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Ultima Offline (What games do you play if you need a break from Ultima Online?)



I've started playing Atlantica Online it was recommended by my friend. The graphics are not wow like but the battles are turnbased like old school RPG games...

Yeah and i do play DOTA, Warcraft 3, and a little Street Fighter from time to time...

Cant wait for Diablo 3 to be released though...

How about you guys?


Crazed Zealot
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Morrowind and Oblivion, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress (****ing love Valve games), BioShock, Call of Duty 4 (singleplayer and online), Call of Duty: World at War (singleplayer only). Yeah, I like FPS games.


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FFXI till I get tired of the grind. I like that game because it has no hooks to tempt you to keep an active subscription. I can cancel the account for a few months then re-activate and pick up where I left off.


Seasoned Veteran
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If UO is down, or I am burnt out on it, I play a game called 1602. Its an old one, but I still enjoy it.

Kratos Aurion

Current games I play (aside from UO) are Guild Wars, Tribal wars which is browser based/strategy, a little bit of Perfect World which is similar to WoW (actually has higher critic ratings than WoW) and it's a free DL/subscription. Sometimes I do play Diablo 2 when I'm not utterly bored with it. I play a little AOE 2 every now and then and console gaming. A big fan of the "Tales" series for console platforms.

I'm not as much of a huge gamer as what I use to be though. It may seem like a long time consuming list but I really don't play games that often or for very short periods of time. I'm more interested in structural softwares now like the adobe cs3 suite and anything that can allow me to create stuff and explore my creativity (self enlightenment period?)


i play a game that you cant even get into anymore because of legacy issues: Age of Mythology: Titans. Microsoft sold the game to multiple vendors, and the vendors botched the rights to generate new keys, so only those legacy keys from microsoft work now. crazy. anyway, its a great old-school game very similar to Command+Conquer Red Alert dynamics, except with mytholigical units and heroes. you have god powers to exert, and as your tech/civ advances, so do the improvements to your units. you can even dig up a HUGE titan which towers over all other units and will level a city like no ones business. fun times. my favorite playstyle is to mass produce golden Collusus and back them up with counter-infantry archer units... very nasty combo.

great game, old-school playstyle and graphics. fits right in with my UO feel


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If I have a few minutes to kill, Spider Solitaire.

A few hours to kill (like if my internet goes down), Master of Orion II (a game older than even UO).


Grand Poobah
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Oblivion, Hitman: Blood Money.

...and...that's it for now. I don't play a lot of games anymore.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Used to be Tribes II. Just another game that bit the big one when the money grubbers wouldn't listen to the players or the dev team. And now look what the rip off game Halo has grown into.


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I play a browser based game called Travian. Besides that I play "student" at the local community college and pretend to learn stuff. It seems I hardly have much time to even log into UO anymore.


Grand Poobah
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It's a constant cycle of UO, Starcraft (the original), and Counterstrike.

I feel like i'm stuck in 1999.


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Atlantica Online
any of the SNES games I have laying around (DK country, Mario World, SF 2 ect)
MS Flight Simulator X,
Undeniably Sexy: A Thief's Tale (Chad Sexington's Homebrew game),
what ever I decide to whip up in XNA,
on occasion I reactivate my EQ account and play that a bit,
Assassin's Creed,
Voyage Century Online,
Diablo II
Neverwinter Nights
D&D 2nd Edition (Still the best released edition)

To be quite honest I'm looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic being released...I'll probably give that a try...


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World of Warcraft.

I am only paying for my UO account because I am addicted to my pixels.

make a pre-uor server plz


Seasoned Veteran
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I have way too many to choose from. I have a serious gold sink in my life..it's called games.

I enjoy NeverWinter Nights - Mask of the Betrayer, Witcher is a good one as well, Mass Effect if I'm feeling Spacey.

Or if I really want a phenomenal time, I break out the old Freelancer game.

Supreme Ruler 2020, Saints Row 2, Imperivm Romanvm....the list goes on..

Did break out Ultima IX a few weeks back for a couple hours. I missed the gypsy wagon. That's one crazy woman, no wonder we are all messed up in Sosaria..



Crazed Zealot
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Real life.

I don't get excited about computer games as much as I used to.

