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[UO Herald] 11th Collection items are here!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wonders if anyone has engraved a bookcase? I'd really like to use them for runebooks.



Heads up devs, something is still broken on the website. I've tried several times now to order, all unsuccessful. I get an error message saying I've purchased my gametime limit for 30 days (which I've never purchased). My last purchase was last November before release info on this collection began appearing. I may be "overloading" my "limit" by including multiple items of 5 on the order, but really, it should not be difficult in the least to spend money with you. Thank you for trying to address it and get the items to us, sadly however, the thanks end there from me.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And the new stuff (or the ability to buy multiple items at once as well I assume) is not available via the PayByCash link, on the other hand are sold things there (i.e. 180 day GTC), which are not available in the normal store.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure it is expensive, so are the BOD covers, however you can make the hitching post ingame, not sure what take most work for you, to get the resources and craft it or earn $7.25 from RL work or farm the gold ingame to buy it from someone.
The hitching post you can make in game has a limited number of times it can be re-charged. The one on the game code store is unlimited recharging. That's the main reason I'm interested in it.

(To me)It's not worth the effort/gold/time to gather up all the items in game only to craft an item that I can only use 45 times total and then have to repeat the process all over again.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
All 12 BoD covers in Collection pack.
Thanks alot, then I think I will buy 2 collection, that will do it for me.

I do think it is nice we can buy single items too :)

Kensai Tsunami

i'm not really sure why no one has pointed this out. maybe i missed it someplace, but ...

these items are a marketing strategy. one that will put revenue into uo for yrs to come i'd think. i know thats what they are thinking. uo has lost a bit of its player base, hence an overall loss of profit for uo. introduce items for purchase that really dont affect game play in the least, yet give ppl a pixel crack fix. uogamecodes.com is really nothing more or less than that. it helps to keep our game alive while providing the players with xtra goodies they want. period.

so all the complaining and pancakes is a little silly if you give 2 cents for the game you play everyday. personally my wife and i pay them over 90 bucks a month for our 7 accounts, (hmm, maybe we should look into paying 6 months at a time *slaps self* doh!) so we wont be buying any of them this month.

this was a fine idea imo, designed to do much more than just give players some pixel crack. good work.



Now that the items are available, everyone is going to complain about how they made them available? Come on now...

I don't see a problem with the way they set it up. I'm only interested in the hitching post, I'd rather just buy one for myself and not have to pay 30 bucks for a bunch of tokens I most likely will never use. Granted, I could put them on a vendor and turn them into gold, but I really don't have much need for more gold than I have. It would be a waste of my money to shell out for the full package for just one token.
Agree. People are going to complain no matter what. Classic.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*pictures the monthly bill paying session at Kensai's house*

Kensai's wife: Honey, The bills are due. Should we pay for our UO accounts, or buy groceries?
Kensai: We just ate last month, pay for UO!

Kensai Tsunami

*pictures the monthly bill paying session at Kensai's house*

Kensai's wife: Honey, The bills are due. Should we pay for our UO accounts, or buy groceries?
Kensai: We just ate last month, pay for UO!
haha! good one!! fortunately we havent found ourselves in that position. but i wonder which of us would be the 1st to sacrifice a little food just to play uo that month, or more likely just to buy some goody. it would prolly be her considering i dont skip many meals. she is the fitness guru in our house. hehe. seriously tho we both have our eye on that hitching post so it will interesting to see which of us caves 1st.



Agree. People are going to complain no matter what. Classic.
Sure, you always see it, and often it's best categorized as "whining." Having said that, I'm now over 3 hours into trying to purchase items, via 3 separate EA "divisions," and thus far, nothing but frustration. Don't get me wrong, everyone is professional, polite, and outright "nice." That said, it still isn't working for me. It's not a complaint, a whine, or any other "negative." But the efforts themselves, including Chrissay away from public eyesight, are commendable (which I will not elaborate on publicly). That said, for a paying customer, trying to spend more money, to experience this level of confusion, frustration, and ineffectiveness, does not bode well for the organization as a whole - period. I'm not angry, and again am grateful for efforts, but to "complain," well, is very very justified and legitimate - sorry if ya don't agree!


Thanks for FINALLY making these available. I'll purchase the few things I've been waiting for now.

