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What about adding a 1 time reprieve quest for reds?



I'm a returning player, and I played when having a red char was actually fun because there was stuff to do.

I planted as many 120 power scrolls and stats scrolls as I could and trained him up.

Now being red seems rather pointless, and I missed out on all those 1 time reprieves for reds.

So why not permanently add a reprieve quest can that be done only once per character (kind of like almost every other quest).

This would give returning players (and I assume others) who put in a lot of time into their red character, when it actually meant something, a option to bring tha character into the world of real participation.

The having to keep your character logged in for months doing absolutely nothing is entirely stupid (it's beyond stupid really). I could understand having a horribly penalizing system when being a PKer actually had some meaning to it, but since that time is very long gone, give reds a chance.

I know I'm sure as hell not going to put in all that time and effort into it again (would cost over 30 mill in the current economy), so really my only option is play other characters -- ones I don't really enjoy -- or simply quit. Yes, there are a few things I could do, but nothin along the lines of full participation in the current game.

Obviously, if people knew the game would have turned into a tram-fest very few people would have ever chosen to go red.

So give reds a real option other than a ******** system that has you staying just logged in. Don't you want customers returning/staying?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will agree with your point of having one reprieve based on the following:-

1. If UO doesnt provide 5-7 characters slot

2. If UO doesnt have soul stones

3. If UO, felucca population is so huge and monopolized by only 1 guild

4. If UO, golds are hard to come by

5. If UO, doesnt have cheaters

6. If UO, doesnt have scriptors

7. If UO, doesnt have unattended macroers

Getting the stat and powerscrolls aren't very hard.

So I think the world is fair, you've killed people before and now you should suffer from what you've done in the past.

You have 1 character red and you still have 4-6 more characters able to be the same template as a blue if you choose to.

Its just a matter of time to remake in my opinion.


Being red is still a matter of pride, if not what it once had. It means you can survive being attacked by blues and don't care how often it happens.

But if you want a reprieve quest.. log in once a day at 6 am est, camp your ghost at luna until server down, repeat until blue.


I am not for a repreive but I think there should be a better way to work off counts

I went red defending champ spawns not pking

How about a count off for every red you pk


Tina Small

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At one of the Town Hall meetings last year, one of the developers indicated that there would eventually be a way for murderers to get rid of counts. They didn't give any details other than to indicate there would be a price to pay and whatever mechanism they put in the game to do this would "make sense." I'm guessing it will involve one of the virtues, but could easily be wrong.


At one of the Town Hall meetings last year, one of the developers indicated that there would eventually be a way for murderers to get rid of counts. They didn't give any details other than to indicate there would be a price to pay and whatever mechanism they put in the game to do this would "make sense." I'm guessing it will involve one of the virtues, but could easily be wrong.
.1 skill in the highest skill per count.. that would be fair and quick for those that don't want to play nice for 40 hours at a time.


UO Forum Moderator
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I hate people who make stupid replies to a fairly innocent request (and one that people have made before, for that matter).

Would it not be in the best interest of the game to have people trying to get rid of counts actually DO SOMETHING, not simply banksit AFK, to get rid of them?

People complain about people not playing, but how can one play if one only has 1 account (like most returning players), and is having to banksit to get a red character who last earned a count in 2002, back towards blue?

I suggest something like the following:

A quest chain, doable once per day, and is auto-cancelled if you get a count at any time during the quest process.

Said chain would require visiting multiple Fel cities & Dungeons, and include things like

a. transporting NON-BLESSED items to the destination.
b. Killing a number of negative-karma creatures at a specific location.
c. donating gold or reagents/resources at a specific location.

If the parts could be randomized like the Hag Quest (in this case, take items to one of 8 cities, kill x creatures in one of 7 or 8 dungeons, get 100 stone of a specific resource or reg (with dozens to choose from) to an NPC), you could get an hour or more of gameplay from each quest - and opportunities for persons (should they figure out what is going on) to try to interfere with the quest, should they desire.

The prize for the quest would be the removal of one count, with the quest requiring a 24 hour wait to attempt again. Plus, the person could STILL get rid of counts by timing them off while doing so.


