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Random PvP Update!! Interesting Read.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So; this isnt going to be a rant/flame war. If thats what you are planning on stop reading right now and exit the post.

Anyways; if EA could change 2 things in pvp at the moment; what would you like to see changed? And have a valid explaination.

(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)

My two are Super Dragons, and Despise EAST bridge.

#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)

- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.

- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).

- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.

#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.

- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.

- People "like" this bridge because they say it brings "verstility" to fights. Either be able to crossheal/cast spells/shoot arrows/throw pets/etc on the west bridge, or attempt to drop fields and push onto a broken east bridge. This isnt how the bridge was intended to be used at all. It was suppose to be how the west bridge is now.

Those are my 2 "IMPACT PVP" things I woudl change at the moment; besides that everything else is pretty well balanced. If you would like to add to this or add your own suggestions, feel free. :thumbsup:

Sir Achilles

So; this isnt going to be a rant/flame war. If thats what you are planning on stop reading right now and exit the post.

Anyways; if EA could change 2 things in pvp at the moment; what would you like to see changed? And have a valid explaination.

(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)

My two are Super Dragons, and Despise EAST bridge.

#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)

- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.

- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).

- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.

#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.

- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.

- People "like" this bridge because they say it brings "verstility" to fights. Either be able to crossheal/cast spells/shoot arrows/throw pets/etc on the west bridge, or attempt to drop fields and push onto a broken east bridge. This isnt how the bridge was intended to be used at all. It was suppose to be how the west bridge is now.

Those are my 2 "IMPACT PVP" things I woudl change at the moment; besides that everything else is pretty well balanced. If you would like to add to this or add your own suggestions, feel free. :thumbsup:
I would go a step further and say they need to nerf all pets in pvp the same way you mentioned above.

Another thing i would say is to nerf dexxers ability to eat apples and use remove curse every 15 seconds, this makes them nearly impossible to kill using a mage since they can use pots etc to aid with the healing process. Balance it out a bit...


make pets unable to target players unless that player attacks them -a lot like wild golems.

dont allow fields to intersect, specifically para fields.

pvp does not stand for player vs pet.

Mr Moosestache

I agree that g. dragons should be fixxed. I think they are by far the worst addition to PvP in a good while. Not sure how to change it to keep everyone happy, just that it needs a tweak to it somehow.

Now the east bridge has always boggled my mind. Why would you fix the broken west bridge in the first place, just to add another broken bridge on the east side? :coco:

Both should be fixxed, that's for sure. I wish they would change the toggling of specials back again as well. So you can keep specials toggled while casting spells.


It's been my experience based on the 50 or 100 or so of these nerf greater threads, that peeps don't actually want contributions, they want concurrence to their point of view.... I submit to you, check out the 50 or 100 or so of these nerf greater threads for valid counter-points to the "Greaters.. nerf em" bandwagon. Unfortunately, these "Greaters.. nerf em" threads pop up so much, that just through the sheer act of contrition, there are few, if any peeps who are willing to beat their heads into the proverbial wall to provide contributions to the 51st or 101st or so of these "Greaters.. nerf em" threads anymore..... hence you may detect my note of sarcasm at the appearance of yet another "Greaters.. nerf em" threads..

r u serious

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with the above nurfs.

The pets not being able to attack players unless the player attacks them is possibly the best idea i've seen. I fully support this.

Also remove curse apples and faction bandies need to be addressed. Please introduce a 2 minute minimum cool down on these. A remove curse item is extremely overpowered and shouldn't be "consumed" every 10 seconds while bolting away with potions. These items should only work as a "last minute" death saving device. Apples are currently consumed by gutless skill less newbies every 10 seconds, it ruins pvp. These 2 things have really nurfed mages AGAIN. Considering they already slowed down casting speeds and nurfed tank mages I think apples/aids should be addressed.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Besides the tamer/pet stack damage issues, I would like to see a reversal of some of the PvP publishes.

90 Tactics Requirement for both special moves. This greatly reduced well rounded templates overall.

This hobbled many mage templates from using special moves.
It nerfed Ninjas as well as saumurai templates in this regard where they have little room for a healing ability, resist, or parry. Many warrior templates based on these skills would use anatomy instead of tactics so they would get the cure, rez and healing bonus.

80 dex requirement for Parry - This in my opinion should of never been implemented, especially after the archers combat system was reworked.

Double mana cost for special moves within 3 seconds - This was implemented early on in AOS. At the time Armor Ignores would do 90 damage. This was put into place to curb the use of special moves and help address the other issue with mana leech weapons which would auto fill.