I still think you need to do a MUCH better job of communication but at least they are available so I'll leave this alone now and move on to other issues.


wow, 30 bucks for all those pixels?! What a bargain! Seriously though Electronic arts, up yours. And shame on anyone who encourages this type of gouging by buying this silly crap. 30 bucks for what amounts to an automated payoff is stupid and insulting. For thirty bucks I want the graphics to be custom made for me and hand delivered on a CD by an EA crony in a plaid suit. Good lord people! 30 bucks will buy you an entire game that took millions of dollars to develop! This is straight gouging for items that already exist for the most part and a little bit of coding.


Now that the items are available, everyone is going to complain about how they made them available? Come on now...

I don't see a problem with the way they set it up. I'm only interested in the hitching post, I'd rather just buy one for myself and not have to pay 30 bucks for a bunch of tokens I most likely will never use. Granted, I could put them on a vendor and turn them into gold, but I really don't have much need for more gold than I have. It would be a waste of my money to shell out for the full package for just one token.
I'm not going to complain. I appreciate that we finally got them offered to us. I'll either buy them or I won't, but the choice is now mine.


Sure, you always see it, and often it's best categorized as "whining." Having said that, I'm now over 3 hours into trying to purchase items, via 3 separate EA "divisions," and thus far, nothing but frustration. Don't get me wrong, everyone is professional, polite, and outright "nice." That said, it still isn't working for me. It's not a complaint, a whine, or any other "negative." But the efforts themselves, including Chrissay away from public eyesight, are commendable (which I will not elaborate on publicly). That said, for a paying customer, trying to spend more money, to experience this level of confusion, frustration, and ineffectiveness, does not bode well for the organization as a whole - period. I'm not angry, and again am grateful for efforts, but to "complain," well, is very very justified and legitimate - sorry if ya don't agree!
Harb, if you can't get it to work I would be more than happy to see if there is a way I can purchase them for you.


wow, 30 bucks for all those pixels?! What a bargain! Seriously though Electronic arts, up yours. And shame on anyone who encourages this type of gouging by buying this silly crap. 30 bucks for what amounts to an automated payoff is stupid and insulting. For thirty bucks I want the graphics to be custom made for me and hand delivered on a CD by an EA crony in a plaid suit. Good lord people! 30 bucks will buy you an entire game that took millions of dollars to develop! This is straight gouging for items that already exist for the most part and a little bit of coding.
If you choose not to buy any, that is YOUR choice. But to ridicule anyone else who is interested well then SHAME ON YOU.


Sure, you always see it, and often it's best categorized as "whining." Having said that, I'm now over 3 hours into trying to purchase items, via 3 separate EA "divisions," and thus far, nothing but frustration. Don't get me wrong, everyone is professional, polite, and outright "nice." That said, it still isn't working for me. It's not a complaint, a whine, or any other "negative." But the efforts themselves, including Chrissay away from public eyesight, are commendable (which I will not elaborate on publicly). That said, for a paying customer, trying to spend more money, to experience this level of confusion, frustration, and ineffectiveness, does not bode well for the organization as a whole - period. I'm not angry, and again am grateful for efforts, but to "complain," well, is very very justified and legitimate - sorry if ya don't agree!
I'm sorry for your troubles. I suppose I should clarify that legitimate "complaints" are to be expected as it should be. No problem. I'm sorry if you felt my generalization was personally directed at you. It was not meant to be taken that way.


I'm sorry for your troubles. I suppose I should clarify that legitimate "complaints" are to be expected as it should be. No problem. I'm sorry if you felt my generalization was personally directed at you. It was not meant to be taken that way.
Not at all, I didn't think I was the "target" :)
My point is twofold, 1) yup, there always will be unsubstantiated snivelling, but let's not forget 2) some complaints don't fall into that category. No apologies needed but thanks regardless - and best to you!!


If you choose not to buy any, that is YOUR choice. But to ridicule anyone else who is interested well then SHAME ON YOU.

Whatever, pay your 30 bucks for these scraps of rotten meat. Encourage them to keep putting out junk packages like this instead of focusing on improving the actual game. If I worked for EA right now, I'd put together a graphics package that included 10 different types of manure and a "Special" colored shovel. Then I would charge people 50 bucks for it and tell everyone its a three day sale only and laugh as they scrambled to gather the "rare" poo.
"Get your pixel crap here! Rare crap for only 30 million gp a pile!" Pardon me if the glaringly obvious corporate greed has me a little irritated.


