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UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
ok usually if I die things like reactive armor and protection would stay on today I died to sacarii in wrong and lost all my protection is this the way its supposed to be now?


You will lose these buffs when you die in game.



Just so you know chrissay this was not the way it has been, in the past Protection, Spell Reflection, and Reactive armor have all stayed with the player even upon death.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just so you know chrissay this was not the way it has been, in the past Protection, Spell Reflection, and Reactive armor have all stayed with the player even upon death.
I Think she was saying this is a change now! Is this correct?


Just so you know chrissay this was not the way it has been, in the past Protection, Spell Reflection, and Reactive armor have all stayed with the player even upon death.
That's correct but this has changed with this publish :)



Okie dokie, I appreciate the response, maybe that should be added to the patch notes, seems our notes are getting less and less descriptive and leaving out fairly major gameplay changes.


If you don't have scribe on when you die you gain 4 phys. If you do it again you gain another 4 phys.

& I agree this should be in the notes.


This fix was put in because people stoned scribe on, cast reactive armor & magic reflect then stoned scribe off and had a character with 0/5/5/5/5 resists.

Since the 'fix' if you die (or maybe its just me?) without the scribe on your resists become 4/0/0/0/0.

As they didn't bother to tell anyone I thought it was just that someone had used a ward removal talisman on me so repeated the procedure (including dying afterwards) and now have a characer with 8/0/0/0/0. If I repeat it I will probably gain another 4 and so on.

I tried it on a character who has scribe on all the time and they didn't gain 4 phys when they died.

I don't mind that they fixed it but they should have told us and they should have tested it.

Noobish Noob

Well crap. I am a dexxer who plays late nights by myself mostly. I run protection on most of my toons. Guess I am going to have to carry scrolls now to cast protection when I die. As usual, a nerf to the unscrupulous affects the normal players again.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Son of a ........

Now i have to rework my suits. Woulda been nice to see this in the pub notes.


This fix was put in because people stoned scribe on, cast reactive armor & magic reflect then stoned scribe off and had a character with 0/5/5/5/5 resists.

Since the 'fix' if you die (or maybe its just me?) without the scribe on your resists become 4/0/0/0/0.

As they didn't bother to tell anyone I thought it was just that someone had used a ward removal talisman on me so repeated the procedure (including dying afterwards) and now have a characer with 8/0/0/0/0. If I repeat it I will probably gain another 4 and so on.

I tried it on a character who has scribe on all the time and they didn't gain 4 phys when they died.

I don't mind that they fixed it but they should have told us and they should have tested it.
So not only did we get a change with no notification that it was going to happen, the change was ****ed up, so now we can't even recast the spells to reapply them.

Wow. I bet we've got a whole group of people that used to work for NASA that designed this one.....

In the sanitation department.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh hell, now they mess up everyone and every character!
I will constantly forget to recast this crap! grrrr

Will they fix this in the UO website:
" Reactive Armor, Protection, and Magic Reflection will stay on�even after logging out, even after dying�until you "turn them off" by casting them again. "

Let's see how long THAT takes to edit.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gah... Now to rework my chars who relied on the resists from those spells... all my stuff gave me massive amounts of phys resists, but low ele resists.. I needed magic reflection... grrrr


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this trick was being used by everyone and their mothers since the soulstones were introduced.

It's a good change.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this trick was being used by everyone and their mothers since the soulstones were introduced.

It's a good change.
agreed now maybe I can start selling scrolls more :) I always carry a couple of jewels with plus magery and usualy a plus spell book even on characters with no magery so I can put the items on then cast from a scroll then just switch my jewels back out then I am good again till I die


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this trick was being used by everyone and their mothers since the soulstones were introduced.

It's a good change.
And what about the people who didn't use it? I just cast the spells off the scrolls and went about my resists. I didn't stone skills just to get that free bonus.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you were just casting off of scrolls..... how has that really changed for you?

You can still use Protection by casting it with a scroll. Might just have to do it a little more now after you die.

Really, not a big deal in your case.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just so you know chrissay this was not the way it has been, in the past Protection, Spell Reflection, and Reactive armor have all stayed with the player even upon death.
That's correct but this has changed with this publish :)


This just makes playing my mage chars a DRAG needing to remember which suit is designed for which of the 3 buffs I use in various combinations which change character to character depending on what each one's suit base resists are. All my mages run with protection on. I use either just pro, pro with reflect, pro with react, pro with refect & react, whatever gives me the 'best' set up.

The cost to have protection on your char is the highest spell cost in the game with the loss of 30 real skill points off resist magic, -10 phys resist, and a permanent minus to FC while it is on. The ONLY 'plus' was that you didn't need to worry about being interrupted when casting and that you DIDN'T need to be continually reapplying it on death.

This just makes it a HUGE pain and basically before I can get back into any battle I will need to 'check' against my characters resists and 'recast' 3 spells to get back to 'normal' for that char, 99% of the time it will be MORE as you often need to cast and then 'remove' the spell if it isn't the correct one for that 'suit'. All this as well as needing to 'heal up' and the delay to doing anything due to waiting for the 'mana' to be able to even recast after death. So the 'penalty' for the luxury of protect has now been 'upped' again due to time taken to redo it continually when you die.

I have at least 9 characters that run with pro, and they are always switching over armor bits and 're-suiting' when they obtain 'better' arms or legs etc, so the mix of 'buffs' is always changing. This change to those spells basically makes it just one more 'drag' to enjoy playing the game and I can see no good 'reason' why it needed to be changed.

This has not made me particularly happy, especially as I see no need for the change after 11 years and no one complaining.

