You installed the software to provide the warnings, if you didn't go into the options and set when it was allowed to give you the warnings, you are the one who let it interrupt your hunting.
She speaks the Truth!
Most printers come with the Device Drivers and a Monitoring Application. Usually one can find an option to turn off the automatic alerts and updates, with just a few minutes exploring the program's settings. The easiest thing would be to just disable the offending service(s) from starting automatically when Windows starts.
I usually turn off all of those types of options, unless they are critical (such as Antivirus Definition Updates)...these necessary updates get scheduled for a time that is convenient for me. Another option is to check for updates/alerts from the different programs and devices before starting your gaming session.
If you're afraid of messing something up, just keep a notepad handy and write down the setting's location, original value, and what you modified or disabled. If something doesn't seem to work quite right, you can always consult your notes and quickly revert the changes.
EDIT: Just remembered another little trick, especially for Printers - The manufacturer may offer a corporate edition of the device driver. This usually contains just the driver and associated files that are required to use the printer. If you don't use the monitoring application for anything like required config or special features, this might be an even more efficient way to go, if you are comfortable completely removing and reinstalling your printer.