Just so you know chrissay this was not the way it has been, in the past Protection, Spell Reflection, and Reactive armor have all stayed with the player even upon death.
That's correct but this has changed with this publish
This just makes playing my mage chars a DRAG needing to remember which suit is designed for which of the 3 buffs I use in various combinations which change character to character depending on what each one's suit base resists are. All my mages run with protection on. I use either just pro, pro with reflect, pro with react, pro with refect & react, whatever gives me the 'best' set up.
The cost to have protection on your char is the highest spell cost in the game with the loss of 30 real skill points off resist magic, -10 phys resist, and a permanent minus to FC while it is on. The ONLY 'plus' was that you didn't need to worry about being interrupted when casting and that you
DIDN'T need to be continually reapplying it on death.
This just makes it a HUGE pain and basically before I can get back into any battle I will need to 'check' against my characters resists and 'recast' 3 spells to get back to 'normal' for that char, 99% of the time it will be MORE as you often need to cast and then 'remove' the spell if it isn't the correct one for that 'suit'. All this as well as needing to 'heal up' and the delay to doing anything due to waiting for the 'mana' to be able to even recast after death. So the 'penalty' for the luxury of protect has now been 'upped' again due to time taken to redo it continually when you die.
I have at least 9 characters that run with pro, and they are always switching over armor bits and 're-suiting' when they obtain 'better' arms or legs etc, so the mix of 'buffs' is always changing. This change to those spells basically makes it just one more 'drag' to enjoy playing the game and I can see no good 'reason' why it needed to be changed.
This has not made me particularly happy, especially as I see no need for the change after 11 years and no one complaining.
Just another NERF to honest players to correct those who used the spells to 'cheat'. When using a soulstone to remove skill it should do a 'check' against any modifications obtained by that skill and remove them too, not leave them 'on' a character. Seems this is becoming the norm in UO.