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Dirty Plates & Stools & Magincia Threads

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Actually, I care and I would venture to guess by some of the responses here that there are several others who care as well.

I do have an issue with the item because it is said to have been obtained through a bug previously. We are now told it is spawning yet no one has come out and said they have found it, let alone where it spawns.

So does it spawn or is it nothing more than a left-over bug/exploit?

Lord Drakelord

what would be nice is the sugar cane we grow would give us sugar and the by product would give us bamboo to make the stool ourself.


If you want it, search for it. At some point said person will not be able to sell anymore of them. Devs should not release any information short of telling the public whether the items were exploited or if they are legal.


UO Forum Moderator
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I would just like to know if they still spawn and the spawn rate... I really dislike wondering around looking for things that are not there .. other than that I dont care much


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
If you want it, search for it. At some point said person will not be able to sell anymore of them. Devs should not release any information short of telling the public whether the items were exploited or if they are legal.
Please do tell me whats the point of searching for something that as long gone minutes after server up????... the devs need to give hints at least were the stool can be found then we can all have a server up beat-em-up for afew months at least!!! It would certainly get my early morning attention for a month or two!!!


50k for a Plate Conner? wow.
That's 25k less than any other price I found anywhere, so yeah. It's also a comparable price to the hay found in Fel that is also a daily rare, so is in line with the current market. Besides, they've only been up for a day. I'm still feeling the market out.


Is that a more or less populated shard? I've compared prices on shards with higher populations to come up with my price. I've seen them as high as 225k, which I feel is outrageous lol.


UO Forum Moderator
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I think its about the same size as as pacific ! is that what you play on? I chose under 10k because there are a bunch in luna going for 10k plus and I always under price luna for everything or i just wont sell it ....
I wish i could find where the dang chair spawns I have found several chairs just not the one with a tag . but they could spawn over those so who knows!


Yeah, Pac is where I play. I just did a little more searching and ended up lowering my price. It seems the average range is 30-50k, so I went with the low end on that. No one else on Pac has them that I can find.

Muu Bin

Yeah, Pac is where I play. I just did a little more searching and ended up lowering my price. It seems the average range is 30-50k, so I went with the low end on that. No one else on Pac has them that I can find.
Maybe just no one else selling them at the moment. I have a lot and give em away to guild mates who are decorating. Occasionally, I'll drop by Fel and pick up a few more when I need em. In the end it is what someone is willing to pay I suppose. In theory, more spawn per day than the "Tasty Meat Pie" but you certainly don't see those babies selling for all that much (if at all...)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THP is so greedy.

You guys have to try every location you know those stools are. Every server up try a different location. Eventually you will get it ;)

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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That's 25k less than any other price I found anywhere, so yeah. It's also a comparable price to the hay found in Fel that is also a daily rare, so is in line with the current market. Besides, they've only been up for a day. I'm still feeling the market out.
I was just giving you hell Connor:D

Nice layout on your home!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THP is so greedy.

You guys have to try every location you know those stools are. Every server up try a different location. Eventually you will get it ;)

Hey Kid its not just me asking!!! Besides it reads as u have found it LOL...so it reads that u dont want to share it and keep collecting every single stool for yourself ...u greedy little sod!! LOL

Lord Drakelord

I have the large custom house at bucanners portal near vesper
I think I saw the house, right near the portal, with vendors on the ground floord, did not see any stools on them.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
I think I saw the house, right near the portal, with vendors on the ground floord, did not see any stools on them.
no stools just plates sorry for confusion and yes thats the house


I have the large custom house at bucanners portal near vesper
Thank you, I will have to mark me a rune there and add it to my vendor books. What is the name of your vendor house?


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you again. I like discovering new vendor houses.
its a work in progress currently 9 vendors and I am constantly adding more to them and adding more vendors just put in a house addon vendor next I think is gonna be furniture


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we please get a dev to comment specifically whether or not these 3 legged bamboo style stools are in fact spawning or if its nothing more than a left-over bug?

