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[UO Herald] 11th Collection items are here!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I went to the gamecode store to email for a large order of bookcases. The site redirected me to a EA Account login, that's not secure. You have to enter you account name/password on a site that's not secure? I think Ill try to call instead.


Lord Drakelord

I went to the gamecode store to email for a large order of bookcases. The site redirected me to a EA Account login, that's not secure. You have to enter you account name/password on a site that's not secure? I think Ill try to call instead.

with today's security question on all of our accounts I am not worried about the gamecode site


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uogamecodes still not letting me log in:

"The member name you have entered does not exist in our system.
Please try again."

Yes, my member name IS correct.
I'll give them another 4 months for them to fix the site.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this might be a dumb question hildebrand, and one you've already addressed, but did you try putting a "uo_" in front of your username? i know some of the older accounts may require that.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Harb, if you can't get it to work I would be more than happy to see if there is a way I can purchase them for you.
Aboo, I just wanted to mention that I found it very touching that you offered to help another player acquire the tokens, especially considering how anguished you've been regarding the availability of these tokens over the last 6 months. When I read your post earlier I just thought it was wonderful that you would do that. And it's kept coming back to my head this afternoon, so I wanted to mention it. It really shows what an amazing spirit you have! *hugs*

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
02. Lamp Post (round style)

* Portable item (Blessed).
* You can turn on/off the light by w-click.
Okay I'll bite the bullet and show my ignorance...WTH is a w-click?


I went to the gamecode store to email for a large order of bookcases. The site redirected me to a EA Account login, that's not secure. You have to enter you account name/password on a site that's not secure? I think Ill try to call instead.

Good luck with that. Just spent 45 minutes on hold waiting for a rep, then after a brief explanation, was on hold for another 10 minutes when the line cut. Trying again now :(


It's an anniversary, we get the presents six months late, and we have to pay for them? Man if this is how it works these days I'm not having any more birthdays ever. Sorry, I love UO, our dev team is awesome, but this is disappointing.
Um no, you are judging based on a misunderstanding. The 11th year collection that is for sale is not the same as anniversary gifts given free each year in game. So cheer up!

There's nothing to be disappointed about except maybe, that there is still no definite date on when EA/UO plans to distribute the free anniversary gift(s). (Last recall I have is that it may be anytime within the year per our Developers (I can't recall exactly which one said it, its been awhile, sorry). Even that isn't worth the angst. IMHO of course. ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this might be a dumb question hildebrand, and one you've already addressed, but did you try putting a "uo_" in front of your username? i know some of the older accounts may require that.
Thanks for trying, Nine, but that's not working either.
That's a strange thing to require though. It's like a super secret password to unlock Godmode? LOL!

I'm still at a loss.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uogamecodes still not letting me log in:

"The member name you have entered does not exist in our system.
Please try again."

Yes, my member name IS correct.
I'll give them another 4 months for them to fix the site.
I'm pretty sure that it's case-sensitive, so you might want to double check how you're using the Shift key when you try entering the information. Also, it may help to clear cookies, browsing history, temporary files, etc. If you've tried the page before and logging in didn't work, it may be that information about that bad attempt is still stored (in a cookie??) and that is what is causing the problem.

Cymidei Fier

Even IF my account was active, I'd tell them to take their pixel crack and shove it.

:D AGREED, half of this stuff should be in game for free.

BOD Covers (30 charges) - This should be available for free, as in you can dye it with a damn runebook dye tub.

Hitching Post - About bloody time! I would buy that. Having charges on it is just ********, it shouldn't consume any.

The other stuff is just weird stuff we don't even need in game. A gravestone that you can pray to and you get a 2 minute buff? Why bother with it? Are they thinking that a tiny boost to spirit speak is really going to unbalance the game? More dumb looking trees *yawns* You're kidding right? What you want me to pay for it? *hides wallet*

Is it any wonder 11 million people play World of Warcraft compared to maybe the 1,000 that play UO? UO is just damn lucky I keep sending them my $10.00 every month out of nostalgia. Try telling them anything, they don't get why another pack of pixel trees is boring.

Now if they would just update the game with modern graphics, and keep the game in the spirit of the Richard Garriott days, I might play more often.

Flora Green

These are not 11th anniversary items. The anniversary items will be given at a later date.

I find this extremely hilarious given they are already seven months late. I know, why don't you all just give us the 11th collection in game after you get some money out of people like you did the heritage tokens for the non-planned, practically ignored 10th anniversary. :bowdown:


I find this extremely hilarious given they are already seven months late. I know, why don't you all just give us the 11th collection in game after you get some money out of people like you did the heritage tokens for the non-planned, practically ignored 10th anniversary. :bowdown:
The reason is they probably have had no idea really what to do for an 11th anni gift.

