Actually Money, the 3D client was not Age of Shadows. The 3D client was called Third Dawn, and came out in 2001, AOS didnt' arrive until 2003.
Thank you, I stand corrected. A friend had corrected me *very soon* after I posted that. Seems my mind is going with the years.Actually Money, the 3D client was not Age of Shadows. The 3D client was called Third Dawn, and came out in 2001, AOS didnt' arrive until 2003.
I feel the same has happened with KR.I think the most frustrating thing to me is seeing such potential wasted to appease a Ludditic style of thinking.
Did you miss all the times they said that was exactly what SA is or what?I feel the same has happened with KR.
We all know KR was prematurely released and it suffered for it. But that PR nightmare has meant they're scrapping all the good that came from KR and writing a whole new client (as if people will be able to divorce the failure of KR from SA because it's "new"). What they should be doing is further developing KR - as it was halfway decent before they abandoned it - rather than start from scratch. And I don't feel KR/SA should be 2D-esque, no.. it panders to a group that will never change.
The same can be said about both sides of the legacy vs 3rd Dawn/KR/SA discussion. The people that want/ed 3rd Dawn/KR/SA to be THE client usually say things like "they should stop supporting 2d and move forward" and "SA should be SA client only". Sounds to me like those people don't want others to have what they want either....
The problem isn;t the people who don;t want to change, it is the people who not only do not want to change, but do not want to allow anyone else to either. It is the people who want to "ban people for using KR", or claiming that "only REAL players use 2d" and so forth.
It's not the people who have legitimate issues with the client, but those who hate the client on an irrational level and go further and attack those who use said client.
But the reason why the story of the 3d client seems familiar is because we're in the middle of doing the EXACT SAME THING that was done back then... the very thing I was worried about happening when KR was annouced.
it wasnt that easy for me took me a while to find those.Thanks! lol.
Glad to know that I am not the only one who has the collection in easy reach.
Still have the original Lost Lands map around here somewhere. Who knows maybe there will be a rich eccentric out there who wants to pay good money for our collections!
Fixed this for you!...
The problem isn;t the people who don;t want to change, it is the people who want to change, It is the people who want to "ban people for using 2d", or claiming that all 2d players use cheats " only REAL players use KR" and so forth.
It's not the people who have legitimate issues with the client, but those who hate the client on an irrational level and go further and attack those who use said client.
But the reason why the story of the 2d client seems familiar is because we're in the middle of doing the EXACT SAME THING that was done back then... the very thing I was worried about happening when 2d prevailed the first two times.
Belanos, just in case you did not know, you can still make long book names in KR (that was what I missed most about the 3D client, too).Not to mention you could make longer book names in it (big plus for me).
Gold i gave to a friend to install on his cpu, I'm currently looking for my charter and 2nd age disk atm Never bought 9th didnt think it was worth, I don't see UO Gold or 9th ann in there. can't tell if the one on the left is Second Age or not.
Fixed this for you!
Kr and SA should have been released as separate games or not at all.
I can only imagine how much better the game would be if the team focused on the original client instead dividing their player base into squabbling factions.
True, but that 'group' that you refer to is a large percentage of the paying UO subscriber. In pandering, as you put it, to that group, EA are securing the longevity of the game. By disregarding that group and moving the game forward by forcing a more advanced (technically) client on them, they could inadvertently bring about UO's demise.And I don't feel KR/SA should be 2D-esque, no.. it panders to a group that will never change.
Why was it prematurely released though?? The community, especially those that post here, cried and nagged for it. The old gotta have it now attitude.I feel the same has happened with KR.
We all know KR was prematurely released and it suffered for it. But that PR nightmare has meant they're scrapping all the good that came from KR and writing a whole new client (as if people will be able to divorce the failure of KR from SA because it's "new"). What they should be doing is further developing KR - as it was halfway decent before they abandoned it - rather than start from scratch. And I don't feel KR/SA should be 2D-esque, no.. it panders to a group that will never change.
I didn't play Third Dawn much, sadly my computer just wasn't up to it. I thought it had terrific potential, though.
agree!, like anything it had its plus's and negatives, the container thing was awesome!, i remember when they took it away!, all my backpacks and chests were totally ^^&%ed upI searched high and low last night for my screenies from the last day 3D was live, but I guess I lost themBy then, the playability was better than current 2D, but the paperdolls had been made fugly (thank you AoS) and the grass and whatnot was identical to 2D (thank you LBR). However, it still had some awesome features (resizable containers, docking icons, rotatable paperdoll) I miss to this day, and I would go back to it in a heartbeat over 2D or KR.
All right, you asked for it. Here are some old screen shots. I look at those messy packs and shudder. One good thing about switching to 2d was learning to be a tad bit more organized. Haha.more pics please i made this thread to see pics of this client not to start another thread about why 3d sucks or w/e
Yeah, that was kind of fun. The list of gestures you could use was also fun.I remember that while the paperdoll in 3D was a bit ugly, they actually animate.
At least the items in the backpacks were actually sharp in the 3D client. Now they are so fuzzy and garbled (not to mention don't actually go where you want them to) that it is a sad testament to programming.I liked the 3D client. I never had problems with it. I liked how you could make the containers larger and everything matched on the 2d. KR is way off in freeform. *sigh*
Those pics bring back memories.
You know what was worse? It always seemed to get worse as the years went by.It was really a horrible client IMO.
Oooh I remember when the characters shrunk. Wasn't that sometime in 2005? Seems like I remember most how small they suddenly looked while sitting on a stone chair.You know what was worse? It always seemed to get worse as the years went by.
In fact, one of our artists, before we started KR, discovered that all the Human character scalings were totally out of whack, because generations of devs before them misunderstood what the CSV file that had their X, Y, and Z scales *really* did.
He fixed it, and suddenly all the people looked *right again*. I miss CatHat![]()
..Coming in with a somewhat late response, but since Nyte and I was betatesters, I made a UO: 3Dawn Beta Diary with a large number of screens from this time in March 2002. I am currently finalizing the remake of my Ultima Online Chronicles that is going to be launched this month. When that is up I was asked to do a remake of the beta diary as well, I don't know what overall interest it is for all this in the current UO Community of 2009, but for anyone who is interested in some UO History I thought I'd post a response in this thread with some info about it.i hear that there was a 3d client that was discontinued called the 3rd dawn ? if anyone has some screenshots of what it looked like id like to see. i cant seem to find any with google search