** watches all the coaches on the sidelines ** Look at all the Monday Morning Quarterbacks! WOW!

If you don't like what EA offers after months of **your** <looks around the general population> griping, pleading, whinging and outright demanding ... then don't bloody buy the stuff! And quit bashing those who are happy!

For those who waited (patiently or not) and look forward to your new stuff, good luck and happy tokening to you!


Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
haha! good one!! fortunately we havent found ourselves in that position. but i wonder which of us would be the 1st to sacrifice a little food just to play uo that month, or more likely just to buy some goody. it would prolly be her considering i dont skip many meals. she is the fitness guru in our house. hehe. seriously tho we both have our eye on that hitching post so it will interesting to see which of us caves 1st.

I've wanted the hitching post since they were first announced. If it wasn't a holiday weekend coming up, and I needed the extra cash to pay for my trip to visit family for Easter, I'd have one at my house already.

Little tip though if it should ever come down to groceries or UO:
Banquet makes a halfway decent tasting frozen dinner that most grocery stores sell for about $1.00 each. They may not be gourmet, but they'll keep you alive long enough to play UO. :D


. . . Pardon me if the glaringly obvious corporate greed has me a little irritated.
Believe me you are not alone in your irritation. But people have the right to choose for themselves if they want to buy something or not.


. . .Little tip though if it should ever come down to groceries or UO:
Banquet makes a halfway decent tasting frozen dinner that most grocery stores sell for about $1.00 each. They may not be gourmet, but they'll keep you alive long enough to play UO. :D
I can't begin to tell you how you brightened my late morning with that. :hahaha:


Whatever, pay your 30 bucks for these scraps of rotten meat. Encourage them to keep putting out junk packages like this instead of focusing on improving the actual game. If I worked for EA right now, I'd put together a graphics package that included 10 different types of manure and a "Special" colored shovel. Then I would charge people 50 bucks for it and tell everyone its a three day sale only and laugh as they scrambled to gather the "rare" poo.
"Get your pixel crap here! Rare crap for only 30 million gp a pile!" Pardon me if the glaringly obvious corporate greed has me a little irritated.
Yes, some of it is "Strictly Deco" but some of it provides function and convenience...

The BoD wrappers will make life MUCH EASIER for people who collect, fill, and or sell BoDs. Yes they can be organized and books labeled without the wrappers but being able to wrap (color) the books will make the sorting and selling much easier at a glance.

The Hitching Post has been requested since probably year one of UO's existance. As long as there have been houses, people have wished for a way to stable pets and switch pets at their homes. Yes, there's now a craftable version (that's nerfed and less rechargable) but that probably wouldn't exist if someone hadn't developed this one to sell as part of this collection.

As far as "Deco Only" items, decorating houses has always been one of the most special things about UO that no other MMO I've seen can match. You can build almost anything you want and deco it in endless ways... Full Bookcases, Working Lampposts, Special Trees all have some value to people who enjoy that aspect of UO.

If you don't see any value in any of the Collection pieces, then please feel free not to purchase any of it. The fact is many of us have been asking for access to these because we do see value and do want to buy them. We should have had the ability to buy them 5 months ago and now that we can buy them, we will choose to buy them or not based on the prices charged vs our perceived value and the frustration level after the the late delivery etc.

In any case, I'm sure the developers are working on many things that will interest you, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't denegrade people who do want to buy items from this collection, or did want to at some point in the last 5 months.


** watches all the coaches on the sidelines ** Look at all the Monday Morning Quarterbacks! WOW!

If you don't like what EA offers after months of **your** <looks around the general population> griping, pleading, whinging and outright demanding ... then don't bloody buy the stuff! And quit bashing those who are happy!

For those who waited (patiently or not), good luck and happy tokening to you!

Bah! I never asked for this junk. I'd rather see them working on continuing the story lines that have been left dangling for 6 months to a year at a time. And if people are happy getting ripped off, then please send ME 5 bucks. I'll photocopy a picture of a puppy my daughter drew and send it to you C.O.D. You can decorate your REAL house!


Bah! I never asked for this junk. I'd rather see them working on continuing the story lines that have been left dangling for 6 months to a year at a time. And if people are happy getting ripped off, then please send ME 5 bucks. I'll photocopy a picture of a puppy my daughter drew and send it to you C.O.D. You can decorate your REAL house!
Instead of playing an MMO, why don't you play a game that is directed only to YOUR actions?


