One of my characters whom I have changed into a necro mage with mage wep has a serious problem. Somehow, their defense chance has become permanently stuck in the negatives, even with 51 DCI and 120 wep skill. No matter what, I get hit almost 100% of the time. This bug happened a while back, I think it may be from when there was 4/6 chiv on mages and somehow the defense penalty for divine fury stacked on the character and never left. I've paged a GM about it (who said to send in a bug report) and I've sent in a bug report (like 3 days ago) and I'm just curious as to if anyone else has had this problem or even realizes they have it. I know for sure that it exists though and it's not just me. I'm just hoping that OSI can actually fix the problem so that I don't have to start a new char and perhaps eventually delete the char because it's so useless when it comes to PVP or even PVM.