Caps have been put into place for most special moves as well as mana leech was addressed. There is no reason for this now in my opinion. The argument for this is that spell casters are not double charged for launching spells within a 3 second window.

Spell damage and Resist - Spell damage should be increased, this of course would bring more use of mages equalizing the playing field and up to par with the current main stream PvP templates.

With this also Magic Resist should be revamped and reflect its a manner of its Pre AOS attributes. Thus reducing spell damage. Instead of a armor bonus, resist should reduce damage from 0-20% after the calculation. This would give real meaning to the skill once again.

Self induced damage and paralyze - Trap boxes have outlived their actual usage of protecting possessions as well as the original fel griefing (like blowing up other players) Trap boxes were never intended for breaking paralyze. Using items not intended for the actual usage should not break paralyze , this includes the drinking of poison.

That's all for now.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not an interesting read at all...

Not at all a PvP Update. Talk about a misleading topic.


1. leave pets where they belong, in tramel and in doom. I am not interested at all fighting your rune beetle, cu, greater dragon, dreadmare, etc. If you want to fight me, grab your best weapon, cast your spells and lets whack each other.

2. Make area effect spells and feilds hit everyone, guildmates, blues, whatever. Choke point fights is the lamest thing ever, yet it's all we see in large group fights. Making area effect affect all players would get us rid of thoses 15 one button (wither) wraits waiting for you at the exit of that teleporter. Show me some real pvp please ;-)


(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)
So, if they cant do anything(yah right) about Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts, then arent all these supposed pvp ideas a moot point?
Woopdee doo if Joe Schmos dragon does 35 damage instead of 50 damage, he still is speedhacking his ass off on foot keeping up with players on mounts.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to see PvP removed from the game. That would greatly reduce the problems, and remove 99% of the complaints people have.

That, and who needs it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
#1) The Act of Mounting UNTOGGLES all special Moves.. This means no more "miracle dismounts". If you have to Dismount & then Hit the dismount special Macro & then Wait to Swing that's how it supposed to be. No more Riding around with Dismount spec toggled Red and simply dismounting / auto swinging....

#2) Saving pets with autolog or petball needs to be harder. I think if damaging the pet should ALSO interupt the summoning process (instead of just damaging the owner) this would be a good start... & if an owner logs out the pet should remain in game for 1 minute or something...


I agree that pets need to be balanced(i play a tamer as well) i dont think that a 50+firebreath is fair, this should be capped to 35(providing 70resist)in line with all other PvP.

I do not think that not allowing pets to attack is the right way to go, thats actually the worst idea ever. If im doing a champ and we get raidied(my pets on the boss)why shouldnt i be able to call my pet back and attack the raiders?

I also think that ninja form should take a control slot, i dont see why a ninja tamer should be able to run at mounted speed with a GD in tow, the penalty for these beasts was meant to be slow movement hence the 5slots. For the serious ninjas this wouldnt matter...for the all kill, smokebomb ninjas this would!

Edit: i think the pet summoning balls are fine, they have been nerfed already so cant be done invised, disruptable and slow...they dont need adressing.


this should be capped to 35(providing 70resist)in line with all other PvP.
Well if you are running naked with 0 resists, I will deal at least 70 damage each time i hit you with my weapon. But if i trigger armor ignore, I will spend mana and hit you for only 35. Armor ignore and criticals from bushido lightning strike are both capped at 35, REGARDLESS of your resists.


Well if you are running naked with 0 resists, I will deal at least 70 damage each time i hit you with my weapon. But if i trigger armor ignore, I will spend mana and hit you for only 35. Armor ignore and criticals from bushido lightning strike are both capped at 35, REGARDLESS of your resists.
The difference is that resists arent taken into the ar ignore calculation of damage, a firebreath is.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)

- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.

- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).

- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.

#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.

- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.
You have my vote!!

I remember when they fixed the west bridge, I was so happy. And then I ran to the new east bridge and saw that it had the same flaw as the old bridge. :coco:

There are times when people do really dumb things, and just when you think they cant do anything dumber.... poof low and behold the east bridge of despise and the introduction of Greater Dragons and Dread Horses.


1. leave pets where they belong, in tramel and in doom. I am not interested at all fighting your rune beetle, cu, greater dragon, dreadmare, etc. If you want to fight me, grab your best weapon, cast your spells and lets whack each other.