Additional Tip:
If there is an Aldi's in your area, US$2-$3 will get you either 6 Maruchan ramen noodle cups or 12 of the rectangular packages you need to use a pan for.

There's a few ummmm, snacks at least.


Bah! I never asked for this junk. I'd rather see them working on continuing the story lines that have been left dangling for 6 months to a year at a time. And if people are happy getting ripped off, then please send ME 5 bucks. I'll photocopy a picture of a puppy my daughter drew and send it to you C.O.D. You can decorate your REAL house!
I can see that you are truly irritated about this, but please try not to rain on those people who are really happy with the release.

Your offer of the picture of a puppy your daughter drew is very generous (how old is she?). However, since I have 7 grandchildren I would have no place in my house to hang your generous offer without taking down something my grandchildren made/drew and thereby offending them. So I shall have to pass on that.

I am sure that your desire to have story lines that have been left dangling for a while get finished will eventually happen.


The majority of work for this collection is (I'm assuming) VERY minimal at best.

People are discussing they won't pay for it... that's fine. Yet everyone is some way or form does something with disposable income. Cigarettes. Alcohol. Books. Movies. Extra cheese fries. Whatever.

If someone prefer to purchase this, I don't see what the big deal is. Would I have preferred these in game as part of my monthly fee? Of course. This, is, however, the hand we have been dealt and none of these items breaks the game.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People are discussing they won't pay for it... that's fine. Yet everyone is some way or form does something with disposable income. Cigarettes. Alcohol. Books. Movies. Extra cheese fries. Whatever.
There's next paycheck's entertainment budget all set!

And a hitching post for my house.

Mmm.... Cheese fries and beer. *drools*


It's an anniversary, we get the presents six months late, and we have to pay for them? Man if this is how it works these days I'm not having any more birthdays ever. Sorry, I love UO, our dev team is awesome, but this is disappointing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... $7.25 for a hitching post? $3.25 for a bookcase... I'll have to cancel an account for 6 months to justify the cost of everything I want.
Sure it is expensive, so are the BOD covers, however you can make the hitching post ingame, not sure what take most work for you, to get the resources and craft it or earn $7.25 from RL work or farm the gold ingame to buy it from someone.

For me, I think getting the $7.25 from RL work is less work than the other ways. It's really not more than the price of a nice pizza or a burger meat so a little less fastfood and a little more time in my kitchen will do the trick.

I really want UO get more customers and if my money can help paying the devs, I'm happy. Without money from us players we would lose our game.
I don't get why some people think they can get everything for nothing.
Design and coding of ingame items do use dev time.
Good points all and I agree with them. But the dynamics are a little different for pixels. If I buy a pizza I have choices. I can eat it or let it sit there... it's mine. If I buy a decoration for my home or a DVD or something, it is mine and always will be if I chose. In game that isn’t the case. If I get banned or quit playing. I lose access to my $7.25 item, EA still owns it. It is not mine. So even though I paid money for it... I will have to continue to pay my monthly subscription as sort of a right of access to it.

The pricing is high to me... it's high for the Japanese players too (in my opinion). With the rationalization of @$30 for "dev time"... well come on. Entire expansions... you know with new content and hours upon hours of game play tied to it... Costs that much... if not less. These items are mostly pre-made art (I paid for with my subscription) with a little functionality added to (some of) it. what’s the difference if you sell 1000 items at $4 or 2000 items at $2?

I have sort of a philosophy started by reading an excerpt in a Mark Jackob’s post: People vote with their credit cards.

I thought the additional storage capacity and char slot was overpriced. Even though I wanted it, I did not buy it based on that want alone. When the Mag event started, I upgraded two accounts with additional storage and slots to show my favor to the team that made such a wonderful event.

I have 4 accounts. Until I cover the cost of the items I want, I will have 3. If I find I am getting along well enough without the extra account I may just leave it canceled. Not a threat or an ultimatum.... Just my plan.

I do well enough making money and living my life. And that comes through responsible spending... no bills save the rent, utilities and insurance... no credit cards with a balance... 0 debt. But with a world economy in the toilet I feel that it's a world-wide responsibility to spend money more wisely. So I really scrutinize the value of what I am paying for. I can not justify this.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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They can take their 11th collection item prices and shove it. Greedy newbs. Yes I called them newbs.

I'm glade we have to pay for items that is suppose to celebrate an anniversary in UO that has never charged us to get items for an anniversary. Yes they call them "Collection"

I've been saying it and will keep staying. Stuff a big sock in your markets mouth.