Flora Green

Maybe so. I don't mean to rain on the thread because I know some people are very excited to finally get the collection items, however for me this is just more of the same. One problem after another, delay after delay, poor planning, lack of communication, etc. At least Kelmo finally will get his log. :) :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay I'll bite the bullet and show my ignorance...WTH is a w-click?

My only thought is that it's some insane internal phraseology (like the term "gumps") to say "double-click."

Double-yew-click. Still doesn't make any damn sense.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
ok.... so..... im a little lost here.

i WANT to buy the entire collection.
but i dont see that option on the web page.
all im seeing is the individual items.

so am i missing something, is there no longer the entire package available for 29.99 ?????

cause i dont wanna have to pay $55 for something that the people where able to get a while ago for $29

ill go look again for a 7th time, but im not seeing it listed there.
no "11th anv package"

just individual items listed.

anyone else?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh never mind, i see it.
i didnt see it cause they had it all decoraged up with scroll work and the such.

so you can all just deiregard my post as the ramblings of a madman, and be thankfull im not living in a remote cabin in montana sending 'ticking packages' to people.


Well, a quick summary of the days events. Woke up bright and early, and was happy to see the items were available again. Hopped on the website, and was rejected for exceeding the non-specified item limit. Having attempted to exceed said limit, the site rejected all further attempts to place orders, and informs me I have to wait 30 days before trying again. So, came to stratics and began posting, Chrissay tries to help behind the scenes, for which I was/ remain gratefull. While trying to phone in an order, which I've had to do before due to codes site limits, I am advised that while the items have been added to the website, the customer support folks have not received an update and consequently have no means of processing an order for the items. Further, they have no idea of when their system will be updated so that they can. I'm advised to seek help from the IGS folks, who in due course send me back to the customer support folks, whom I speak with after several hours and several dropped lines. After speaking with their supervisor, I am informed that they can not provide contact information beyond their organization, so I have no "boss" to elevate the issue to/ file a complaint. Now, with three different parts of the larger EA organization involved, I have not a single "bad" thing to say about any of the individuals involved, two of whom (including Chrissay) have been wonderfull. That said, I tried to spend some money today, and was told "no." The "system" says try next month. Did I miss something, or is this insane?


Well, a quick summary of the days events. Woke up bright and early, and was happy to see the items were available again. Hopped on the website, and was rejected for exceeding the non-specified item limit. Having attempted to exceed said limit, the site rejected all further attempts to place orders, and informs me I have to wait 30 days before trying again. So, came to stratics and began posting, Chrissay tries to help behind the scenes, for which I was/ remain gratefull. While trying to phone in an order, which I've had to do before due to codes site limits, I am advised that while the items have been added to the website, the customer support folks have not received an update and consequently have no means of processing an order for the items. Further, they have no idea of when their system will be updated so that they can. I'm advised to seek help from the IGS folks, who in due course send me back to the customer support folks, whom I speak with after several hours and several dropped lines. After speaking with their supervisor, I am informed that they can not provide contact information beyond their organization, so I have no "boss" to elevate the issue to/ file a complaint. Now, with three different parts of the larger EA organization involved, I have not a single "bad" thing to say about any of the individuals involved, two of whom (including Chrissay) have been wonderfull. That said, I tried to spend some money today, and was told "no." The "system" says try next month. Did I miss something, or is this insane?
Just WOW! I'm very sorry.

I wish someone from Mythic/EA would get it together after all this time and make these available... or at least post what the limits are and don't let us go over them rather than "locking up" an account and preventing future purchases... but that would be too much coding for a web based store front, I'm guessing.

I've been really VERY disgusted with this implementation and even though they are FINALLY available to most of us, I still consider this release an utter disaster.

I really wish there was something I could do to help you out, Harb. Or that someone who has the ability to set things straight would stand up and GET IT DONE!!!



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
These are not 11th anniversary items. The anniversary items will be given at a later date.

Any idea when these will be coming out and if they might include the previous heritage items? I wasn't around for the last anniversary and very much would like some of these (particularly the quivery of infinity). Heck, I'd be willing to pay for those much more than I am willing to pay for these collection items (though some are tempting as well).