That being said, I do want to play Fallout 3 and am waiting for Starcraft 2. I'll probably break from UO when Starcraft 2 comes out.

Maximus Neximus

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I don't really have time to play UO anymore. Things going on in real life matter way more than any game. I use to take this game too serious and anymore I'm out enjoying life too much to log in and "earn" some pixels.


Stratics Legend
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UO is really the only game I play a lot. I play civ 4 in bursts (some months ill play it alot some months not at all) Oblivion when I can get it running well enough with all the mods I like, an asortment of games on my psp such as MLB 08 the show (would like to play 09 on the ps3, but havent splurged for one yet) wipeout pulse, Disgaea, and some various others.


Lore Keeper
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Dead Space, NFS Undercover, NFS Pro, Cryostasis, Dawn Of War 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Battlefield 2142, TQ Immortal Throne, Sacred 2, the latest Tomb Raider release(lost count TBH), Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, Mirror's Edge, Tekken 6, Street Fighter III Strike, UFO: Afterlight, The Longest Journey, Dreamfall, A Vampyre Story, Rainbow Six: Raven Shield(last "real" R-6 IMHO).

I've given up on almost all MMORPGs at this point and taking a break from that genre until Age Of Conan is patched to perfection or The Secret World comes out.

As far as UO is concerned I'm considering selling my acct. currently.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri, or Children of the Nile for single player games, WoW for online gaming away from UO.


On my PC I usually play UO alongside SS/Continuum; I can play both in windowed mode and my monitor is 22" and big enough to fit both. For the most part the games are similar in that they are 2d, made in the mid 90s, and have communities that just sit around talking. In UO it's called banksitting, in SS it's called specmode :p

Black Sun

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When UO just won't scratch my gaming itch, I usually turn to consoles. Usually GTA4, Assassins Creed, Fable 2, or The Force Unleashed on Xbox. Or the Guitar Hero series on Playstation if I'm feeling quasi-creative. Although I still have a few old favorites on PC. The Sims 2 being the newest, but I also like my old RTS'. Age of Empires, Star Wars: Rebellion, SW: Empire at War, or lately a really old (1997) favorite I've had forever, Theme Hospital.

Lord Drakelord

Spider Solitaire, Free Cell, Hearts, or Mahjong Titans.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I feel like i'm stuck in 1999.
You say that like it's a bad thing. That was a great year!

Also, forgot a few of my other favorites. Star Wars Lego: TCS, and the ever popular Earthbound on SNES. I have Mother 3, but can't really get into it all that much.


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Yeah DOTA! Love that map.

Currently: Kill Zone 2. Graphically it's one of nicest looking games I've ever seen.

Historically: DOTA, Counter Strike, and console stuff :D

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2, Sims 2, and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3...

...those take up any time I have that I don't devote to UO or real life.

Well, that and wasting insane amounts of time on Stratics. :D

El Phantasmo

Any of the following PC games (mostly in cycles):

-Might and Magic Series (entirely too many times on M&M 5)
-Age of: Conquerors, mythology, star wars galactic battlegrounds.
-Doom 3 (God mode is cheezy but a hell of a lot of fun if you just want hack and slash)


Slightly Crazed
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There are other games???????? not on my computer *goes searching thru hard drive * yep no other games here!


Not big into PC games other than UO.

Right now I'm just playin Halo 3 and Fable 2 on the 360.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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counterstrike, left 4 dead, warcraft 3 dota, and soon darkfall


Stratics Legend
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If I have a few minutes to kill, Spider Solitaire.

A few hours to kill (like if my internet goes down), Master of Orion II (a game older than even UO).

I like to play Civ4, Bard's Tale III and Wizardy:Tale of forsaken land

oh...and Spore :D


Crazed Zealot
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I forgot to add Assassin's Creed, The Sims 2 and when I feel like playing console games, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and the Zelda series.

I spend way too much time gaming.


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If I am really bored and don't have a million more important RL things to do... I'll usually play a few of my PS3 games.

Resistance FoM
Call of Duty

Or whatever game my wife and/or son wants me to play with them... Damn Mario Party 8......stupid ass game.


Call of Duty 4, Sometimes Call of Duty: World at War, Super Smash Brothers Brawl.