I hate people who make stupid replies to a fairly innocent request (and one that people have made before, for that matter).
You had four minutes to read my next response, yet you didn't use it. There was nothing stupid about either of them. Murder counts are supposed to mean something. If there was a simple quest people could do, that would allow murder sprees to happen and be forgotten just as easily. The forty hour per count timer was put in place exactly to force it to take more than one day of peace for one murder per day.

My idea of .1 skill per count in the highest skill is the best I have heard yet, perhaps it should be more as .1 is easily gained.

And, for all your fake sarcasm, I have known more than one player that has actually done the bank-sitting to lose their counts. At least skill loss would "mean something" along with going red and staying red.

Doing a quest? That's like asking for and getting forgiveness instead of sacrificing for it.

I hate people who make stupid replies without considering the intended consequences of being a murderer. There must be a price to pay, not a lousy quest.


- What about the one-time for joining factions? Has that ended?

40 hours per may be too much, but it was put there for an honorable reason; one which most people took for granted as they went on some sort of Mortal Kombat 'killing spree' to 'get theirs', apparently...

Quest - Pardon me lord Casca for I have sinned; it has been too many murders since my last reprieve.
Casca - go forth my peon and illegally macro the death of 20 evil mongbat minions and you will be absolved of 1 murder per 24 hours...
Thank you. You have now been forgiven for your grievous dishonor to Britannian society. Now my newb, go be blue and benefit once more.
Sure, those mongbats will duly pay for the unsportmanlike combat that put your character in that situation in the first place. But what about the victims of your actions? Do they deserve some sort of reprieve as well, heh.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
But if you want a reprieve quest.. log in once a day at 6 am est, camp your ghost at luna until server down, repeat until blue.
2 Things NOT do-able on a Production Shard, being Red & camp in Luna


UO Forum Moderator
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Hey, Sweeney - it wasn't YOUR comment I was referring to.

Your idea has merit, but I still think it would be open to abuse ("ok, I'll soulstone my 120 focus onto my red for the loss of skill...")

And, if you actually pay attention to what I suggested, you would see that it was a "1 quest per COUNT" suggestion, not 1 quest to go blue, and it was not only limited to once per day, but suggested in a manner to where is someone knew what you were doing, they could try to KEEP you red by interfering in true Fel fashion.

In other words, a faster option than just waiting off counts - but not TOO faster an option. It would allow a Red to drop 1 count per day, while actually getting in some game time.

And, AesSedai, a lot of the people wanting this type of thing are not long-time reds per se, but returning players who have actually matured in RL while gone. Still, "20 mongbats" would NOT be an acceptable quest.

I was thinking something more like
Step 1: "Take these (UNBLESSED) boxes from Britain to the Court of Truth in Yew, WITHOUT using recalls or cast gates" (in other words, go overland, or try to run the gauntlet of PKs at Yew gate), without getting a new count yourself. If someone loots the boxes that isn't the corpse owner, they get a count whether the victim wanted to give one or not.
Step 2: Go kill 20 Balrons in Hythloth (not so easy for a character still geared to PvP combat)
Step 3: Gather up 100 stone of some random resource (this could be something as simple as 100 boards, to 1000 arrows, or 1000 Valorite ingots), and take them to NPC so-and-so - and have that NPC spawn at one of the common PvP areas like within 3 screens of Yew Gate. The higher the neumber of counts, the more valuable the resource would be.


I think both the ideas have merit and both have floors.

If (im only basing this on returning players from days gone by) a person has alot of kills (sayy 100) that would take 100days to return them blue with the quest or, 10 points from a skill.

Ill agree that the 10points isnt enough...not nearly enough, and maybe it shouldnt be on 1skill but spread on all skills above a certain level...say 90.

That would stop the soulstoning focus abuse mentioned(and also stop the person intentionally dropping .1 in magery so that they lose the points in med)
maybe .1 over all skills per kill (ALL!)