I really wish there was something I could do to help you out, Harb. Or that someone who has the ability to set things straight would stand up and GET IT DONE!!!
Oh no worries it'll get fixed, I'm sure. I do suspect that the "fix" is reasonably minor, simply update the support tools for those folks and the issue is resolved if you go the telephone route (not preferred, but sometimes you take what you can get!). I'm just surprised this was not considered before this morning, I guess haste got in the way of comprehensiveness - but that's human. And there were a couple folks who took time out of their day to try and assist even though it's not their prescribed job to do so, and that's good news! I guess the only real thing that bothers me, other than concurring with your assessment of the quality of this "roll out" since Nov 08, is that nobody wants me to talk with anyone at Redwood to ensure the corporate side of the business is informed about what has occurred here. I seldom raise a truely concerned eyebrow, but do so everytime when folks don't want actions reviewed in the light of day by those in a position of authority and responsibility. With regard to that however, remember that it's not our dev folks denying information, in fact several of them have been most helpful, so keep the faith!!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a side note...

The site took my account information and it never has before. They fixed that for me at least. I always had to use my second account to get anything to work there.


Aboo, I just wanted to mention that I found it very touching that you offered to help another player acquire the tokens, especially considering how anguished you've been regarding the availability of these tokens over the last 6 months. When I read your post earlier I just thought it was wonderful that you would do that. And it's kept coming back to my head this afternoon, so I wanted to mention it. It really shows what an amazing spirit you have! *hugs*
You are very kind to say this and today of all days I really appreciate it way more than you will ever know.

Many of us have been anxiously waiting on these items to be released and I would hate for anyone to miss out if there was something I could do to help.



Not a very DIRECT approach on code limits, but it's there. I tried following the instructions given, and use the "E-mail Us" option to order more Legacy Tokens....but after 15 days of waiting for the "24 hour expected response" the automated e-mail gave me, I called in and had the order canceled. So if you play on ordering more than the limit, I wish you better luck than I had.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the limit per order or period over time?

I go through phases of mass house design and deco... I may, over time, exceed a limit.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why is there a limit on purchasing anyway? that never made sense to me. every other company on the internet WANTS you to order as many things as you want. i don't understand why the gamecode store kicks you out and makes you wait 30 days. i gave up buying tokens from them last year. i buy them in game or from brokers now.


I can't even get verified on the uogamecodes site. What the hell?
Account info right?
But I can get into my Account management, so I know it's the right info.

Wish they'd get their crap together.
I was having same problem, but when I clicked the link on the patch page it worked. Try that and see if that works.


I guess after playing world of warcraft for a year I've come to expect more for my dollar. When wrath came out i got new dungeons, new talents, new gear, ect. And I get new pets, new 'clickys' like the items from the holiday events for free. I even got a baby blizzard bear pet on their anniversery. No cost.

The bottom line is if you don't start expecting the devs to do better than feeding you pixel crack, you'll never get it.

' Oh I don't mind paying becuase they need the money '

For what? The expac that was supposed to be out a year ago?


This. Same here. What a big difference between Blizzard and EA.


Maybe so. I don't mean to rain on the thread because I know some people are very excited to finally get the collection items, however for me this is just more of the same. One problem after another, delay after delay, poor planning, lack of communication, etc. At least Kelmo finally will get his log. :) :)
Really, it's been this way for 11 years now. I don't expect anything else anymore.

Old Man of UO

why is there a limit on purchasing anyway? that never made sense to me. every other company on the internet WANTS you to order as many things as you want. i don't understand why the gamecode store kicks you out and makes you wait 30 days. i gave up buying tokens from them last year. i buy them in game or from brokers now.
Credit card fraud.

Steal credit card number, buy large number of codes and resell the codes before the stolen credit card is reported.

FYI - Credit card fraud is 23% of all reported fraud, closely followed by telephone and other utility ID theft (18%).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was having same problem, but when I clicked the link on the patch page it worked. Try that and see if that works.
They fixed that link.

On the other hand... I still can't login "IF" I want to make a uogamecode purchase. It still doesn't recognize me. I tried all manners of lower case and mix. Meanwhile, I have no problem getting into my account management. I know my password.

I never had used this site before.
Gamecodes hates me.


Can someone from dev please provide an estimate of when customer support will have the items added to their tool list so they can sell them to us via the telephone? It matters because it's the EA recommended method to overcome limits imposed by the codes site. Thanks in advance!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know most people would rather shut their computer off than use Internet Explorer, but some time ago when I was having trouble with the site (just for logging in) when all else failed IE would allow me to proceed

and Uriah..... about that w-click..... some of the wording in the descriptions is a tad ... uh.... unfamiliar? is that the word I'm looking for? so I'm wondering if there was a translation from the Asian pages that did not make the jump very easily? just a thought


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've tried Firefox and IE and nada.
Cleared cookies and whatever. Used 2 diff computers.
The site hates me.

