Well we do now! We have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed.
Our initial Twitter account will be providing headlines and news items from our UO Herald, later we will be providing twitter feeds for some of our developers and producers. Our Facebook page will aggregate this data as well as make use of the bells and whistles that Facebook offers, such as the event schedule and photo album.
While these pages will generally “mirror” information off of the UO Herald, Twitter and Facebook will give us the opportunity to provide additional information that is more suitable to those audiences and technologies.
If you are unfamilar with Facebook or Twitter, you can go to these Facebook and Twitter pages for more information.
Our initial Twitter account will be providing headlines and news items from our UO Herald, later we will be providing twitter feeds for some of our developers and producers. Our Facebook page will aggregate this data as well as make use of the bells and whistles that Facebook offers, such as the event schedule and photo album.
While these pages will generally “mirror” information off of the UO Herald, Twitter and Facebook will give us the opportunity to provide additional information that is more suitable to those audiences and technologies.
If you are unfamilar with Facebook or Twitter, you can go to these Facebook and Twitter pages for more information.