Then dat solves me problem

I have another if it helps. *cough* this is UHALL and I am a UO player so i have a right to pull anything outta the air.

I hate being charges for items (ie) Bookcase that we've asked to be able to have since prolly year 1. I know you can steal Academic books but unfortunately I don't have a script and a computer to run it on on the day its going to spawn.


I'm glade we have to pay for items that is suppose to celebrate an anniversary in UO that has never charged us to get items for an anniversary. Yes they call them "Collection"
Draconi and Co. keep repeating on these boards it was a mistake on EAJapan and marketing on calling this what it was '11th Anniversary Collection'. They were not meant to be presents, more like the Spring Deco tokens.


They can take their 11th collection item prices and shove it. Greedy newbs. Yes I called them newbs.

I'm glade we have to pay for items that is suppose to celebrate an anniversary in UO that has never charged us to get items for an anniversary. Yes they call them "Collection"

I've been saying it and will keep staying. Stuff a big sock in your markets mouth.
Oh noes! There goes Chessy's bank!

J/K! :D

Lord Drakelord

ok question for someone, if we order this can we change items for items, or are we stuck with all the items below?

Ultima Online™ Eleventh Year Collection

Included in this bundle:
Fallen Log I don't want it
Lamp Post I don't want it
Hitching Post
Armor Engraving Tool I don't want it
Earring of Protection I don't what it
Ancestral Gravestone I don't want it
Bulk Order Cover I don't want it
Wooden Bookcase
Snow Tree
Maple Tree
Willow Tree I don't want it

Warning: When you buy a code from the UO Gamecode Store, if we find that credit card fraud was involved, we will ban your UO account and ban you from purchasing anything else from the UO Gamecode Store.

Ultima Online Eleventh Year Collection Code includes the following:

01. Fallen Log
This item is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
You can sit down on it.
You can select the direction when you place it in his house ("East" or "South")
02. Lamp Post (round style)
Portable item (Blessed).
You can turn on/off the light by w-click.
03. Hitching Post
Portable item (Blessed).
You are able to use it as a stable (animal trainer) when you lock down it.
You can use all stable related speech commands and command menu.
When you use it, you have to be in the house and have to be within 3 tiles from the hitching post.
One charge will be consumed when you claim your pet.
You can restrict users by access level.
All players who can enter the house can use the "stable" command freely and it consumes no charges.
Charge: 30 (Unlimited Rechargeable)
You can recharge it by hitching rope.
You can craft a hitching rope by Tinkering skill.
Tinker 60.0 + Animal Lore 15.0
Material: rope x1 & Resolve's Bride x1
04. Armor Engraving Tool
Engraving tool for armors.
Portable item (Blessed).
Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)
05. Earring of Protection
Earrings have "resistance +2"
You can choose one earring from 5 kinds of earrings.
Earring of Protection (Physical) Physical + 2
Earring of Protection (Fire) Fire +2
Earring of Protection (Cold) Cold +2
Earring of Protection (Poison) Poison +2
Earring of Protection (Energy) Energy +2
On the Siege and Mugen shards, these earrings aren't blessed.
06. Ancestral Gravestone
Gravestone. It works only when it's locked down.
Portable item (Blessed).
When you w-click it, a praying message will be displayed over your character’s head.
After 5 seconds, a random undead appears around you, the creature will speak a random message and disappear within 2 seconds. In addition, you can get the "+ 5 spirits speak" buff for several minutes.
Cool -down Timer : 1 hour 30 min
This buff will disappear, also when you log out.
07. Bulk Order Cover
Scrolls that allow players to dye bulk order books.
Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)
08. Wooden Bookcase
Portable item. You can use it as a container.
This Bookcase’s appearance changes based on whether it contains items or not.
09. Snow Tree
Snow Tree.
This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
10. Maple Tree
Maple Tree with red leaves.
This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
11. Willow Tree
Willow tree with strange branch.
This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
As you can see there are only a few items we want and wish to be sure we can get more then one[bookcases] Now if we cannot get what we wish and can only get what is showed then forget it we not paying $30 dollars for something we do not want.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
wow, 30 bucks for all those pixels?! What a bargain! Seriously though Electronic arts, up yours. And shame on anyone who encourages this type of gouging by buying this silly crap. 30 bucks for what amounts to an automated payoff is stupid and insulting. For thirty bucks I want the graphics to be custom made for me and hand delivered on a CD by an EA crony in a plaid suit. Good lord people! 30 bucks will buy you an entire game that took millions of dollars to develop! This is straight gouging for items that already exist for the most part and a little bit of coding.
It's items you don't need to play the game, it's just deco items. If you can't affort them, don't buy them.