The quest one, if we want new players to return and they are red but want to go blue 100days is a long time for them to wait to get involved in the game,

So, i have a suggestion, how about incorporating the 2systems youve both stated for existing players, but allow returning players (players who activate accounts that have been inactive for more than 6months?)to do them in a Haven style (say in occlo) where by they lose 10counts per quest for a given time (hell maybe take away the 24hour limit for them) maybe the first 30days?

This would allow returning players to go blue (and give fel another area for justice hunters to roam:p) without losing much time.

Old Man of UO

How about a token that you can purchase from UOCodes, works only one time per character to wipe out the murder count? Say $29.99 per token. It should NOT be either easy or cheap to work off perma red.


Great Lakes Forever!
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My idea of .1 skill per count in the highest skill is the best I have heard yet, perhaps it should be more as .1 is easily gained.

Yes indeed, soulstone all meaningful skills and have only armslore on your template, loseing .1 or . whatever on the easy skill to gain in, would be meaningless,


How about this for penance:

Reds that wish to go blue should have to slay 200 champ spawn mobs for each count they need to remove.

In otherwords make them do the work they avoided by slaying the innocent.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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In otherwords make them do the work they avoided by slaying the innocent.
Not all red's went read for slaying the innocent. Perhaps they were defending an innocent from attack by someone out hunting for their first count. Red does not automatically mean bad.

Also, what about people who have bought/been given an account with a red character already on it. Years ago I bought an account that had a very good red character on it. (this was back before soulstones) It would have eaten up all my playtime to banksit him blue again. So instead I ended up deleting the character and starting from scratch with a new one.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You cant really be an innocent red. You go red by killing blues, simple as that. You can try to justify it by saying that you were "defending" a raid. But you would still have to kill blue players. If those blue players were killing your already red buddies, and you "defended" by killing them... your killing to defend a murderer. Your literally killing good guys to defend a bad guy. Thats not innocent. There should be more serious consequences to going red, not less. What the OP is saying, is that he murdered a bunch of blue characters in the course of scrolling out his leet char, and now wants all the benefits of a a fully built and scrolled character without having to pay any of the consequences. You want a way to "go blue". How about this for a quest...

Everybody who gave you a count has to sinlgle click on your character and select the menu option "Forgive". How you talk them into doing that is your call. If they didnt think it was a big deal and are willing to forgive then great. If you have to give them 200mil for all the scrolls you robbed them of by murdering them, then great. This gives you a way to get rid of your counts, and also a way to "make up" for your past sins to the people you screwed over.

Now I play in a PvP guild, and I have some counts. My point here is that murdering a blue character SHOULD come with consequences, regardless of the circumstances. If you want the reward, then you need to be prepared to pay the price.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not all red's went read for slaying the innocent. Perhaps they were defending an innocent from attack by someone out hunting for their first count. Red does not automatically mean bad.
If they were defending an innocent from being killed, the aggressor would have been gray, therefore you would not have gotten any counts for killing them. If the aggressor was blue that means that they attacked a red or gray char, and you are infact NOT defending an innocent, but actually attacking a good char who is attacking a criminal. This means your killing a good guy to defend a criminal. Yes, you do still deserve the count, and you deserve penalty.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate people who make stupid replies to a fairly innocent request (and one that people have made before, for that matter).

Would it not be in the best interest of the game to have people trying to get rid of counts actually DO SOMETHING, not simply banksit AFK, to get rid of them?

Quick Question, I'm sure your aware that you are calling thousands of people stupid. Since 1998 the burning of counts has been a part of UO and you really should have thought about that before calling anyone stupid...

people are so quick to judge and spit venom on these boards you would think a mod would be different....

have a nice day!

Anon McDougle

god know we need gold sinks why not 100k per count ? of course it should be paid to a well hidden tough to get to guy and after paid you are transported to tram never again allowed in fel on that char


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
You cant really be an innocent red. You go red by killing blues, simple as that. You can try to justify it by saying that you were "defending" a raid. But you would still have to kill blue players. If those blue players were killing your already red buddies, and you "defended" by killing them... your killing to defend a murderer. Your literally killing good guys to defend a bad guy. Thats not innocent. There should be more serious consequences to going red, not less. What the OP is saying, is that he murdered a bunch of blue characters in the course of scrolling out his leet char, and now wants all the benefits of a a fully built and scrolled character without having to pay any of the consequences. You want a way to "go blue". How about this for a quest...

