I'm a returning player, and I played when having a red char was actually fun because there was stuff to do.
I planted as many 120 power scrolls and stats scrolls as I could and trained him up.
Now being red seems rather pointless, and I missed out on all those 1 time reprieves for reds.
So why not permanently add a reprieve quest can that be done only once per character (kind of like almost every other quest).
This would give returning players (and I assume others) who put in a lot of time into their red character, when it actually meant something, a option to bring tha character into the world of real participation.
The having to keep your character logged in for months doing absolutely nothing is entirely stupid (it's beyond stupid really). I could understand having a horribly penalizing system when being a PKer actually had some meaning to it, but since that time is very long gone, give reds a chance.
I know I'm sure as hell not going to put in all that time and effort into it again (would cost over 30 mill in the current economy), so really my only option is play other characters -- ones I don't really enjoy -- or simply quit. Yes, there are a few things I could do, but nothin along the lines of full participation in the current game.
Obviously, if people knew the game would have turned into a tram-fest very few people would have ever chosen to go red.
So give reds a real option other than a ******** system that has you staying just logged in. Don't you want customers returning/staying?
I planted as many 120 power scrolls and stats scrolls as I could and trained him up.
Now being red seems rather pointless, and I missed out on all those 1 time reprieves for reds.
So why not permanently add a reprieve quest can that be done only once per character (kind of like almost every other quest).
This would give returning players (and I assume others) who put in a lot of time into their red character, when it actually meant something, a option to bring tha character into the world of real participation.
The having to keep your character logged in for months doing absolutely nothing is entirely stupid (it's beyond stupid really). I could understand having a horribly penalizing system when being a PKer actually had some meaning to it, but since that time is very long gone, give reds a chance.
I know I'm sure as hell not going to put in all that time and effort into it again (would cost over 30 mill in the current economy), so really my only option is play other characters -- ones I don't really enjoy -- or simply quit. Yes, there are a few things I could do, but nothin along the lines of full participation in the current game.
Obviously, if people knew the game would have turned into a tram-fest very few people would have ever chosen to go red.
So give reds a real option other than a ******** system that has you staying just logged in. Don't you want customers returning/staying?