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Dirty Plates & Stools & Magincia Threads

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4


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Haha. You wish THP.
Well untill a player puts there head on the chopping block and announces that they are definate spawning and the rate...[or] a dev. does like wise, then the only obvoius answer is THEY MUST BE DUPED.


Well untill a player puts there head on the chopping block and announces that they are definate spawning and the rate...[or] a dev. does like wise, then the only obvoius answer is THEY MUST BE DUPED.
That's not an answer, it's an assumption.

As I said in the other thread, Draconi already told us they aren't duped. They are a spawning item that he refused to reveal the location of, stating that the rares hunters needed a bone thrown to them, or something along those lines.


Always Present
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That's not an answer, it's an assumption.

As I said in the other thread, Draconi already told us they aren't duped. They are a spawning item that he refused to reveal the location of, stating that the rares hunters needed a bone thrown to them, or something along those lines.
WE will ASSUME that because no player as said they have found the spawn and the devs either dont know themselves or are being shy....AND that the stools have only been seen on the odd vendor on the odd shard that...

wait for it...well come on...it makes sense..DUPES!

And while we metion Draconi ...HE ALSO stated the stools would become craftable so maybe we al wasting out time and effort on this one.


wait for it...well come on...it makes sense..DUPES!
Except that Draconi specifically said they weren't dupes. I'm not understanding why this isn't sinking in.


Is it sinking in yet?


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Funny how they were quick to let people know where the plates were and even hinted at what needed to be done to get a dirty plate, but not a peep about where the stools are located. I know on several shards now, everyone that wanted a dirty plate has pretty much gotten them and several times I've ran by the huts in the evening and the plates are still there.

Lord Drakelord

Funny how they were quick to let people know where the plates were and even hinted at what needed to be done to get a dirty plate, but not a peep about where the stools are located. I know on several shards now, everyone that wanted a dirty plate has pretty much gotten them and several times I've ran by the huts in the evening and the plates are still there.
not on Sonoma, those plates grown legs and hurry off to players venders all over the shard.


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Actually I've managed to get a couple plates on Sonoma in the evening. I just throw them in the bank box since I'm not into decorating my houses, nor do I sell anything on a vendor. I guess I'll eventually give them to guildmates.


Always Present
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Except that Draconi specifically said they weren't dupes. I'm not understanding why this isn't sinking in.


Is it sinking in yet?
Connor please tell me u havent bought one for silly gold!!!!

Pray tell me the logic of the stools then...

Only very few have been seen for sale- pray same shard same vendor

IF they were daily or weekly spawn i think we will have seen a few more...Alike the plates are flooded..u cant even give the plates away..

The logic explanation ...BECAUSE NO PLAYER AS YET COME FOWARD and put there neck on the chopping block to say ''they have found'' a spawning stool??? so either nobody as found it yet..or only 1 person is cleaning every shard every day or week and selling them on his/her single vendor...

[OR] Draconi was wrong and maybe he was because this is THE HOT TOPIC and not one single word form the devs...not one single word form a numerous number of posts !!! It points to ''duped stools'' from the orginal takeable quest stool and u damn well know it does so stop it and let the devs say something about it.


Connor please tell me u havent bought one for silly gold!!!!
Nope. I'm too stingy to pay for one.

so either nobody as found it yet..or only 1 person is cleaning every shard every day or week and selling them on his/her single vendor...
I think this is most likely the case, on both counts.

[OR] Draconi was wrong and maybe he was because this is THE HOT TOPIC and not one single word form the devs...not one single word form a numerous number of posts !!!
Maybe because they've already made an official statement regarding them. Why should they have to make yet another one? They've got enough going on to add to their workload needlessly.

It points to ''duped stools'' from the orginal takeable quest stool and u damn well know it does so stop it and let the devs say something about it.
Nope. It points to no one else having found them yet. I asked about them because I was hoping they were more widespread by now, not knowing they were still rare.


Always Present
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It would still be nice if a Dev would take 2 minutes to clear this up...

Do they spawn on every shard and at what rate- day-week-month

Give us a chance or belief that they do exsist and we are not wasting our time trying to find a stool that actaully does not spawn and are being duped in small number.....Really i dont want to waste anymore time looking for something that not one person even as put there head on the chop block and announced yes they do indeed spawn at a xxx rate???

Flora Green

what would be nice is the sugar cane we grow would give us sugar and the by product would give us bamboo to make the stool ourself.
!!! Wouldn't it though?? And flax to produce flax.

BTW, anyone have a complete Mag rubble list and what threads give them? I had it bookmarked, but seem to have lost it.


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Originally Posted by Lord Drakelord
what would be nice is the sugar cane we grow would give us sugar and the by product would give us bamboo to make the stool ourself.
!!! Wouldn't it though?? And flax to produce flax.

I think u will find the devs. stated at the same time when they said they were both apparently spawning that the plates of food and the stools would both be added to the crafters list at some point in time.


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kay, I'm tired of looking for it now.... it's been repeated here and elsewhere that "Draconi said the stools would become craftable" ..... can someone please show me where, precisely, Draconi stated this? thank you in advance :)


Grand Poobah
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kay, I'm tired of looking for it now.... it's been repeated here and elsewhere that "Draconi said the stools would become craftable" ..... can someone please show me where, precisely, Draconi stated this? thank you in advance :)
Perhaps that craftable rumour came from this post by Robert Mull and people mixed plates and stools up:

"At this point, we’ve decided to add the ability to craft plates of these types in a later Publish."

