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Defense Chance Bug

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of my characters whom I have changed into a necro mage with mage wep has a serious problem. Somehow, their defense chance has become permanently stuck in the negatives, even with 51 DCI and 120 wep skill. No matter what, I get hit almost 100% of the time. This bug happened a while back, I think it may be from when there was 4/6 chiv on mages and somehow the defense penalty for divine fury stacked on the character and never left. I've paged a GM about it (who said to send in a bug report) and I've sent in a bug report (like 3 days ago) and I'm just curious as to if anyone else has had this problem or even realizes they have it. I know for sure that it exists though and it's not just me. I'm just hoping that OSI can actually fix the problem so that I don't have to start a new char and perhaps eventually delete the char because it's so useless when it comes to PVP or even PVM.:bored:

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not a bug, you're prolly getting dominated by a bushido warrior/archer using lightning strike and a wep with high HLD. Just game mechanics, but let us know what the GM's found out.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Other day I took out a char I haven't used in months. 115 Swords, Parry & Tact's, somewhere in the mid 30's for DCI or so & he got hit also by different types of monsters to no end. I do not think more then a couple of blows from any of the monster (WW, Demon, OL & one other I can't remember) was parried. I thought it was just me or a bad day, but took him out again yesterday & the same, couldn't parry anything. Possibly my problem too, I dunno, but sure is odd to have high parry & not parry at least a couple from ea monster.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not a bug, you're prolly getting dominated by a bushido warrior/archer using lightning strike and a wep with high HLD. Just game mechanics, but let us know what the GM's found out.
I really wish that was the case but no this isn't a rant about getting owned by a dexer (which never happens on my other necro mage). The character is actually glitched and I'll try installing KR to find out what it says about my DCI. I was hoping a GM might actually be useful and come check it out but they probably were thinking like Sir Morder and assumed I'm some newb who has no idea what I'm talking about. I suppose about the only thing GMs are good for is banning people.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Simply TEST this and post your results....

Equip the "bugged" character with 45% DCI & a 120 weapon skill.
Attack that character with someoen whos' 120 weapon skill & 45% HCI...

If the hit / Miss Ration after AT LEAST 200 swings is near 50% your NOT bugged..... If your getting hit 72% of the time that would suggest DCI is not functioning at all on that character... An average of 500 or more swings would be better though....

PS.. make sure the Attacker has ZERO Hit lower Defense (HLD)...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just know that I disarmed a person

So he is 20 wrestle (human)
20 anatomy (human)
20 evalint (human)

So means hes actually 30 wrestling


my 120 archer hit him = miss hit miss (AFTER disarmed him)

I am 45 hci with 46 hld and 120 archery..................

I am out of luck i guess.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just know that I disarmed a person

So he is 20 wrestle (human)
20 anatomy (human)
20 evalint (human)

So means hes actually 30 wrestling


my 120 archer hit him = miss hit miss (AFTER disarmed him)

I am 45 hci with 46 hld and 120 archery..................

I am out of luck i guess.
I've seen several Wrestle/Archers around lately that could explain that but you'd rather just have everyone post that they agree with you.

I've noticed a lot of whiffing after I disarm people lately too, but usually with mages. The JoAT anat and 120 eval gives them a decent chance to have you whiff.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Simply TEST this and post your results....

Equip the "bugged" character with 45% DCI & a 120 weapon skill.
Attack that character with someoen whos' 120 weapon skill & 45% HCI...

If the hit / Miss Ration after AT LEAST 200 swings is near 50% your NOT bugged..... If your getting hit 72% of the time that would suggest DCI is not functioning at all on that character... An average of 500 or more swings would be better though....

PS.. make sure the Attacker has ZERO Hit lower Defense (HLD)...
I thought I made that clear in the first post but apparently I didn't. Yes, I have tested this and it is very obvious that something is wrong. I'm probably going to have to just start a new char unless I can actually get a response from the bug team or a GM who actually helps players. And this isn't a recent bug, it happened to me a while back, about a year after the Origin shard began (which is where I created the char) and I had realized the bug after being hit 100% of the time in fights. If you would like to see it yourself just log onto Origin and I'd be glad to prove it to you. That isn't the issue though. I still have yet to download KR for the third time just so I can see if it actually reveals my actual DCI. (I have a bad feeling it just adds up your armor DCI but doesn't reveal a glitch such as permanent penalty for divine fury or permanent HLD or something beyond the game)

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, UO:KR will show all stats, including DCI.

