal idoc takes EXCEPT for that it fell around 4 pm central when most Pac houses fall between 10am-2pm central.
That seemed to equal about 7 hours AFTER I pulled my rental vendors out and canceled their contracts.
The other interesting bit to this story is there WAS NO WAITING PERIOD for placing.
Thinking there would be I was on the wrong account to place and when I saw a house appear I tried to switch accounts but the ML account I wanted to use to place has a long complicated name and password so I typed it wrong!
Long story short someone else placed and sold the plot for 100m!
Maybe I should have paid for that 8th age account just 1 more time.