Quick Guide to the Cloak and Dagger Event
Non-spoiler version:
If you are in the Shadowlords faction, listen carefully to hear the voice of your master bidding you. If you hear nothing, speak to your fellow faction members and learn the secret of the gate in your faction stronghold, and read the UO Herald (uoherald.com) to know the time to meet on the other side.
Spoilerific version:
The Shadowlords faction has a new room available in their headquarters.
Within the room they will find a display case with an obsidian dagger inside.
Obsidian daggers can be used to instant-kill paladin NPCs.
Melissa, the new mistress of the Shadowlords, will appear within the secret chamber to guide the loyal Shadowlord members on a mission at the appointed time.
Every member of the Shadowlords faction can now hear the voices of the Shadowlords clearly in their heads. Those infected by blackrock may still hear the random, chaotic utterances, but those who join SL will be able to directly hear the bidding of their new masters.
- Stand near the moongate and say "chaos" to enter
- This only works for Shadowlords members
Within the room they will find a display case with an obsidian dagger inside.
- Double-click the dagger to receive two in your backpack
- Can only get two per day
Obsidian daggers can be used to instant-kill paladin NPCs.
- Simply equip it and land a successful hit on the NPC
- Only works on basic Paladins, such as those in Trinsic
- Receive 100 silver per kill
Melissa, the new mistress of the Shadowlords, will appear within the secret chamber to guide the loyal Shadowlord members on a mission at the appointed time.
- Please see uoherald.com for the event schedule for your shard
- You will have an opportunity to use the obsidian daggers at the event as well
Every member of the Shadowlords faction can now hear the voices of the Shadowlords clearly in their heads. Those infected by blackrock may still hear the random, chaotic utterances, but those who join SL will be able to directly hear the bidding of their new masters.
- Nosfentor, the Shadowlord of Cowardice, will call to her minions this weekend to complete an important task. Melissa is her representative.
Interference by attempting to stop the Shadowlords from completing their deadly task, or even trying to assist them, is acceptable. Spamming, harassing, or other violations of the TOS, are not.