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Faction Guild Alliances

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Umm... Alliance chat is not a mandatory requirement to being able to play "closely together" if you use VENT, & I know you guys use that. So... perhaps what your getting at is that the mixxed Faction / Non-faction alliance is more useful to you the way it is vs. how they propose to change it? If that's the case & you cannot admit it's an unfair advantage in PvP & your only other concern is being able to chat together than I suggest you come up with a better arguement.....
People say it is unfair that we have this many players in our guild in the first place. They say it is unfair that we are using Ventrilo to coordinate. No matter what we end up doing it is unfair.

By the way, since last year's low of 3 people in factions on Atlantic, we are now up to 740 as of today. So despite all this complaining, there is a dramatic increase in participation.


How are two guilds which just show green to each other and can use alliance chat going to "exploit the system"?
I know you don't think I'm that stupid. I'd sure hope not, because that would reflect on your own intelligence.


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People say it is unfair that we have this many players in our guild in the first place. They say it is unfair that we are using Ventrilo to coordinate. No matter what we end up doing it is unfair.
Umm.. you just kinda ranted and didn't actually provide a "better arguement" as I asked....

Anyway.... Having a zerg unfair?? No it's not, but for those that rely on #'s in PvP to make up for a lack of skill you only earn contempt.. Vent unfair?? Nah, it's pretty much a standard of Today's PvP.

By the way, since last year's low of 3 people in factions on Atlantic, we are now up to 740 as of today. So despite all this complaining, there is a dramatic increase in participation.
The only reason for increase is the new Faction items.... PvP has always had a large part based on who's got the better gear & FACTION items are far better... Now imagine how many people would be participating JC if Faction alliances weren't messed up... lol

& B4 you say it. If you were forced to Faction or NOT you made it clear your whole guild would come out of factions. This DOES NOT mean there would be less faction fighting. What it means is that anyone else in Factions wouldn't be risking 20 mins of STAT when fighting your (no longer allowed)mixxed group of Faction / Non-Faction fighters.. Thus.. there could easily be MORE fighting for those in factions ....

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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The only reason for increase is the new Faction items.... PvP has always had a large part based on who's got the better gear & FACTION items are far better... Now imagine how many people would be participating JC if Faction alliances weren't messed up... lol
Participation went way up before the introduction of items. Unfortunately it appears the uo.com "redesign" has broken the internet archiver and it isn't updating past December 2007. So there is no way at the moment to look at numbers around the patch that introduced faction items.

You think if they change this more people are going to join in? I don't think so. Maybe a couple, but it won't offset the number of players ticked off or leaving factions because of it. This change won't improve faction fights or make things more balanced. It does nothing except makes things harder for guilds who currently use it or might be interested in trying out factions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You think if they change this more people are going to join in? I don't think so. Maybe a couple, but it won't offset the number of players ticked off or leaving factions because of it.
More people in Factions DOES NOT necessarily mean more fighting. There is some balance point yes, but 20 minutes of STATLOSS plays a big part & removing the ability of a mixxed Faction / Non-Faction alliance to put FACTION opponents in STAT could easitly mean MORE fighting NOT less...

This change won't improve faction fights or make things more balanced.
Did you somehow miss all the explainations of HOW faction alliances are being abused ?? I'll skip reiterating them all for you and simply ask you to explain how all the examples people gave won't be more balanced by removing faction alliances...

It does nothing except makes things harder for guilds who currently use it or might be interested in trying out factions.
You mean it takes away alliance chat ??? Be clear pls.. because obviously fixing the mixxed Faction / Non-faction alliance abuse is a GOOD thing & more balanced, so you HAVE To be referring to the loss of Alliance chat... Since when is any pvper's primary (heck secondary or even tertiary) concern alliance chat???


Seasoned Veteran
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red/blue/oj doesnt matter, if ur opposite to me I can attack u

faction/non faction allys r green
faction/factions allys r green
non faction/non faction allys r green

regardless of how ur allied, u benifit as freindlies, but thats the SAME in all allies

Sorry, if ur faction guild is raidng my non faction spawn. am i to say.. omg i cant attack cuz its a faction fight? or vice versa? heck no, u'l get attacked cuz ur raiding. Ur just another person in another guild regarless of red/blue/oj status

If they end faction/non faction alliances, then they should end them all cuz they have the same benifits, friendly fire.

only way a faction gets in stat is if a faction kills em. & as jc said, itd be stupid to have the blue do all the work then have the oj kill shot it. dang if ima let em steal my gold.

me as a meer non faction cant participate in faction bases, cant steal sigils, cant benifit from a horse breeder.