There was a discussion about this some time ago. Regarding damage calculations that is. Obviously my point was missed and post not read as to confirm understanding.
IF you have 300% total damage bonus, why are you going to nitpick over damage percentages?
Between your profession abilities (lighting strike for example), and if you already have the internal cap of 300% from special moves, you will not increase your damage further...even if you cast Enemy of One. You are already at 300%.
True, tactics, anatomy, lumberjack and STR aren't included in the damage calculation.
This is the most recent link to my knowledge regarding calculations:
Obviously, people choose an ABC archer for a reason. Not to nitpick over a percentage of a few skill points, which will result in a paltry increase in damage considering the base damage of the weapon and where the rest of the damage is coming from. e.g. STR, Enemy of One as another example (otherwise few people would use chivalry for damage dealing purposes).
Connor in my opinion uses ABC archer for PvM (which is well suited of course). Given the 75 chivalry, that just makes failing a lot less probability to occur (in terms of casting Enemy of One). Given the rest of the template, 95 anatomy suited his needs better than adjusting other skills.
If one wants to nitpick over a few percentages on calculations, so be it. The numbers are trivial when compared to bushido and ones OVERALL tactics.
an ABC archer is a custodial type of template. It is not effective if you don't have high bushido (fact). Bushido allows for:
1. Higher chance for criticals.
2. Using the perfection system.
3. A nice healing spell that is effective (when used correctly).
4. An ability to strike multiple opponents at once (good depending on your playing style).
5. The ability tied into perfection that allows you to replenish HP, MP, and stamina after EVERY fight).
Probably a few more reasons that I cannot think of at the moment. The point is all those things are more important in my opinion, then nitpicking over a few percentages on skill points.
After all, you don't want low archery, correct? Of course not. You won't hit as often. Achery ties into bushido. The more chances you have to hit an opponent (
and land a hit for that matter), the more chances you have of using the different
bushido abilities to your advantage.
The higher the bushido skill,
the greater the chance for critical hits coupled with achieving
PERFECTION in less steps.
Perfection seems to be a forgone conclusion to most dexxers (based on my readings, my opinion, and their grasp of what it is about). However, it is STILL important on an archer (yes my opinion and a valid one). When combined with your honor virtue, I can fight many mobs in certain areas using perfection that I would not be able to normally.
Why? I can fight in confined areas (normally not suited to an archer) since I don't have to worry too much as far as the spacing between myself and monster opposition. Normally an important point due to the fact that an archer has little in the way of defense (DCI, resists, and depending on the applicable template, not much else).
In conclusion, given financial constraints or what have you, one still needs high archery and high bushido to have an effective ABC template. If you use the ABC template the way it was meant, damage output is of little issue. Every 5 to 7.69 hits
(at the worst) land for criticals. This is theoretically speaking of course. Perfection runs in streaks and is based on several different factors.
The rest of your template will have to be tailored towards WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. If you PvP with the template at times, perhaps lower chivalry suits your needs. Perhaps you would want higher resist. Maybe you only PvM and want a max type of damage template. You could have spellweaving as a janitorial type of tactic. There is as many ways to make ABC templates as their is sampire template. The effectiveness of certain templates could be argued certainly. If you play the template how it
CAN be played though, nitpicking over percentages on skill points isn't really needed in my book.