I sent a feedback on uoherald. If anything, they can try using my name and see what they can do.

It's pathetic that the stupid site doesn't function correctly. It's been how many months?


It's pathetic that the stupid site doesn't function correctly. It's been how many months?
Uh, nope. It's been years. Sorry for your troubles though. I tried yesterday to obtain contact information for the senior executive with direct responsibility for customer support. The on duty supervisor for support refused to provide it. Alternatively, I provided contact information for me, and asked that said person contact me. Nothing materialized. I am certain, absolutely certain, that anyone on the leadership/ senior management side of the business end of EA would deem the codes site, and actions from inception through to this date regarding this mess as completely unacceptable. And this includes the site, support, dev (the business end of our crew), and Mythic. The trouble is, they are not informed or involved. If informed, I suspect we'd see some involvement. By denying the ability to inform, it seems quite evident that at least support prefers not to be reviewed from above regarding this one. So I agree, grrr!

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Credit card fraud.

Steal credit card number, buy large number of codes and resell the codes before the stolen credit card is reported.

FYI - Credit card fraud is 23% of all reported fraud, closely followed by telephone and other utility ID theft (18%).
That still doesn't satisfy me. All sites have that potential problem but I've never bought anything off another web site that imposed limits on me just in case it's credit card fraud. I find it extremely irritating that the 99% of us trying to legitimately purchase items (with non-stolen cc's) are forced to [1] buy one item at a time (i.e. transfer tokens) and [2] wait 30 days before buying more than a couple items in one month. :lame:

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can only get a few things at a time, but will slowly fill my library with bookshelves.


Sorry but paying 29.99 for an item that should be free is just plain silly , if and only if they ( EA ) were re investing that money into our game( Full graphics upgrade , not half baked , advertising , full servers , ect) for a better future I would buy it..


Sorry but paying 29.99 for an item that should be free is just plain silly , if and only if they ( EA ) were re investing that money into our game( Full graphics upgrade , not half baked , advertising , full servers , ect) for a better future I would buy it..

Got milk? Seriously, items are the only thing going for UO now. They are going to milk them for all they can get, and then some. The package deal isn't a bad price. But yeah, they should have been added for free.


Couple of quick questions.

If i buy the earing part seperate is it all 5 for 5.25 or just one?

Also has anyone used the gravestone? How long does the ss boost stay? All the site says is a several minutes.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't mind paying for them but I do wish they would give everyone one pick free per account that way people who can't buy them at least get something.

I already bought a set and I'm going to buy more bookshelves. :D

Lord Drakelord

I can only get a few things at a time, but will slowly fill my library with bookshelves.
we got 5 of the bookcases for the wife's keep, next month we get a few more for the another keep we have. we love how the books change to the amount of items you put in the bookcases.


Couple of quick questions.

If i buy the earing part seperate is it all 5 for 5.25 or just one?

Also has anyone used the gravestone? How long does the ss boost stay? All the site says is a several minutes.
When you redeem it you get to choose 1. I ordered the complete collection and that's what I got do do.


I do wish they would give everyone one pick free per account that way people who can't buy them at least get something.
Absolutely 100% dead on. With as long as everyone was forced to wait for these due to problems on their end, not to mention them not being ready when they initially said we would get them (December?) everyone should have logged on the other day with 1 token in their backpack. Any other company that had this many problems that were their own fault would have done this just to say I'm sorry to their customers.

But then we're the ******* red headed step children of the game world so we just get it in the ass.

I'm personally not going to buy any. I'll pay gold in game for them instead. If they'd released a box CD with the codes for these I'd have jumped on the opportunity to have another up to date disc. Oh well, they're the ones that will be out money because I'm sure I'm not the only one that won't be buying them with cash.

Dor of Sonoma

Hey awesome - another thing that I cant buy from the UO gamecodes store. I have had to purchase all of my tokens through third party vendors since the site will not allow me to purchase. I get error message 31 - which directs me to call an 866# and select option 1 and then option 1. (Anyone want to take a guess how that works out?)

I get this same error message every time - using different cards different accounts and different computers.

Anyone else have this issue?
All that I've ever been able to pull up from that site (www.uogamecodes.com) is the splash screen and 'Done', no matter where I try to access it. It never opens for me.


Is there a list and descriptions somewhere else?

EDIT: No matter - I just saw that Blesh posted a recap (thanks :)