Just another NERF to honest players to correct those who used the spells to 'cheat'. When using a soulstone to remove skill it should do a 'check' against any modifications obtained by that skill and remove them too, not leave them 'on' a character. Seems this is becoming the norm in UO.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that this change makes sense. Many people will whine, but it is only fair concerning combat balance. Those using buffs should be able to recast those buffs anytime. Or live with the risk on losing them upon death.

Sounds fair to me.


The thing about people stoning scribe of for free resists,

It doesnt work, i had a scribe necro who always run with that combo. Now i have a nox necro, when i hold the mouse over the buffs when i have scribe on it changes when i have poisoning.

The only free resists come by stocking up an extra 25phys and then casting magic reflect to gain 40resists...10 in each elemental.

Fox (Europa)

You have to look back a long way to realise why this is a bad change.

At one time mages had to wear poorer armor so they could med in it and so were given the buff of extra resists by casting the reflect and reactive armor spells.

Now though all the best armor is leather and mages are at no disadvantage armor-wise and the use of soulstones by warriors to add inscription temporarily to be able to use these spells was fine as it levelled the field.

Now though there is a buff available to mages that is no longer available to warriors and that mages just don't need because the armor imbalance doesn't exist any more.

I'm guessing that this change wasn't intended by the devs but was just a result of the buff bar changes and they then thought they might as well leave it in as they thought it did no harm. Wrong.



It was intentional as was stated earlier in this very thread, and personally i dont think its a bad thing. Its intended for Mages and now it reamins for mages, if others want to use it fine carry scrolls around.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a great change...NOT. Now I have the fun of rebuilding all of my suits. All I want to do is log into the game to play. I don't want to spend hours upon hours rebuilding suits for all of my toons. I just wish EA would understand that people want to play the game not spend time tediously working on things like suits. No wonder the player base is constantly dwindling.


So basically youre moaning about them fixing an exploited game mechanic granting never ending free resists???

Now its back to only mages (or people who carry scrolls) who can utilise this benefit. As it should be, mages cant use a bushido confidence or evasion scroll to gain bonus's so why should everyone else gain benefits of magery without the investment?

Fox (Europa)

So basically youre moaning about them fixing an exploited game mechanic granting never ending free resists???

Now its back to only mages (or people who carry scrolls) who can utilise this benefit. As it should be, mages cant use a bushido confidence or evasion scroll to gain bonus's so why should everyone else gain benefits of magery without the investment?
As I already explained, this buff was put in place to give mages an armor buff when medable armor was weaker than warriors' armor. This comparative weakness no longer exists as the best armor for everyone is leather. So either all players should be able to have this buff or none.


All youve explained is that non-mages have been exploiting a mage spell for years(stoning of scribe blah blah blah), the fact that templates have evolved to use med is no never mind. Mage suits are still the hardest to make and oftentimes still not as good as dexxers.

Your argument could be flipped onto bushido evasion, or chivalry remove curse...either everyone can have it or no-one.

They all have spells from each Set that would be beneficial to every template but only the people who have devoted skill, time and effort into developing those skills should have the benefits of.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I figured they had left this feature all along, in order for people to get +5 in the four elemental resists, since it was a nice way to round out your suit (if you wanted it). And anyone could do it.
Now we have to re-work our suits. No warning.
Fine. I'm going to adapt, even though I'm not happy.

But..... what does that have to do with the protection/magic reflect/reactive armor dispelling after death? Why not just have the resists reset if someone stones off inscription?? Same way they did the vampiric embrace trick?
They inconvenience far more people with them having to re-cast the 2 or one or all three spells every single death. Man... I can think of some people I hunt with that will never remember to re-cast and they'll think something is broke when they keep fizzing. *sigh*

I know what I'll be doing.... die, go home, use stone, and be back to my old self (until I find a better gorget). Hmmm, maybe that's why they left it this way.


I figured they had left this feature all along, in order for people to get +5 in the four elemental resists, since it was a nice way to round out your suit (if you wanted it). And anyone could do it.
Now we have to re-work our suits. No warning.
Fine. I'm going to adapt, even though I'm not happy.
Agreed this has nothing to do with the having to re-cast,

You can still get the elemental resist at the expense of physical you just have to carry scrolls or learn magery!!

The trick is still there but now it cant be exploited by every tom **** and ann(had to change form harry and be PC)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this trick was being used by everyone and their mothers since the soulstones were introduced.

It's a good change.
Actually, I've known about the bug and never used it. I refuse to use anything that may give me an unfair advantage in the game. True skill is winning on an even field.

How about just fixing it so that the scribe bug didnt work instead of this dumb workaround.

In all honesty it doesn't affect me one bit, but its just the principle of it.

EA seems to always take the easy way out, and as one of their longest continuous paying subscribers I take offense to it. Funny how in most businesses customer service is so important, yet in the software industry it's non-existent.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good change! ppl crying about their suits, why?!? it was designed for mages and mages with inscribe to have it easier to build up an armor, not for wairrors or other etc.

i dont see the problem now you have two macros, when you got resurrected put suit on, hit both macros ready.

Der Rock

it is another change that duper/scripter dont care, because they all have their valo/brb runic
armor items with 80+ resists and mods they want,they dont need this 2 spells.

dev,whom will you help????? the scum or the fair player??


Excuse me but im a fair player...i still use the spells on my necro and will after, aint much to cast the spell when i die!

None of my warriors need it, or would use it.

I really dont see what your problem is.

theyre fixing an abuse of game mechanics and your complaining!!!


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
BFD what is the problem with casting these spells from a scroll and recasting after You die ?
just freakin lazy people who have nothing better to do but **** and moan this is how it was intended to be !!!