You don't understand macro-economics JC, and neither did they. The price of gold for sale dropped after the BOS nerf, because suddenly the demand went up. counter-intuitively, none of this was much but a fork in the road for scripters, and they all ran to fill the demand for people who didn't want to haul gold around, and people could buy gold for a dollar or even less sometimes, so the actual amount of gold in the game went UP, because people would rather just pay 10 bucks than spend their 3 or 4 hours of game time running 15 or 20k back and forth, back and forth. If everyone has their own ability to collect their own gold more, the demand will go down on the scripters, people will actually be willing to put a bit of effort into collecting it themselves more, and the actual result will be there will be less gold because the value of an actual dollar bill will go up vrs the value of a million gold, and although that sounds like that would make gold cheaper, its fake money versus real money, and so people will be more likely to keep their dollar bill and not buy gold because it's not a commodity, less people will script, simply because the time spent to get the gold will be less, so less people will script or buy gold. What we're worried about here is real business activity outside the company of people who can could and did easily still farm gold on multiple computers with macros going and have alarms go off if anyone came around to say something or their macroes stopped working. The price of gold will go up now, because real people won't be encouraged to buy it as much. Gold will actually be worth more. Don't be a fool. If a real player can go farm his own gold while he's really there, that is really playing and he really won't be as encouraged to buy it, and the supply of people bothering to supply it will go down, and yes, like i said, the price online will go up, because then the ones who have it think it's worth more, because it is to them, because they need a profit, will need to rely and have to rely on the people who will pay triple the price anyway because they are well off. If you have 1000 people who will pay 3 dollars a million but if you can get 9000 people who will pay 1 dollar a million, if you add 4000 people ot the 1000, you lower it to 1 dollar. if its down to just 1500 with the other 1000 at 3 dollars of people who will pay one dollar a million you raise the price back up to where the 1000 people who will 3 dollars are, you stand to make more money that way then. The numbers are just examples not based on any stats of people buying gold. But it shows how a lowering of demand can raise a price. If I didn't explain it right, this means eventually your gold will be worth more. It's textbook.