So; this isnt going to be a rant/flame war. If thats what you are planning on stop reading right now and exit the post.
Anyways; if EA could change 2 things in pvp at the moment; what would you like to see changed? And have a valid explaination.
(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)
My two are Super Dragons, and Despise EAST bridge.
#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)
- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.
- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).
- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.
#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.
- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.
- People "like" this bridge because they say it brings "verstility" to fights. Either be able to crossheal/cast spells/shoot arrows/throw pets/etc on the west bridge, or attempt to drop fields and push onto a broken east bridge. This isnt how the bridge was intended to be used at all. It was suppose to be how the west bridge is now.
Those are my 2 "IMPACT PVP" things I woudl change at the moment; besides that everything else is pretty well balanced. If you would like to add to this or add your own suggestions, feel free.
Anyways; if EA could change 2 things in pvp at the moment; what would you like to see changed? And have a valid explaination.
(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)
My two are Super Dragons, and Despise EAST bridge.
#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)
- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.
- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).
- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.
#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.
- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.
- People "like" this bridge because they say it brings "verstility" to fights. Either be able to crossheal/cast spells/shoot arrows/throw pets/etc on the west bridge, or attempt to drop fields and push onto a broken east bridge. This isnt how the bridge was intended to be used at all. It was suppose to be how the west bridge is now.
Those are my 2 "IMPACT PVP" things I woudl change at the moment; besides that everything else is pretty well balanced. If you would like to add to this or add your own suggestions, feel free.