2. Make area effect spells and feilds hit everyone, guildmates, blues, whatever. Choke point fights is the lamest thing ever, yet it's all we see in large group fights. Making area effect affect all players would get us rid of thoses 15 one button (wither) wraits waiting for you at the exit of that teleporter. Show me some real pvp please ;-)
i have no problem with removing pets from pvp, as well as the pointo of auto logging to save the pets life. once you kill the tamer it's like he still gets over on u in the end in saving his pets life.

for choke point fighting, i strongly disagree. read your history. the lay of the land has always been used for strategic purposes throughout history. just ask Queen Bodicca, Napoleon and a host of others. It has a very important place in pvp. if you want to ''whack'' someone invite them to the farm or some dojo somewhere.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How is this anything useful to the thread?

And how is this beating a dead horse?

I clearly said "Mention 2 things you think could help pvp if changed RIGHT now." Meaning, if my 2 ideas of changing greater dragons or fixing the despise east bridge isnt your "cup o tea" to suggest other things that need changed with some reasonable explaination/information. :thumbsup:

Arch Magus

G. Dragons aren't even a problem in PVP.

Those lame ass dread mares are. Nerf them and nerf them hard.:D

Arch Magus

The pets not being able to attack players unless the player attacks them is possibly the best idea i've seen. I fully support this.
Really?? Cause I think that's the dumbest idea in this thread, personally.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO GDs are not nearly as bad as dread warhorses.

GDs are really good for trammie stuff and choke point fights.

If you've seem 5-6 super dragons clogged up in one choke points with the tamers casting paralyze fields everywhere with "all guard me". Now THAT'S some auto pilot PvP right there. :thumbsup: but that's about it. Unless of course you also play Seige where stealth tamer can be a complete pain in the ass.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So; this isnt going to be a rant/flame war. If thats what you are planning on stop reading right now and exit the post.

Anyways; if EA could change 2 things in pvp at the moment; what would you like to see changed? And have a valid explaination.

(Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts are not valid answers. They cant do anything about these. I am talking VALID in game changes)
I think EA can do something about Speedhacks/Dupes/Scripts, you cant tell me all the Games they own are this lax when it comes to cheating. I think that: A) They think they would have to Ban over 50% of the Player Base.
B) They don't care and want UO to die anyways, so they just let the "Cancer" go untreated until it runs its course.

My two are Super Dragons, and Despise EAST bridge.

#1. Super Dragons (Of Course) - They definately need changed in someway. Some suggestions to change these are..
(Not saying change all of these, but 1 or 2 of these ideas would help fix the problem)

- Lower damage output. Between 50+ pt firebreath, Bleeds, Magic Spells, 30+ Bite Attacks, They are clearly too strong in a PvP situation.

- Easier ways to kill them. Lower there resist in PVP or make their slayer vulnerbility 3x or 4x (wouldn't effect pvm).

- Autolog/auto petball after being flagged. The ability to save a pet when its low on health or out of "saving" range with these methods are flawed and need fixed.
How about putting a damage cap on the Pets specials and attacks in PvP - 35 damage like it is for Players? While your at that check into Pet casting delays and range, that should be the same as Players in PvP.
PvMers in Fel should still be able to defend themselves, don't make the Pets easier to kill if it or it's owner is attacked.
Make it where the PvPer using a Monster to do his work is limited to the same damage output every other Player is......35 damage Melee and Specials, and the same casting time, spell damage, and range.

#2. The Despise East Bridge - Despise is clearly the easiest spawn, and by far the most completed/raided. For years people complained of the West bridge in Despise being broken where you could not target the whole area; and such. So EA fixed it. Good job there. Well now, they added a 2nd bridge (which was an excellent idea) but with the same flaw as the old bridge. Please fix it.

- On the east bridge you can be 2 tiles away from someone, and can not see them with "Line Of Sight" issues. Meaning, you can not heal, you can not cast spells, you can not shoot an arrow, and can not target as a dexxer. The issues are endless and it is far to easy to exploit.

- People "like" this bridge because they say it brings "verstility" to fights. Either be able to crossheal/cast spells/shoot arrows/throw pets/etc on the west bridge, or attempt to drop fields and push onto a broken east bridge. This isnt how the bridge was intended to be used at all. It was suppose to be how the west bridge is now.
I hate the "line of sight" thing as well, it's not a wall, it's a damn Bridge.

Those are my 2 "IMPACT PVP" things I woudl change at the moment; besides that everything else is pretty well balanced. If you would like to add to this or add your own suggestions, feel free. :thumbsup:

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other pets in PVP arent as bad. They all have an extreme weakness EXCEPT for the G. Dragon. It has high resist in everything, skills over 100 making it hit more often and shrug off spells like poison/paralyze, has special moves, ridicilious hps, fire breath, and cast spells. Not to mention if you dont have a dragon slayer, AI's are bugged and only hit for 35 on a GD.

