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IDoC Question




I've been checking out this IDoC... the house itself is pretty much empty, but one of the vendors there has a few 120 power scrolls that I could use. Now assuming the owner of the vendor doesn't come and collect his goods, the question is, will the moving crate and its contents drop with the house when it falls?

If not then I guess I'll just move on and not waste my time monitoring the house's status.

Many thanks in advance.


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Although I've been to plenty of IDOCs, I've never fully understood how the vendors affect it. I believe that if the vendor doesn't belong to the house owner, the IDOC won't fall until the vendor is removed. On the other hand, if the vendor does belong to the house owner, it and it's contents will fall with the house


Wow dang that was quick, thanks!

From what I've read, it seems that you're right; the house won't fall until all guest vendors' contracts have expired, and then all their goods are put into the moving crate and then there is a grace period for the vendors' owners to collect whatever is theirs. When the grace period is over, that's when all the fun begins.

So the moving crate is pretty much what I'm after, but I need confirmation on whether it'll even show up at all when the house falls, or it'll just disappear with the house...

Again, many thanks in advance!


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now that I can answer with certainty! When the house falls, anything in the packing crate will drop on the ground in gold boxes for anyone to take :)


You're the woman!

Now I'm going to hate this... keeping track of when the house might fall... urgh.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK so if the house has even one rented vendor it will switch over to "like new" when it would have otherwise fallen.

I'm not sure when rented vendors disappear (as in at server up or at midnight PST or whatever) in general, but I'd check every day when you log in to see if any vendors are left. They'll pretty much poof whenever their rental period is over (by poof I mean go in the house sign for a period of 5-6 days). I haven't nailed the timing down yet, but pretty much they pop in the house sign and in 5 1/2 days or so the house falls after this happens. When the house falls the vendor bags (since they were in the house sign and not the moving crate) will be on top of each other in the middle of where the house was. So move the bags that are there to the side until there are no more bags in that spot.

Anyways, if the vendors disappear on a wednesday morning then the house will most likely drop on monday late afternoon/evening. Good luck!


Thanks Sarsmi!

I pulled this off the UO playguide:

Condemned Houses with Contracted Vendors

After the five-day decay period ends, the condemned house's name will automatically change to "Demolition Pending," and the house owner will be listed as "Owned by OSI." Any rental contracts in a "Demolition Pending" house will no longer be able to auto-renew. The house will then be eligible to fall once the contracts expire. The house will remain standing until the expired shop inventory and funds are claimed by the former renter, or the nine-day inventory reclamation period passes. Once there are no more contract vendors in the house and no more expired shop inventory or funds being held for any former tenants, the house will begin to visibly decay. From that point, it could take appromixately 5-7 days before the house will actually collapse.​

So does it mean it takes 9 days from IDoC to "vendors-go-poof" and then another 5-7 days for the house to drop? I kind of find this a bit confusing.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its acctually pretty simple :)

If the vendors on the house belong to the owner of the house, then they go poof when the house falls.

If the vendors belong to someone else (red rental contract) they will go into the moving crate of the house at the time of the innitial IDOC and the house will restart the IDOC cycle and be now owned by OSI.
The owner even if he was to reopen his account at this point will not even be able to stop the cycle because the house no longer belongs to him.

At this point the Vender owners will have 122 hours (i think it is) to retreave their goods from the moving crate via housesign.

If they dont the house ill fall as soon as the 122 hours run out or the inventory was claimed and as far as i remember independantly of the decay cycle the house is in.


its acctually pretty simple :)

If the vendors on the house belong to the owner of the house, then they go poof when the house falls.
If the house owner owns the vendors the vendors backpack drops to the ground with all the contents including any gold the vendor was holding.


Thanks people!

See this is what is confusing me:

If the vendors belong to someone else (red rental contract) they will go into the moving crate of the house at the time of the innitial IDOC and the house will restart the IDOC cycle and be now owned by OSI.


At this point the Vender owners will have 122 hours (i think it is) to retreave their goods from the moving crate via housesign.
What's happening right now is that the house is already owned by OSI and is "demolition pending", the house just went back to "slightly worn" from "greatly worn" yesterday, but the vendors are still standing there with goods on them.

Is it possible that the remaining vendors are owned by the house owner(s)?
And it is possible that we're already halfway through the 9-day grace period?


a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok I'll add to the confusion.

I had a small Zento house 13 x 11 or so on an 8th age trial account that I had paid for once or twice.

We have about 3 extra ML upgraded new accounts floating around that I might have used to place this plot but didn't think to duh.

So I think if I am going to pay for extra accts to hold houses they might as well be ML upgraded ones.

Having read the IDOC FAQ over in the Homes and Castles forum, I decided to try to put the house on an ML account using information from that forum.

No way I wanted to pay for the 8th age account ever again, so it was a gamble I was prepared to take (I have a large Zento house too so no biggie if the gamble didn't work as planned).

IDOC FAQ info said: If a rental vendor pulls his vendor(s) the OSI will fall immediately.

Ok I had rental vendors that I owned on a main account in the 8th age house, so I decide when the account needs renewing I will just let it turn OSI, then pull my rental vendors a bit before server down when fewer people are on (before 7 am central for me on Pacific), and then I will place on the other account when my OSI instantly falls.

I feel bad people waited for hours for my little Zento house to fall down DESPITE THE FACT THAT I NAMED MY VENDORS RENTAL VENDORS MAKE IDOCS OSI. Despite the fact that I popped in here and there and explained that the house would go OSI due to rental vendors people waited and waited.

So ok the house turned OSI as planned I forget exactly what time it was but before 2 pm central.

Ok great phase one of plan switch house to ML account done.

About 6:40 am central time, I went on my rental vendor owner account and canceled all 3 vendor contracts and removed their items, clothing and gold. The house was in the slightly worn state at that time.

I waited for awhile and the house did not collapse. Came back after server down still standing!


The house went throught the normal stages of decay, slightly to somewhat, somewhat to fairly, fairly to greatly, greatly to in danger of collapsing and it took the ful length of time(days) any normal idoc takes EXCEPT for that it fell around 4 pm central when most Pac houses fall between 10am-2pm central.

That seemed to equal about 7 hours AFTER I pulled my rental vendors out and canceled their contracts.

The other interesting bit to this story is there WAS NO WAITING PERIOD for placing.

Thinking there would be I was on the wrong account to place and when I saw a house appear I tried to switch accounts but the ML account I wanted to use to place has a long complicated name and password so I typed it wrong!


Long story short someone else placed and sold the plot for 100m!

Maybe I should have paid for that 8th age account just 1 more time.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Condemned Houses with Contracted Vendors

After the five-day decay period ends, the condemned house's name will automatically change to "Demolition Pending," and the house owner will be listed as "Owned by OSI." Any rental contracts in a "Demolition Pending" house will no longer be able to auto-renew. The house will then be eligible to fall once the contracts expire. The house will remain standing until the expired shop inventory and funds are claimed by the former renter, or the nine-day inventory reclamation period passes. Once there are no more contract vendors in the house and no more expired shop inventory or funds being held for any former tenants, the house will begin to visibly decay. From that point, it could take appromixately 5-7 days before the house will actually collapse.​
the way i understand it is this

1 house decays

2 house goes idoc & falls OR vender contracts stop renewing ( if not home owner owned, so they last til the contact expires & most contracts r monthly or weekly)

3. house goes to demopending cuz of the venders

4. once contract expires, venders stuff (if unclaimed) goes into the house sign

5 vender owner has so long like 9 days to claim.

now Im not much on idocs & really not up on the whoel theres a vender in it idocs, but thats what I recall my friend explaining it to me.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks people!

See this is what is confusing me:

If the vendors belong to someone else (red rental contract) they will go into the moving crate of the house at the time of the innitial IDOC and the house will restart the IDOC cycle and be now owned by OSI.


At this point the Vender owners will have 122 hours (i think it is) to retreave their goods from the moving crate via housesign.
What's happening right now is that the house is already owned by OSI and is "demolition pending", the house just went back to "slightly worn" from "greatly worn" yesterday, but the vendors are still standing there with goods on them.

Is it possible that the remaining vendors are owned by the house owner(s)?
And it is possible that we're already halfway through the 9-day grace period?

Ignore both the decay cycle and the 9 day grace period. The uo.com website is woefully out of date, and the decay cycle no longer matters for OSI houses. Just check regularly to see when the vendors vanish and start marking time by that point. 122 hours sounds good to me, but I've never gotten off my lazy booty to get on test center and time things. I had one go last week that ended up poofing 5 days and some odd hours after someone else told me the vendors were gone (it was due to fall in the morning, and when I remembered to check it 5 days later there was stuff on the ground but someone had beaten me to the good things, this was at night um around 11 or 12 in the evening I think).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh and to add to even more of the confusion, the vendors can be a mix of the owners vendors and rented vendors. So pay attention to how many vendors are at the house when it turns OSI and then start timing from any change to that number. This is one of the main reasons I tend to avoid OSI houses. Even if you feel fairly confident you know your times, you will end up sitting at them quite a bit and they'll still drop when you're asleep or at work or whatever cause of the wackiness.

However, though it is convoluted the system makes sense. I've never figured out another way they could do it that wouldn't leave holes open for unscrupulous people to scam or dupe money.


Many thanks again!

So as soon as the vendors are gone, wait 5 days and that in theory should be when the house goes poof eh?

I'm not sure if it's even worth the effort now, as there's no guarantee if the goods are actually still in the moving crate by the time the house falls, plus all the keeping track of the house's progress and so on. But then I guess my refusal to be drawn into the inflated economy and my lack of PvP prowess (and UOA, and time to farm gold) means that the IDoC might be my only hope to those 120 scrolls. Oh well if I get them I get them. If I don't it's still just a game.

Will report back.

Again, thank you all!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing is reliable, if it comes to houses in Demolition Pending condition.
One time I collected an entire max storage house on Drachenfels Felucca loaded with nice goodies alone, less than one or two (?) days after the last vendor went away. They definitevely do not complete the entire decay cycle any more, if the vendors are gone.

Other houses in this condition went only away after cycling more than a year, after a GM took care (or other UO stuff)? Never seen those houses decay personally, so they could have been deleted with all stuff or decayed - since the spot was free, it could have been both.



Thanks Olahorand!

I just checked the house and the last vendor's gone (2AM Pacific Time)!!
The place is fairly worn right now.
We'll see what happens to it (and more importantly how many days it takes). Anyway I'm going to bed.

Will report back again.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the house owner owns the vendors the vendors backpack drops to the ground with all the contents including any gold the vendor was holding.
aye thats what i ment :)

poof as in the vendors are gone if they are held by they house owner , the stuff goes to the moving crate though


OK just reporting back...
I checked the house at around 1:30am and it was fairly worn.
Woke up at 7:30am, took a quick peek the house was already gone.
Didn't get to loot anything although some empty chests were still lying around.
So it's like what, a week since the last vendor vanished?

I think I'll just avoid OSI houses from now on lol.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK just reporting back...
I checked the house at around 1:30am and it was fairly worn.
Woke up at 7:30am, took a quick peek the house was already gone.
Didn't get to loot anything although some empty chests were still lying around.
So it's like what, a week since the last vendor vanished?

I think I'll just avoid OSI houses from now on lol.
The fairly worn status doesn't matter, only the time from when the last rented vendor went into the moving crate. Probably everything decayed and only the containers were left, if it was in an out of the way area.

OSI idocs suck, lol.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While not directly related, and add on .....

There was a IDOC were I wanted to place a house. I would have liked to get to loot it, but I wanted more to be able to place the house.

I checked it all the way through all of its stages.

Yesterday at 11:30am it was still Greatly Worn. At 1:00pm it was IDOC.

Now guide.uo.com suggest that IDOC is 12 to 24 hours.

I fool around and go to the house spot at 10:00pm and it has fallen, everything was gone, but no house had been placed.

I go ahead and place my house.


Only 10.5 hours had elapsed since I had last seen it at Greatly Worn.

Is this a change in the game sequence?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Usually from the time a house goes idoc..ites around 7 hours 15 min when it will fall. If I check the sign just before server down and its not idoc..but is at server up..it will fall at that 7 hr 15 min time ..ususally....if its idoc BEFORE server down time..you have to add the 20-30 min server down time to the 7hrs 15..which makes it 7hrs and 45 min before it drops from the time it went to full in danger of collapsing stage.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Usually from the time a house goes idoc..ites around 7 hours 15 min when it will fall. If I check the sign just before server down and its not idoc..but is at server up..it will fall at that 7 hr 15 min time ..ususally....if its idoc BEFORE server down time..you have to add the 20-30 min server down time to the 7hrs 15..which makes it 7hrs and 45 min before it drops from the time it went to full in danger of collapsing stage.
Thanks for the update to


Housing State
Approximate Duration
Like New 1 hour
Slightly Worn 1-2 days
Somewhat Worn 1-2 days
Fairly Worn 1-2 days
Greatly Worn 1-2 days
In Danger of Collapsing 12-24 hours
*Grumbles* Oh well, I did get the ideal spot for a house upgrade so ......


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
7 hours 15 minutes? If the house goes IDOC without server downtime between, its history after max. 7 hours (usually falls within the 10 minutes before that 7th hour completes).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is rare extra hour delay. And very extra rare double hour delay.
Have you ever noticed..it may be my imagination..the MORE people that are inside of the house..the longer it takes..Im not talking the usual 10-12..but when its packed inside? Had one in Luna that was jammed..took FOREVER for it to fall..

Wraith One

Um, all IDOC restrictions and rules do not apply to OSI owned homes. I know this for a fact. All of the general timing knowledge and rough estimation of what state its in also does not apply. I have done more than my fair share of OSI owned homes and there is almost no way to fully map one without full knowledge of the vendors. Also for some other good information vendors don't drop gold boxes, they drop backpacks. Gold boxes are items that were placed into the moving create via house redesign.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is rare extra hour delay. And very extra rare double hour delay.
I had that delay yesterday at a packed tram keep fall (1 hour, I got junk) and now I have it again today at a fel fall with a guild camping it. I don't think the house needs at least 9 people camping it, but what do I know. It was amusing watching them cast EQs and fields, trying to find the hiders but I'm bored with that now.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um, all IDOC restrictions and rules do not apply to OSI owned homes. I know this for a fact. All of the general timing knowledge and rough estimation of what state its in also does not apply. I have done more than my fair share of OSI owned homes and there is almost no way to fully map one without full knowledge of the vendors. Also for some other good information vendors don't drop gold boxes, they drop backpacks. Gold boxes are items that were placed into the moving create via house redesign.
I was trying to pin down when rented vendors would vanish into the house sign, I was hoping for server down at least, or maybe when it hits midnight PST, but as far as I can tell it can be at any time...I checked one house and the vendors went in the sign somewhere between 11 AM and 4 PM CST. And there's still more vendors left, so that's not even an accurate time to judge the fall time by. They really are more trouble than they are worth.