Full article:



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Perhaps that craftable rumour came from this post by Robert Mull and people mixed plates and stools up:

"At this point, we’ve decided to add the ability to craft plates of these types in a later Publish."

Full article:

many thanks, tjalle :)

this is the full quote from that link:

Suspicious Items: Update
Robert Mull
12 Jan 2009 11:15:52 EST
Good news everybody! Our concerns about a recent appearance of suspicious items have proven to be unfounded. They are, mostly, obtainable in ways that are long standing tradition: “oops, we didn’t lock it down, it’s decorative, and it’s been that way for a long time.” In other words, this is not the result of a new dupe.
The bulk of reports coming in were about the dinner plates, both full and dirty. It turns out that these plates are actually spawning daily. Whenever the server comes up, you should be able to pick up more.

At this point, we’ve decided to add the ability to craft plates of these types in a later Publish. The market has become unstable for them already, and a few people are hoarding them better than most real life diamond mines.

Until then, here’s our spoiler of the day: they spawn daily in the Four Huts southwest of Britain (west bridge, go south), only in Felucca. Enjoy the new found competition!

Meanwhile, we are aware of other “rares” appearing that are generic versions of more common items – these will be dealt with as exploits.

which is what I remembered (faintly) and I was pretty sure that bamboo stools had not been mentioned, which they, specifically, are not..... what is said, and what keeps getting overlooked, is that they are aware of other "rares" which will be dealt with as exploits..... so I suppose my question remains, since this is from Robert Mull and not Draconi which is how everyone around here seems to be remembering it ..... *shrug*


Lore Keeper
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Let me take one step back here. It is not a bamboo stool. It is a short stool that looks like a bamboo stool. The bamboo stool is an event item and according to the rares forum, there is only one from an event that took place on Origin.

Here is what I found from Draconi that relates to the stool:

"Stools: Can't take *all* the fun away from the rares hunters. The goal was simply to inform, not to spoil."

I cannot find where Draconi says the stools spawn like the plates. I have not seen any comment either about the short stools becoming craftable, only the plates. His statement here tells me they are not duped and are legal items to own. I still think they come from the old days of the humility quest before the item was a no drop/no trade item. From what I can tell, it is exactly the same as the brass ring we see as well (which also comes from that quest and is bought and sold with complete acceptance as an old bugged item from the humility quest).

Now if there is a large amount of these stools suddenly being sold and there is a new bug (or an old bug I suppose) that makes the item trade-able again, then some developer really ought to let us know not to purchase the item.


Crazed Zealot
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uoherald said:

Meanwhile, we are aware of other “rares” appearing that are generic versions of more common items – these will be dealt with as exploits.
From what I can tell, the bamboo stools fit under this category.

But I have no evidence either way. I'll just treat them as such.


Heya someone already mentioned this above, though you can get a blessed quest item labelled a foot stool that appears to be a bamboo stool from the humility quest chain, if I remember correctly wasn't it possible to use quest items for deco at one time :? x (go figure if it's the case :p)


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Here is what I found from Draconi that relates to the stool:

"Stools: Can't take *all* the fun away from the rares hunters. The goal was simply to inform, not to spoil."

I cannot find where Draconi says the stools spawn like the plates. I have not seen any comment either about the short stools becoming craftable, only the plates. His statement here tells me they are not duped and are legal items to own.
Thanks Laina, that was my understanding of the entire thing, also, and until someone is able to produce a linky to Draconi stating the short (bamboo) stool will become craftable I'll chalk it up to wishful thinking on the part of many. As to the recent availability of them on vendors I have no clue..... but if someone knows where the gold mine is they don't share it til the claim is filed. ;) I like to think this is a case of someone just cashing in and not an exploit, and sooner or later it won't be a secret anymore.


Thanks Laina, that was my understanding of the entire thing, also, and until someone is able to produce a linky to Draconi stating the short (bamboo) stool will become craftable I'll chalk it up to wishful thinking on the part of many. As to the recent availability of them on vendors I have no clue..... but if someone knows where the gold mine is they don't share it til the claim is filed. ;) I like to think this is a case of someone just cashing in and not an exploit, and sooner or later it won't be a secret anymore.
Think of it form the point of the 1 or 2 people who know where they spawn and how often.

They stockpiled these from day one of them becoming available. Now that it has

A) been confirmed By draconi to being legal
B) been built up into a frenzy of demand

Bang...Slap them on vendors all at once and cream the profit before someone does(and they will) find them.

Do you really think that this person/persons...who by all probabilities have cleared all shards and x-ferred them around(they almost certainly have the funds to do this) then sell them for billions is going to divulge there location???

Especially with the hype you guys are making over it...there probably pooping themselves with excitement!


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Although some of guys/gals that have bought a stool or 2 for high gold so its gonna suck i guess when they are made craftable... ALAS ..draconi did state both the plate and the stool would sooner become craftable..i will try find the FULL original post he made and not just the little bits that have been posted...its not wishfull thinking it was fact...hey i just want some server up fun.. the plates were cool fun for a week or two...u cant even give them away now....


UO Forum Moderator
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i sold out every day this week have sold 57 plates so far at 9k each


Stratics Legend
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Although some of guys/gals that have bought a stool or 2 for high gold so its gonna suck i guess when they are made craftable... ALAS ..draconi did state both the plate and the stool would sooner become craftable..i will try find the FULL original post he made and not just the little bits that have been posted...its not wishfull thinking it was fact...hey i just want some server up fun.. the plates were cool fun for a week or two...u cant even give them away now....
your research is much appreciated and anxiously awaited