Jeebus people. If you will notice, many of the past town halls were held during the summer. There is still plenty of time to make an announcement to allow you with such little time to prepare to set up your
Ricco Suave have you ever gone to a UO Town Hall Meeting? If you had, and signed up for it, you might have realized that the schedule is
usually out by February. In fact, the 2008 Town hall Meetings, the very first one was on
March 1st, 2008 in Jacksonville, Fl. followed by
May 10, 2008 in Bethesda, Md. Both of these meetings were in the
spring NOT summer. Now, if you are in Australia where the seasons are, for the most part, opposite of the United States of America, then, these examples would be in the fall for you, and the rest in the winter. Please try to learn your seasons so you don't make an irrefutable fool out of yourself.
Now, as for the reason why I'm posting about the UO Town Hall Meetings, in case you think I'm "worrying my little head, toots":
The Guardians of Light try to hold a Guild Meet-up around the time frame of the UO Town Hall Meetings. The last 2 years we have had the largest turnout of people at the Seattle Town Hall Meetings. In fact, in 2007, GoL made up ~75% of the people attending the meeting, 2008 we made up ~50% due to the larger turnout of people for the UO Town Hall. We are currently trying to lock down a date for our guild meet up and we like holding it the same time frame as the UO Town Hall Meeting.