Log in using that and see what it says.
Well, I did it. And thankfully it shows my actual DCI. Which happens to be -100 without clothes. Yes, negative 100. This is the screeny of it. I'll try and page a GM again to see if they know what to do.


Old Man of UO

Well, I did it. And thankfully it shows my actually DCI. Which happens to be -100 without clothes. Yes, negative 100. This is the screeny of it. I'll try and page a GM again to see if they know what to do.
LOL... I am sorry, but that is one big bug! I hope you get that fixed. Too bad the GM can't tell us what caused it in the first place.

FYI - Joanne used to be able to log in with your character and fix it (she did something similar for me), not sure if Chrissay can do that for you. You might try sending a PM to Chrissay to see if she can help.


Well, I did it. And thankfully it shows my actual DCI. Which happens to be -100 without clothes. Yes, negative 100. This is the screeny of it. I'll try and page a GM again to see if they know what to do.


Old Man of UO

Okay... your paper doll is also showing +2 MR and +4 HP regen. What is causing that? Are you in some form? That might be the problem... guessing here.


Okay... your paper doll is also showing +2 MR and +4 HP regen. What is causing that? Are you in some form? That might be the problem... guessing here.
2hpr from being a human and prolly 2 from pants... 2mr prolly from pants also I quess.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ouch...I wonder if negative values are capped at +/-100? If so, it may mean that you might have had a bug that caused your DCI to roll over +100, bring it to negative values.

I remember when AOS was released, parry and DCI stacked, people were stacking DCI items to get 100 DCI so that even the DF could never hit them. Maybe your char was bugged when the parry & DCI fix went in.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ouch...I wonder if negative values are capped at +/-100? If so, it may mean that you might have had a bug that caused your DCI to roll over +100, bring it to negative values.
Yea, and [insert made up theory pulled out of thin air with no likely-hood of being accurate here] too.

Old Man of UO

Yea, and [insert made up theory pulled out of thin air with no likely-hood of being accurate here] too.
Oooh... I like that theory! It's one of the best I've read. May I borrow it?

Old Man of UO

2hpr from being a human and prolly 2 from pants... 2mr prolly from pants also I quess.
Hmm... not sure about that. Natural regen from human or elf does not show in KR. And she is wearing leather pants. I didn't think you could craft leather with +4 HP regen, though I do have woodland armor with +4 HPR and +2 MR.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea, and [insert made up theory pulled out of thin air with no likely-hood of being accurate here] too.
Hey, I said "might" :D

Besides, remember that bug where the +100% hit properties from focus actually broke those properties?

Edit : Clarification, I meant focus attack and not focus. When samurai empire was just released, the focus attack from ninjitsu can bring properties like 50 life leech etc to above 100%. When that happens, that particular property on the weapon is broken.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
probly 2 hpr from legs and 2 hpr from crimmy.
Humans have 2 hpr that shows up in KR, even whe the player is naked. The other 2 hpr would likely be from the crimmy. Same place where she got the +10 dex (meaning she's using a faction crimmy) and 10 hpi.

But I am not sure where the +2 int is coming from though...

Old Man of UO

Humans have 2 hpr that shows up in KR, even whe the player is naked. The other 2 hpr would likely be from the crimmy. Same place where she got the +10 dex (meaning she's using a faction crimmy) and 10 hpi.

But I am not sure where the +2 int is coming from though...

right... just checked it and it does show. Heh... never noticed that before, but I try not to run around nekked.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I did it. And thankfully it shows my actual DCI. Which happens to be -100 without clothes. Yes, negative 100. This is the screeny of it. I'll try and page a GM again to see if they know what to do.

Red Sky, something just occurred to me - if it's not fixed yet and you have time, can you see what happens if you wear a couple of DCI items? ie if wearing +30 DCI items really does bring it down to -70? Or does it bring it down less than 30 points? Or not at all?