Everybody who gave you a count has to sinlgle click on your character and select the menu option "Forgive". How you talk them into doing that is your call. If they didnt think it was a big deal and are willing to forgive then great. If you have to give them 200mil for all the scrolls you robbed them of by murdering them, then great. This gives you a way to get rid of your counts, and also a way to "make up" for your past sins to the people you screwed over.

Now I play in a PvP guild, and I have some counts. My point here is that murdering a blue character SHOULD come with consequences, regardless of the circumstances. If you want the reward, then you need to be prepared to pay the price.

I am pretty sure no one has ever said that better than you. Ever. Nor do I believe anyone has ever come up with a better way to truly be "Absolved"...true Forgiveness!!

100% /Signed.


My initial concern had to do with returning players... Yes we all turned red because we had fun PKing, but that was in a time when PKing was actually a part of the game to a substantial degree -- now it is not, at all.

Reds who missed out on reprieves (i.e. characters from 2002 and back) but want to return should be given a real option to burning off counts.

Again, obviously a lot fewer people would have gone red if they knew how much of a Tram-Fest UO became.



I am pretty sure no one has ever said that better than you. Ever. Nor do I believe anyone has ever come up with a better way to truly be "Absolved"...true Forgiveness!!

100% /Signed.
.... Except probably 99% of the people that were PK'd back in the day left long ago.

Anon McDougle

darkblade you asked first about this yesterday have you been sitting at a gate burning counts ?


On the "defending a spawn", you made the choice to kill a blue so you could have a PRIVATE spawn. Last I recall, by design, spawns were public. You went red killing a blue whether the blue was part of a "raiding" guild or not.

Burning off one count is only 40 hours of your life and you don't just magically rack up 10 counts. Most people who hang out in Fel know how close their blue is to going red.

If you are getting close to 5 counts, guess what, don't kill another blue.:scholar:

As for the whole make a "system" to burn off counts, I'd say absolutely no except for MAYBE Siege.

Why? Because on Siege you have one character so it is NOT a trivial matter of simply just making a new char.

ON production shards, if you have one red char, you have 4-6 other character spots open to make a blue.

As for scrolls and transferring skills from red to blue, not all scrolls are easy to get... magery and eval are the most notable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am pretty sure no one has ever said that better than you. Ever. Nor do I believe anyone has ever come up with a better way to truly be "Absolved"...true Forgiveness!!

100% /Signed.
.... Except probably 99% of the people that were PK'd back in the day left long ago.
I know, probably none of the counts my red has are from people still playing, since I don't play them anymore and haven't for a while. ;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On the "defending a spawn", you made the choice to kill a blue so you could have a PRIVATE spawn. Last I recall, by design, spawns were public. You went red killing a blue whether the blue was part of a "raiding" guild or not.
Actually, the red guild I was in raided champ spawns not for scrolls but for pvp action. We would do harrys and cheer when it would end up being in a hard to defend dungeon. But that's neither here nor there. :)

Regardless of the reasons people choose to go red, they do choose to. And while it would be nice to have some other way of burning off counts so that more people would feel tempted to experience playing a red, if they never add another way of getting rid of counts, well c'est la vie.


Seasoned Veteran
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You had four minutes to read my next response, yet you didn't use it. There was nothing stupid about either of them. Murder counts are supposed to mean something. If there was a simple quest people could do, that would allow murder sprees to happen and be forgotten just as easily. The forty hour per count timer was put in place exactly to force it to take more than one day of peace for one murder per day.

My idea of .1 skill per count in the highest skill is the best I have heard yet, perhaps it should be more as .1 is easily gained.

And, for all your fake sarcasm, I have known more than one player that has actually done the bank-sitting to lose their counts. At least skill loss would "mean something" along with going red and staying red.