I just find it really strange that after 4 months of some people looking for them they have yet to find its location. I also find it really strange for 1 or 2people to have collected them on EVERY shard EVERY morning especially given that shards go down by time zone so there are some which overlap others (hard to be on 2 shards at once). Wouldn't we also see slightly more of these for sale? 4 months x 30 days x 10 shards? That's a lot of stools accumulating...

You don't have to give us a hint on the location - just a solid yes or no as to whether they spawn would make me one happy UO girl.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
If I am understanding correctly it started as a bug normaly I would side with let the characters figure it out. But if it started as a bug I think they should atleast clarify spawn rate and IF it still spawns I really dont mind finding it so much I just dont like looking for something that does not exist..

Lord Drakelord

Can we please get a dev to comment specifically whether or not these 3 legged bamboo style stools are in fact spawning or if its nothing more than a left-over bug?

I just find it really strange that after 4 months of some people looking for them they have yet to find its location. I also find it really strange for 1 or 2people to have collected them on EVERY shard EVERY morning especially given that shards go down by time zone so there are some which overlap others (hard to be on 2 shards at once). Wouldn't we also see slightly more of these for sale? 4 months x 30 days x 10 shards? That's a lot of stools accumulating...

You don't have to give us a hint on the location - just a solid yes or no as to whether they spawn would make me one happy UO girl.
But a hint would be nice! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If it's still how I remember it, Hint 1. From a past event within the last three years, Hint 2. Stool was found to respawn after location was checked a while after, heh pretty vague eh :p It's been spawning for a whole while longer than four months (edit)


If it's still how I remember it, Hint 1. From a past event within the last three years, Hint 2. Stool was found to respawn after location was checked a while after, heh pretty vague eh :p It's been spawning for a whole while longer than four months (edit)
Yeah, now we know exactly where it is!

In the game.



Lord Drakelord

If it's still how I remember it, Hint 1. From a past event within the last three years, Hint 2. Stool was found to respawn after location was checked a while after, heh pretty vague eh :p It's been spawning for a whole while longer than four months (edit)
Yeah, now we know exactly where it is!

In the game.


I feel your pain :wall:


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i am looking there and see nothing so far
what was the password to get by the undead i forget

Lord Drakelord

i am looking there and see nothing so far
what was the password to get by the undead i forget
masteropenthydoor painless operation safety in numbers resistance is futile concerto


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
found a stool but you cant take it :-(

Lord Drakelord

found a stool but you cant take it :-(
Ya I found one as well

cannot pick it up, nor can you steal it. I guess I leave this char there till server up to see if something spawns here.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm... That was easy to find!

THP is so greedy.

You guys have to try every location you know those stools are. Every server up try a different location. Eventually you will get it
WELL SEEMS SevenFaith claims to have found the spawning stool????

I hope he/she will put his/her head on the chopping block and confirm this to the whole of UO...that indeed the spawning stool does indeed exsist!!! otherwise keep shut and stop making themselves look silly?

Lord Drakelord

thats the same one I checked
I over slept this morning and missed server up on Sonoma so will leave that char down there another day, tomorrow I will try to be up before server up and check it then.

would be nice if they allowed us to make this one as I like it. Could make it out of sugar cane plant?


Congrats drakelord that room is the location of the stool on two shards that I knew to be stealable and respawning on, however how often they respawn I have no clue, on a side note how did you enter the holding cell? On Europa shard you can open the cell door though it isn't possible to enter the actual cell or target any lesser spawn within it (rats). Case of death sacrifice res :?


Hm if I remember rightly theres two in fell T2A, unsure whether they mirror on tram side (don't think there stealable though)

Lord Drakelord

Congrats drakelord that room is the location of the stool on two shards that I knew to be stealable and respawning on, however how often they respawn I have no clue, on a side note how did you enter the holding cell? On Europa shard you can open the cell door though it isn't possible to enter the actual cell or target any lesser spawn within it (rats). Case of death sacrifice res :?
On Sonoma we are able to enter the room.


Thinking back on the Inu arc (memory is a little hazy) only a few shards were able to loot the stool from the room, I remember reading a post with pics months later showing the stool back in that room (respawn). Take whatever info you can from this :p