I dont mention other pets for each one's extreme weaknesses..

Dread Mare - Resist Max'd at 100. Para-bait. Can be poisoned/para'd and used can't ride. Can be mana vamped. Low Resist in Fire/Cold. If you flamestrike it 2/3 times, or conc wep and hit it 2/3 times, its worthless.

Cu Sidhe - Resist Max's at 100. Para-bait. Fey Slayer Vulnerable. A pixie swatter can kill these in 3-4 hits. Also can be poisoned/para'd/mana vamped. Slow/No Range Attack.

Reptalon - Resist Max's at 100. Rarely used. Poison/Para-bait. Reptile Slayer Vulernable. Few conc wep hits 1/2 this health. Also can be poisoned/para'd/mana vamped. Terrible special (Para-blow). Slow/No Range Attack.

Greater Hiryu - Resist Max's at 100. Rarely used. Poison/Para-bait. Reptile Slayer Vulernable. Extremely low Cold. Also can be poisoned/para'd/mana vamped. Slow/No Range Attack.

Rune Beetle - Unridable. Resist Max's at 100. para-bait. Beetle Slayer Talisman Vulernable. Low Phys/Fire/Cold/Energy. Also can be poisoned/para'd/mana vamped.

Correct anything that is wrong, or add more info if you can please. :D


I wish they would make stealth archers killable.

More things should break stealth after a smoke bombs (like explosion, poison ticks, etc)


I wish they would make stealth archers killable.

More things should break stealth after a smoke bombs (like explosion, poison ticks, etc)
*shakes head*

mana vamp+bleed.... Pretty easy.

If you have a team of mages it gets real easy.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Bombastic Fail-Other pets in PVP arent as bad. They all have an extreme weakness EXCEPT for the G. Dragon. It has high resist in everything, skills over 100 making it hit more often and shrug off spells like poison/paralyze, has special moves, ridicilious hps, fire breath, and cast spells. Not to mention if you dont have a dragon slayer, AI's are bugged and only hit for 35 on a GD."

I still think it would be wrong to do anything but limit Pets Damage Output to that of a Player. Make its Magery the same as a Players, set the cast delays, spelldamage and Range. Melee and Specials such as Firebreath capped at 35 damage same as a Player.
Depending on the Tamer and his Skills 1-3 Players can pull his pet, stick it on a house or a corner of a dungeon/cave or just drag it off and take the tamer out before he can get his Pet Back. Ive seen it and done it many times, I fear multiple Pets a lot more then the G-Dragon. If the Firebreath was limited to 35 instead of the near 60 points you see now it wouldnt be so bad.

I dont think anything should be limited in PvM, but the PvP Tamer should have his pets restricted to the same caps and limits players are.

Dont try to Tank the Pet, distract it and kill the Tamer.


I also think that ninja form should take a control slot, i dont see why a ninja tamer should be able to run at mounted speed with a GD in tow, the penalty for these beasts was meant to be slow movement hence the 5slots. For the serious ninjas this wouldnt matter...for the all kill, smokebomb ninjas this would!
excellent idea
Also GD's shouldn't put faction players in stat loss, especially if they cannot be put into stat. Dragon dies and gets ressed and can fight immediately, if you die trying to fight it-stat loss.
Something needs to be done with smokebombs, maybe lose the ability to stealth away for 15 seconds or so when its used to insta hide while attacking. Or make them unuseable when the smokebomber is the attacker. Can't recall, go in a house, use a moongate or skill hide like this so the smokebombs bypass flagging rules.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't recall, go in a house, use a moongate or skill hide like this so the smokebombs bypass flagging rules.
Heh so true.... I cant tell you how many times I've had a certain stealth archer redlined only for him to smoke bomb. And by the time I canst Earthquake or Chain Lighting or Meteor Swarm, he has already stealthed away.

It seems that they even get away before I drop a conflag pot as well.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't recall, go in a house, use a moongate or skill hide like this so the smokebombs bypass flagging rules.
Heh so true.... I cant tell you how many times I've had a certain stealth archer redlined only for him to smoke bomb. And by the time I canst Earthquake or Chain Lighting or Meteor Swarm, he has already stealthed away.

It seems that they even get away before I drop a conflag pot as well.
Haha, stealth ninjars ftw...la