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Why must...?



fire elementals take up 4 control slots?

Are they seriously that badass? Even 3 is a stretch, but 4?


Stratics Legend
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Yeah, I see no real reason for them to take up more than 2. All the elementals should have the same slots, but with different resists, and EE's doing more melee damage.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Agreed...... I have no idea why they take up 4 slots either they certainly don't last any longer, nor do they do massive amounts of damage compared to other summons...


I have been wondering that myself. EVs pwn so much I seems ludicrous they only take up 2 slots while other things take up 3 or 4. As a mage I should probably shut the hell up and not look a gift-horse in the mouth, but it the balance of 8th circle pet slots seems ludicrous to me too.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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I personally think any summons by a mage should only be limited by their mana...or at most one slot, but even that seems weird.
Compared to the damage that Drags do, slotting anything I can summon seems like overkill *laughs*


Slightly Crazed
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fire elementals take up 4 control slots?

Are they seriously that badass? Even 3 is a stretch, but 4?
I miss the days when my mage could cast as many elementals as i had mana for. I sometimes had 5 for 6 running at once with the previous casting still running and about to decay. I gmed my first mage standing outside my house casting one of the elementals spells right after the other.


Crazed Zealot
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I've yet to find a use for air and fire elementals - in this day and age, they don't have much survivability. Even water elementals are pretty wimpy but at least have the advantage of being able to walk on water.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I have to agree.

I am not sure why they tied summons to control slots. Mages, IMO, are underpowered right now. EVs are the only effective summon from the old magery spells, and those are easily dispelled.

*edit: Actually, I do know why they tied summons to control slots...and it is to prevent mage/tamers from summoning while controlling pets.*


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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That would be correct......

Although I've found a new Use for the Fire Ele.... I used it with the Champ succubus... casting Corpse skin on her and using Fire Ele's.... she didn't seem to dispell them.... though she did kill them quick enough.. but with Corpse skin and a strangle on her they didn't do too bad damage wise... course it's no Greater Dragon... but still.... I don't care if they get killed.

Phaen Grey

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I have wondered this also many times, I can see them using two slots so having two summoned at a time would make them more useful. Four slots moves them down in my priority list for what I want to summon.



Yeah, I've got to agree. If they're going to keep them at 4 slots, then need a buff... some hp or something ffs. I understand that EVs can't be controlled without provo and that's why they're "cheap", but....

Stanton Of Pac

fire elementals take up 4 control slots?

Are they seriously that badass? Even 3 is a stretch, but 4?
Also note: sic a summoned elemental on a free elemental of the same type and see which wins.

The original reason for the control slots was that players were controlling large numbers of followers and causing lag, IIRC. We lost quite a bit more than we gained in the process - Players used to create Paladin armies and invade dungeons with them: it was a blast. Personally I'd prefer removing the limit and simply make it increasingly hard to summon or control creatures based on their power and the # under control.


Babbling Loonie
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I'd like to see an overall update of follower slots. Should golems take up 3 slots? What if they only took up 2? Then tinkers could wander the land with two guardians in tow. Would this be more overpowered than an equivalent 4 slot tameable?

Also, I'd like to see the different allured creatures have different control slot characteristics. Orcs, normal ratmen, ettins, should these guys really cost 3 slots? What if they only cost 2 or even 1?

I'm not even sure hirelings should require 2 slots. While we're on the topic of hirelings, is there any chance paladins could learn chivalry?


Always Present
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I'd like to see an overall update of follower slots. Should golems take up 3 slots? What if they only took up 2? Then tinkers could wander the land with two guardians in tow. Would this be more overpowered than an equivalent 4 slot tameable?

Also, I'd like to see the different allured creatures have different control slot characteristics. Orcs, normal ratmen, ettins, should these guys really cost 3 slots? What if they only cost 2 or even 1?

I'm not even sure hirelings should require 2 slots. While we're on the topic of hirelings, is there any chance paladins could learn chivalry?
I agree. My crafter sits on a blue beetle, untrained to fight, am not a tamer, ie just kept like a packy, already too many slots. If I wish to tinker a golem...or summon a daemon or anything...I have to stable the beetle. The golems USED to be powerful but they no longer really are...and whatever we summon sure does not last very long anyhow...poof sooner or later they are gone thus *temporary*

So in theory if on my beetle, and I want/need to have a summoned or tinkered golem to smack a sand vortex for me,
I CAN NOT DO IT unless I get rid of the beetle and stable it first by that time I'd be dead.

The beetle always with the crafters is that which I need all the time for hauling on my crafters.. cuz it is my uhaul pet. The only defense the crafter may have is enough magery to summon to protect oneself from monsters or spawn is to tinker up a golem to come with, or summon something *temporarily* but all of those plus the blue beetle, itself are too many SLOTS.

Soooooooooo one oft can not do diddly most of the times unless I dump/stable the pet beetle that my crafters ride/need all the time to summon or to tinker up and have a golem accompany me...minus the beetle. Considering some of our in game enemies can have a super dragon in tow to kill us, we can not as a crafter (on a beetle) even have a simple tinkered golem at our side to defend us.


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I agree. My crafter sits on a blue beetle, untrained to fight, am not a tamer, ie just kept like a packy, already too many slots. If I wish to tinker a golem...or summon a daemon or anything...I have to stable the beetle. The golems USED to be powerful but they no longer really are...and whatever we summon sure does not last very long anyhow...poof sooner or later they are gone thus *temporary*

So in theory if on my beetle, and I want/need to have a summoned or tinkered golem to smack a sand vortex for me,
I CAN NOT DO IT unless I get rid of the beetle and stable it first by that time I'd be dead.

The beetle always with the crafters is that which I need all the time for hauling on my crafters.. cuz it is my uhaul pet. The only defense the crafter may have is enough magery to summon to protect oneself from monsters or spawn is to tinker up a golem to come with, or summon something *temporarily* but all of those plus the blue beetle, itself are too many SLOTS.

Soooooooooo one oft can not do diddly most of the times unless I dump/stable the pet beetle that my crafters ride/need all the time to summon or to tinker up and have a golem accompany me...minus the beetle. Considering some of our in game enemies can have a super dragon in tow to kill us, we can not as a crafter (on a beetle) even have a simple tinkered golem at our side to defend us.
Train the Beetle...they aren't that bad once you have...and with a bit of healing from magery they can take down most overland monsters.


Always Present
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OOOH I love ye spinning two sharded avatar there .. I need one of those myself. LOL

Well one day ye can tell me what to TRAIN on me beetles to make em macho or something... :) I guess it (training a pet) just reminds me of being a tamer, to train a pet up and I am sooooooooo not the tamer type thus never trained up any of my pets nor blue beetles.

Heck, I still have a meat eating unicorn in the stables since pub. 16 on Chesapeake that ...........never even upped the taming on the chr. whom owns the unicorn, since back when we did not have to have any high taming to tame or ride and nor own one. *rather tinker up me a golem* lol