Wait for someone to sell them for x mills ingame if you can't affort paying cash for them.

I do however agree, $20 was what I expected but I want the items so I will pay the price.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok question for someone, if we order this can we change items for items, or are we stuck with all the items below?

As you can see there are only a few items we want and wish to be sure we can get more then one[bookcases] Now if we cannot get what we wish and can only get what is showed then forget it we not paying $30 dollars for something we do not want.
Here's the way I understand it. You can by the $30.00 token and get one of each item. Or you can buy the individual tokens and get 1 item per token. (ie. 1 token for a log gives you 1 log), but you can buy like 5 token for logs at once.

Lord Drakelord

Here's the way I understand it. You can by the $30.00 token and get one of each item. Or you can buy the individual tokens and get 1 item per token. (ie. 1 token for a log gives you 1 log), but you can buy like 5 token for logs at once.
ahh ok I see it now

Kratos Aurion

So instead of taking the original set value of $29.95 and dividing it by 11, they priced each item specifically and differently to add up to $29.95. How stupid is that? That is the coffin nail that is sinking the ship of UO.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
ok question for someone, if we order this can we change items for items, or are we stuck with all the items below?

Included in this bundle:
Fallen Log I don't want it
Lamp Post I don't want it
Hitching Post
Armor Engraving Tool I don't want it
Earring of Protection I don't what it
Ancestral Gravestone I don't want it
Bulk Order Cover I don't want it
Wooden Bookcase
Snow Tree
Maple Tree
Willow Tree I don't want it

As you can see there are only a few items we want and wish to be sure we can get more then one[bookcases] Now if we cannot get what we wish and can only get what is showed then forget it we not paying $30 dollars for something we do not want.
I would say, buy the collection and sell the items you don't want or/and buy the items you want from other players. I want different items than you and some may want the items you and I don't want and sell the items we want.

Fallen Log You don't want it I want it
Lamp Post You don't want it
Hitching Post I want it
Armor Engraving Tool You don't want itI want it
Earring of Protection You don't what it I want it but on Siege it would be a bad deal
Ancestral Gravestone You don't want it
Bulk Order Cover You don't want it I want it
Wooden Bookcase
Snow Tree
Maple Tree
Willow Tree You don't want it


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a side note, if you buy 5 bookcases, 5 logs and 5 say gravestones, that put you at the 3 "code" per month limit.



Just a side note, if you buy 5 bookcases, 5 logs and 5 say gravestones, that put you at the 3 "code" per month limit.

There are limits, I can't tell what they are. I began by attempting to buy 5 bookcases/ 5 earrings/ 5 legacy tokens, and 1) was rejected, 2) apparently my account/ hard drive "mirrored" (whatever that means - it's from a conversation earlier today by phone with an EA rep), and 3) restricted from attempting further purchases until 30 days elapse. Technically, what I want/ wanted, was 21 bookcases for our rune library, 14 other individual items within the 11th year collection, and enough soulstones (legacy tokens) to get some stuff off frags that I've been working on since Nov (when I last purchased legacy tokens pending release of the 11th year stuff). Almost 5 hours into the effort now, and I'm still stuck awaiting a response from another rep. I'll spare ya most of the details, but suffice it to say - yes - there are limits to what you can purchase before triggering a "block," and I'm sure 5/5/5 is equal to or above the "trigger line." Hope that helps!


I'm glade we have to pay for items that is suppose to celebrate an anniversary in UO that has never charged us to get items for an anniversary. Yes they call them "Collection"
These are not 11th anniversary items. The anniversary items will be given at a later date.


Lord Drakelord

Just a side note, if you buy 5 bookcases, 5 logs and 5 say gravestones, that put you at the 3 "code" per month limit.

I got 4 of the bookcases for the wife's keep

They replace those ugly elf book cases


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got 4 of the bookcases for the wife's keep

They replace those ugly elf book cases
Did someone have a bad experience with a polar bear as a child?

I think the pricing for this stuff is fine. Don't want or can't afford? Then don't get.