I was running around trying to work up remove trap, and got killed by a crate (yeah I know, go figure). The problem is...it put me into stat loss. ROFL, WTH?
Ok, here's another question in regards to remove trap. I don't want to add tinker to my template, my current skill level is at 40 something. I'd like to work it up to 70 (RoT on Siege) without using player made chests...is this possible?
Please advise...la
I'm not real sure I should help you since your CoM and I'm Minax on Siege
When I trained Atuk's Remove Trap, I did it out of Factions, but I only died 2-3 times tops to 100. I trained Tinkering also at the same time, but I had a GM tinker already and only had to train it on Atuk up to about 65-70. After that I used GM Boxes, once in RoT(70) it's easy.
Max your STR 125, put on a suit with high Fire Resist and some HP Inc.
I used a Spirit of the Totum and a few Pieces of Str Inc/HP Inc that was 70 Phy/70 Fire and high Poison all the way up to 100
If your not going to train Tinkering, look at the lockpicking stuff, you don't have to pick the chests to disarm them.
http://uo.stratics.com/thb/info/dungeon/dungeonguide.shtml "Spawning Chests by Level" and "Where to find them " start with the Dart Traps(Phy damage) move to Poison, then move up to the higher level Explosion Traps(Fire damage)
If the Damage Starts getting to close to killing you, drink a str pot and a heal pot before you hit the Trap, I think I took alot more damage making the Traps then I ever did Removing them.
You could buy some Trapped boxes from Tinkers in Training at various levels to fill the gaps, but once you hit RoT its all Gravy anyways, just the waiting period. It would be a lot quicker to make 1 disarm 1 then to hunt them down and disarm, but that's up to you.