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Ultima Offline (What games do you play if you need a break from Ultima Online?)


Lore Keeper
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If i'm not playing UO, then it is either Lord of the Rings online or a game from Real, right now it's Lost in Reefs. I just bought a Wii so now I can get fit or play zelda.:D but i'm really trying to get up the energy to start building my characters on the 2nd UO account.

Sir Kelek

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PC GAMES..X-com UFO Defense/ Caeser 2/ Rail Road tycoon/ Oregon trail LOL
play station X-com FO Defense
Love rocking my old NES games have hundreds.. Mike tyson punch out/ zeldas/ Tecmo super bowl/ love the old nes games hehe


WOW and Lord of the Rings Online... Some Call Duty World at War


Atlantica Online
any of the SNES games I have laying around (DK country, Mario World, SF 2 ect)
MS Flight Simulator X,
Undeniably Sexy: A Thief's Tale (Chad Sexington's Homebrew game),
what ever I decide to whip up in XNA,
on occasion I reactivate my EQ account and play that a bit,
Assassin's Creed,
Voyage Century Online,
Diablo II
Neverwinter Nights
D&D 2nd Edition (Still the best released edition)

To be quite honest I'm looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic being released...I'll probably give that a try...
yeah another Atlantica Online player... its good to see that there is at least one player here who is also into the game like me...

i just installed Neverwinter Nights last night to try out another character...


Crazed Zealot
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NWN excluded, never could get into that game :(
NWN is really meant to be a constructor kit - the game that came with it was just a sample (although a well-fleshed-out sample). Unfortunately, like so many constructor kits, it's too much work for the outcome (in my opinion), isn't a "world" and binds your games to one engine. (I haven't tried the latest version though)


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I just activated a 10 day free trial of LOTR and I like it enuf for now. Has a Morrowind feel to it but I have been too busy in RL to get deep.
Though he keeps accts open hubby has been WOWin for 2 years and still going strong. I tried it but hated it since fighting isn't a priority for me. I am more the solo type


Currently I'm playing:
Combat Missions: Shock Force (Great turn based tactical game)
Nile Online (browser game)
Kings Age (browser game)
Eve Online
MechWarrior 4


heh, Travian player here as well (speed & s5)

MooII - SWEET, awesome oldschool game (got the CD on the desk somewhere)

As far as "new" games go, Fallout 3 kicks, bought bioshock yesterday, havnt fired it up yet. Space rangers II is pretty good - can easily kill 2-3 days fast. Those are what I've played the last few weeks.


Crazed Zealot
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Play BioShock posthaste, definitely one of my favorite new FPS games.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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While im working my way thru the stygian abyss in ultima underworld, i prefer ultima 4 cause it preforms better on my system. if its not anything to do with ultima, Call of duty 4 or World at war. Just beat Bioshock.


Always Present
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If I am online then the only game online that even interests me is Ultima Online ...if I feel I need a break from that...then I am OFFLINE...playing a silly game called toss the frisbee for my Shelties in the yard or down the hallway so they FETCH bark and do sillies and it is OUR GAME. :) I enjoy it so do they. lol

Got a new game now...bought some easter lambs toys that actually make the sound of sheep............well Shetland Sheepdogs are supposed to be herding dogs and we live in the city so they only get to herd us or birds in the yard.............NOW we can play a new game...see if their instincts to herd at the sound of stuffed toy sheep making baa noices works to get em all riled up and or herding. :) FUN GAME THEY BARK AND HERD toy sheep that make sheep noises............ well they can NOT play UO...or they would herd the sheep at the Yew pens I guess...and I would have to rpl a herder. LOL

But nah other games just do not interest me...per say...if i want a break from UO I go do RL...it's a fun game. :)


Lore Master
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When I not playing UO and still have time to play something? Hmm...



Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2, Sims 2, and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3...

...those take up any time I have that I don't devote to UO or real life.

Well, that and wasting insane amounts of time on Stratics. :D

Glad to see someone else here still plays battlefield 2! that is really the only thing i play other than uo.. never could get into 2142 i found it too arcady, although if they were to make a battlefield game with the same features as the old delta force games uo would never see me again!


Grand Poobah
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[*]Freelancer - Still the best space game (sorry EVE fans) to date. If only Chris Roberts would come back to his roots, and develop a new & completed version of Freelancer. There are mod-like expansions and even a Star Wars mod.
Amen! I love that game! I've tried newer games similar to Freelancer in hopes of finding a game that can equal it, but so such luck :(
Why they no longer work on a squeal to that game or even expand on it I will never understand. That game itself isn't even finished. At least the storyline that is.


Lore Master
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I've tried newer games similar to Freelancer in hopes of finding a game that can equal it, but so such luck
I hear ya! I'm looking forward to seeing how Jumpgate Evolution turns out (site, teaser, latest trailer). I hope JGE turns out to be the modern replacement for Freelancer. *crosses fingers & toes*


Icewind Dale, NeverWinter Nights, Age of Empires ... even oldies like Civilization, Colonization and Railroad Tycoon! <shrug> Plus I still like the old Zork series.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Amen! I love that game! I've tried newer games similar to Freelancer in hopes of finding a game that can equal it, but so such luck :(
Why they no longer work on a squeal to that game or even expand on it I will never understand. That game itself isn't even finished. At least the storyline that is.
Check this game out...


I was a huge fan of Privateer way back in the day. My older brother got me playing it. I never found another game as good as that. This game, Evochron Renegades is not as good as Privateer, but it isn't a bad space combat/trading sim. You need a good flight controller though.


Seasoned Veteran
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I’m sure I will forget some but my top games to play besides UO are -

Spaceward Ho!, Temple of Apshai, Railroad Tycoon, Sim City, Civilization, Dungeon Siege, Diablo 1 & 2, Arcanum, X-Com, Alpha Centauri and any of the SSi Advance Dungeon and Dragon games.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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When I'm stuck offline, or I get sick of the drama in UO I play Balders Gate... though I'm almost afraid to cause I've yet to beat the game... for some reason the three or four times I have started it my PC dies.... and my hard drive gets wiped.... This is the 4th install I believe and well... so far so good... I'm on chapter 3 or 4 now... Though this time I've cheated my way there a bit cause I didn't want to spend all that time getting back up to where I've been before... but it's going well.....

When I don't play that I like Dungeon Keeper2 it's really fun... and you get to be "evil".... *grins*....

Though I keep telling myself I should really play that UO game that came with one of the expansions once.... but I have yet to check it out...


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
NWN is really meant to be a constructor kit - the game that came with it was just a sample (although a well-fleshed-out sample). Unfortunately, like so many constructor kits, it's too much work for the outcome (in my opinion), isn't a "world" and binds your games to one engine. (I haven't tried the latest version though)
I was so disappointed after the 1st expansion I gave up buying them. They concept of the game is terrible.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Oh, Oh!!

I forgot to mention these two...

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I and II.

I loved both of these on the Xbox.

Darth Revan = Morgana LeFay of the future (or is it past??) :D


World of Warcraft. I am only paying for my UO account because I am addicted to my pixels. Make a pre-uor server plz
Agreed! I had 8 accounts but am down to 3. If it werent for that fact that I have a castle on 2 of them accts they would be gone as well. World Of Warcraft is the only game to play until and if EA ever gets off there arses to stop the rampant cheaters in this game. As well as start worrying about more than how to make the game prettier for the whinos! We all know thats not about to happen anytime soon though.