TransGaming's Cider™ Portability Engine is a proprietary technology that allows PC games to be enabled on Apple's Intel Macs without the traditionally expensive and arduous need to redevelop a game from the ground-up. Cider acts as a "wrapper" around the PC game dynamically translating PC API calls to the Mac OS X operating system. As such, games can be enabled with Cider in a matter of days to weeks as opposed to the typical man years that traditional development takes.
Cider is an extremely powerful technology that allows games to be released day and date with their PC counter-parts giving publishers significant upside revenue potential and leveraging marketing and branding initiatives. Cider also allows publishers to release either dedicated Mac versions of their games or PC/Mac hybrid versions (i.e. both versions of the game in a single box).
TransGaming's Cider product is licensed to developers and publishers. Cider has ignited a Mac gaming revolution with the largest and most successful game publishers continuing to adopt Cider to bring their top titles to the Mac. With Cider, more top tier games have been released for the Mac in the last two years than ever before and Cider today is creating a paradigm shift, giving Mac users access to some of the biggest and best games. If you are a game publisher or developer and are interested in finding out more information, please send an e-mail to
[email protected].