"I have heard rumor that the vile Shadowlords have created an obsidian dagger that can kill our beloved Paladins with a single blow. The magic works such evil power that the forces of good are unable to recruit replacements for the honorable deceased paladins. We cannot sit idly by while our great cities are placed under siege and our good men and women slaughtered. While the evil ones may reap some paltry silver from such despicable deeds, the true danger lies with the depletion of our protective forces. Without our loyal paladins, who will protect our cities? What are we going to do about this ye good citizens of Sosaria?"
Xanthril - Guildleader of Legions Against Wicked Sosarians
Out of character: I do not know whether the paladins are the only guards for the cities or whether the fact that a replacement will not respawn also means that they won't be replaced at server up. The post presumes <most likely erroneously> that the paladins are the sole protectors and server up does not replace them. In any event, the post is merely intended to get some insightful views -- in character preferably.
Xanthril - Guildleader of Legions Against Wicked Sosarians
Out of character: I do not know whether the paladins are the only guards for the cities or whether the fact that a replacement will not respawn also means that they won't be replaced at server up. The post presumes <most likely erroneously> that the paladins are the sole protectors and server up does not replace them. In any event, the post is merely intended to get some insightful views -- in character preferably.