Sounds like a plan.....................bypassing UHall.
Sounds like a plan.....................bypassing UHall.
OOH! Fluffi said a NAUGHTY!After an appalling weekend; I feel the need to express myself, both eloquently and succinctly, in the comfort of a friendly community.
Can I say
on this forum?
You're not too far away for me to come and stab you, you know....OOH! Fluffi said a NAUGHTY!
I would say.......probably not....................Can I say
on this forum?
I would say.......probably not....................
Petra's busy being ME... which leaves the rest of us free to frolic!I would say.......probably not....................Can I say
on this forum?
^____________________________^oh no it doesn't!
and I decided if the profanity filter didn't block it I'd let it stand.
that's bollocks !Ohh! We're being repressed!
...that's bollocks !Ohh! We're being repressed!
Now, that's resourceful! This kind of environmentally conscious behaviour deserves a Broccoli Award (nTM)!!No time! No time! any one got a couple of hours to spare to shove into my day please?
Making bread atm, or to be truthful, the pc monitor is making it - it rises on a rack over the nice warm monitor.
Be careful with your savings ... credit crunch and all ... you might not get it back!*passes extra hours*
I saved these last week..................
*n't*I is allowed anywhere........................