Doing a quest? That's like asking for and getting forgiveness instead of sacrificing for it.

I hate people who make stupid replies without considering the intended consequences of being a murderer. There must be a price to pay, not a lousy quest.

What a fantastic idea!! Ill just soulstone 120 focus onto my red and shabam! Goodbye 4000 counts!


Slightly Crazed
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Being red is still a matter of pride, if not what it once had. It means you can survive being attacked by blues and don't care how often it happens.

But if you want a reprieve quest.. log in once a day at 6 am est, camp your ghost at luna until server down, repeat until blue.

Well on 95% of the shards you wont be sitting at Luna, but you can always find a spot to sit. Problem is that you might be sitting there for a very long time, if I wanted to turn my one red char blue, it would take a over a year sitting there nonstop.

I also agree that we have other options, soulstones, transfer you skills to another char and off you go. Delete and start over. Or just play the red, few people ever attack mine (only at yew), most just run away as soon as they see me. Funny because her skills predate AoS.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate people who make stupid replies to a fairly innocent request (and one that people have made before, for that matter).

Would it not be in the best interest of the game to have people trying to get rid of counts actually DO SOMETHING, not simply banksit AFK, to get rid of them?

People complain about people not playing, but how can one play if one only has 1 account (like most returning players), and is having to banksit to get a red character who last earned a count in 2002, back towards blue?

I suggest something like the following:

A quest chain, doable once per day, and is auto-cancelled if you get a count at any time during the quest process.

Said chain would require visiting multiple Fel cities & Dungeons, and include things like

a. transporting NON-BLESSED items to the destination.
b. Killing a number of negative-karma creatures at a specific location.
c. donating gold or reagents/resources at a specific location.

If the parts could be randomized like the Hag Quest (in this case, take items to one of 8 cities, kill x creatures in one of 7 or 8 dungeons, get 100 stone of a specific resource or reg (with dozens to choose from) to an NPC), you could get an hour or more of gameplay from each quest - and opportunities for persons (should they figure out what is going on) to try to interfere with the quest, should they desire.

The prize for the quest would be the removal of one count, with the quest requiring a 24 hour wait to attempt again. Plus, the person could STILL get rid of counts by timing them off while doing so.

If a quest was made, it should be a one time thing. We dont want a get out of jail free card. If it was more then a one time quest, then people would just go out killing everyone they could and then do the quest and be blue again. So "IF" it is ever done, made it a one time thing. Once per account would be even better.


If a quest was made, it should be a one time thing. We dont want a get out of jail free card. If it was more then a one time quest, then people would just go out killing everyone they could and then do the quest and be blue again. So "IF" it is ever done, made it a one time thing. Once per account would be even better.
I agree. I just think there should be options for returning players. I know a lot of ex-UOers whose main reason not to return is that their main characters were PKs and they sure as hell don't want to grind out skills all over again or spend 30mill+ on getting rescrolled/buy soulstones. Most old-schoolers are not going to have more than 1mill to their name since that was A LOT back then.

Nine Dark Moons

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i would love some type of quest or gold sink - doable once every 24 hours - to remove long term counts. i bought a vet account last year and it came with one red char. she has over 600 long term counts... impossible to burn off in my life time. but she's totally scrolled out and has a personal bless deed, so i don't want to stone her skills and delete her. i just wait and hope that someday there will be a way to wipe the slate clean, whether through quests, gold sinks, or RL cash (as in buying a token from EA as someone mentioned). that way she could join the rest of my chars in tram :)


Lore Keeper
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The simplest and most practical solution would be to offer a Cleansing Stone("Cleanse By Fire" much?) or somesuch fancy item that wipes your slate clean.. by pre-ordering Stygian Abyss.

The options are countless. 1 time only, 1 per account, this or that.
They could even up their sales and all with this... If they make them tradeable between players I can see people pre-ordering 10-20 SA "boxes".. Especially services such as Shattered Crystal which re-sell them.

Player Forgiveness? Quests? Cliche, boring, won't get people INSTANTLY back on their feet. Seriously, keep it simple. