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Ultima Online 2d... on a Mac...

Topsy Krett

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know it is possible, and I have searched high and low... but I can't get it to run!

I am using VMware Fusion 2.0 (Which emulates Windows XP) which should work, it installed just fine... But it won't patch whatsoever.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Hopefully there are some Mac users here who can help me, thanks!!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used vpc for a long time. Honestly, it's so laggy and slow its not worth emulating UO.

My advice, use an intel mac and bootcamp xp

Kratos Aurion

I used vpc for a long time. Honestly, it's so laggy and slow its not worth emulating UO.

My advice, use an intel mac and bootcamp xp
Honestly, most people go broke buying half decent macs. I wouldn't assume he's in a position to buy a mac with integrated intel chipsets unless that is what he got in the first place. Otherwise it would ideally work. The best possible thing that could ever happen would be for EA to produce a Mac and a Linux client so I can stop dual booting Windows.

Edit: that last line was a little selfish... I should have said that so the majority of the non-windows based users can stop dual booting windows. :)


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I switched to Mac a little while back and I love it. I'm playing UO on an old laptop, but I have been reading up on playing UO on a Mac.

From what I understand, UO works pretty well in Wine. Check here:

Also, you can download some really easy to install versions of Wine for Mac (called Darwine) here:

There's some tweaking involved, but it should work. I haven't had time to mess around with it yet. Let us know if you have any luck! I'll do the same.


Why would I need to bash your Mac? Mac owners seem to do the job just fine.
Personally, I would go back to the stone age, before I ever use/buy/have a Mac, again.
Yup, I had one. then I got smart and did away with it. (smashed that sucker to tiny bits. then used a torch on it.)

So, nope. I am not gonna bash on your mac. :D

Topsy Krett

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all the replies... I understand I can use Boot Camp/Wine, etc.

But I would really like to just get the patch up and running on my VMware Fusion. I am not looking to play UO on it 'hardcore' (as I use my PC for that :) ) but I want to have it so in case I need to log in to make a transaction or something along that sorts...

Any ideas? I've tried searching the VMware forums, found nothing :(

Could it be blocking the port? Hmmm... would a dev possibly know? Thanks.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know it is possible, and I have searched high and low... but I can't get it to run!

I am using VMware Fusion 2.0 (Which emulates Windows XP) which should work, it installed just fine... But it won't patch whatsoever.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Hopefully there are some Mac users here who can help me, thanks!!!
Hey Topsy, what kind of mac do you have and what OS are you running on? (I'm running on a Mac Pro laptop on OS X, so I'm speaking to how it works on mine and it might run different on others) It could possibly be a port but it might be that the program isn't loading correctly because whatever application you're running to emulate windows to run UO isn't working well with it. I recommend using a program called crossover, which has a 7 day free trial you can use to see if it runs it correctly rather than using whatever program you're using now - it's made by codeweavers. I recommend trying that before working with the ports.


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crossover is basically a Wine fork. It's a good piece of software, but it costs money. I'd really recommend trying to work with Darwine before committing any money to Crossover.

Just my two cents!

Kratos Aurion

Not entirely sure if this would work on a mac, but you can format a decent sized flash drive, get a drive emulater to install windows xp on the flash drive. When you start the computer, set your boot sequence to usb so the drive starts. Install UO on it, patch it and play it. I use to do that at school awhile back and got occassional lag spikes, but was playable. If it sounds like to much effort, dont bother lol.


Why would I need to bash your Mac? Mac owners seem to do the job just fine.
Personally, I would go back to the stone age, before I ever use/buy/have a Mac, again.
Yup, I had one. then I got smart and did away with it. (smashed that sucker to tiny bits. then used a torch on it.)
I think everything has pros and cons. Quality wise, I love Macs. Versatility wise, PC is at the top of the list.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know it is possible, and I have searched high and low... but I can't get it to run!

I am using VMware Fusion 2.0 (Which emulates Windows XP) which should work, it installed just fine... But it won't patch whatsoever.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Hopefully there are some Mac users here who can help me, thanks!!!
Ok, I read up on what you have (vs I use VMWare Server under Xp on one machine and UBUNTU on another).

As far as I can see this is a configuration designed for the Mac OS X.

As such I am going to assume that you have installed XP, 2K or Win9X.

I am going to stop right here and let you fill in all the missing blanks here so we can see were you may be having an issue.

On the other hand, just curious, what do you have against WineHQ? I run UO and UOKR on UBUNTU.WineHQ and they both outperform XP for sure and Windows 7.

It is a snap to set up, and your UO/UOKR looks (from the desktop) just like another App. Unlike the VMware/VPC WineHQ is NOT a virtualization. It is an interface translator and the code has been optimized to perform better than the original Windows API. The underlying OS is vastly more efficient than any version of Windows I have ever used. And of course it is all Free.

Topsy Krett

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I read up on what you have (vs I use VMWare Server under Xp on one machine and UBUNTU on another).

As far as I can see this is a configuration designed for the Mac OS X.

As such I am going to assume that you have installed XP, 2K or Win9X.

I am going to stop right here and let you fill in all the missing blanks here so we can see were you may be having an issue.

On the other hand, just curious, what do you have against WineHQ? I run UO and UOKR on UBUNTU.WineHQ and they both outperform XP for sure and Windows 7.

It is a snap to set up, and your UO/UOKR looks (from the desktop) just like another App. Unlike the VMware/VPC WineHQ is NOT a virtualization. It is an interface translator and the code has been optimized to perform better than the original Windows API. The underlying OS is vastly more efficient than any version of Windows I have ever used. And of course it is all Free.
I actually just figured out the issue... It was Windows 7 firewall blocking it... :dunce:

I have nothing against WineHQ, all day I was actually checking out Wine and Darwine... This is actually the better alternative! I'm just brand new to the Mac scene plus I wanted to try Windows 7 out... Been a PC guy since I was born, and being a CS undergrad, that's really all we use... Up until recently I saw a lot of friends bringing Macbooks and Macbook Pro's to my classes and saw they were using VMware which my school offers us the opportunity of putting on the Mac (for CS majors). So I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to test the Mac OS and see what it's like. We use VMware mainly for C++, but I like this Wine thing and I'm going to test it out (still tough getting use to this OS).

Thanks for everything though, might even try CrossOver... :danceb:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm also using Fusion, and generally speaking UO runs fine.. although I do get some annoying mouse lag. (I actually couldn't help with your problem as I haven't had any issues like that as of yet)

The only issue I find now is if I want to use a headset for ventrilo/teamspeak, it won't work at all. For those times I absolutely have to chat, I just flip over to windows using bootcamp.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of the issues with Virtualization ... as of now, is that mostly the Hardware tends to be abstracted / Virtual. As such it tends to be more ... utilitarian / functional than anything else. This tends to not work well for ... gamer's.

It has been a while since I used CrossOver .... then it was the Wine fork for installing business app's etc, now I see they have branched out to games as well.

There were three forks .... TransGaming is one of them and has always been about Hard Core Gaming and performance. I mean these guys lived to make the API translation superior to Windows in every possible respect. I am glad to see they and WineHQ have resolved out some of their .... issues.

Their Linux product is Cedega, I do not know if it will run on the Intel Mac's or not, but if it does, then .... I would suspect it is the best of the group for serious gaming of PC games on a non Windows platform. I think they wanted a $5 per month subscription, with an initial 6 month commitment. The subscription is for updates, so does not invalidate your Cedega.

Looking around I did find this and it kind of makes one wonder, considering EA has the Liscense for it.


TransGaming's Cider™ Portability Engine is a proprietary technology that allows PC games to be enabled on Apple's Intel Macs without the traditionally expensive and arduous need to redevelop a game from the ground-up. Cider acts as a "wrapper" around the PC game dynamically translating PC API calls to the Mac OS X operating system. As such, games can be enabled with Cider in a matter of days to weeks as opposed to the typical man years that traditional development takes.

Cider is an extremely powerful technology that allows games to be released day and date with their PC counter-parts giving publishers significant upside revenue potential and leveraging marketing and branding initiatives. Cider also allows publishers to release either dedicated Mac versions of their games or PC/Mac hybrid versions (i.e. both versions of the game in a single box).

TransGaming's Cider product is licensed to developers and publishers. Cider has ignited a Mac gaming revolution with the largest and most successful game publishers continuing to adopt Cider to bring their top titles to the Mac. With Cider, more top tier games have been released for the Mac in the last two years than ever before and Cider today is creating a paradigm shift, giving Mac users access to some of the biggest and best games. If you are a game publisher or developer and are interested in finding out more information, please send an e-mail to [email protected].


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually just figured out the issue... It was Windows 7 firewall blocking it... :dunce:

I have nothing against WineHQ, all day I was actually checking out Wine and Darwine... This is actually the better alternative! I'm just brand new to the Mac scene plus I wanted to try Windows 7 out... Been a PC guy since I was born, and being a CS undergrad, that's really all we use... Up until recently I saw a lot of friends bringing Macbooks and Macbook Pro's to my classes and saw they were using VMware which my school offers us the opportunity of putting on the Mac (for CS majors). So I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to test the Mac OS and see what it's like. We use VMware mainly for C++, but I like this Wine thing and I'm going to test it out (still tough getting use to this OS).

Thanks for everything though, might even try CrossOver... :danceb:
Crossover is worth the trial to at least see if you like it. There might or might not be crack codes out there now, but I was willing to pay. Back when I was trying to get UO to work, I downloaded DarWine and I just couldn't understand how to get it running. There is a new program out but I can't remember what it's called... it was made specifically by MAC in the last year or so for emulating. Came out right around the time of Leopard I think.
The only problem I experience with Crossover is a slight lag but it's hardly noticeable. The little bar at the top of the window has gone missing, too, so it's kind of impossible to move the screen about now, but UO is mostly a full screen kind of game.
Here's a screen of my game playing in Crossover if you'd like a look.
