And why, oh why, if we were to keep faction/non-faction alliances for the purpose of communication, roleplay, AoE nonflag, etc. all the benefits of alliance would we not have guilds allied to faction guilds toggle orange to faction guilds.
They are essentially the friend of your enemy, and therefore, also your enemy.
Now, non faction guilds allied to faction guilds participating on either side would still flag blue to the other(?, or should they) non faction guild, they wouldn't suffer stat but they would not be able to use the items.
They still don't get to heal/rez their allies as non belligerents, and are still open flag targets for active factioneers using AoE.
In my mind the risk factor just went way up for this style of play if you implement the above change. The solution doesn't help Siege at all, sorry I don't see how you guys can have non-combatants and combatants allied in a place where there is no "safe" zone.
I tried to make this alliance thing work for a guild on Origin just mainly to try and spark some interest for players that have never had to play in Fel and have always chosen to not expose themselves to PvP battles. I think its fun, and a rush, but its very hard to get people who've played only crafters and pvm templates to take a look at altering their playstyle because it is never on their radar.
Alliance chat allows for folks to be challenged to grow in a different direction, but it certainly shouldn't allow for the manipulation I see being talked about in this thread.
In my experience it is difficult to get larger groups of players to consistently check a website or even turn on icq. It didn't seem to be such a problem pre tram, but give people the choice and unless they have to hear about it or see it on a daily basis they just push the ignore button and never look back.
I think the flagging system for factions and the different flagging tiers has needed a once over in regard to priority for quite some time now.
I'm not sure how I feel about this for Siege, it seems that a shard dedicated for veteran players should have a lot less need to grow players into factioneers. However, I do understand there are some rather severe limitations with only one character available for play.
In summary:
I would rather that is was easier for faction guilds to participate in alliances with non faction guilds.(grow some pvmers)
I would rather that non faction guilds allied with faction guilds have greater exposure to the faction system when in Fel.
Last, not least, manipulation of the combat/flagging system must be halted.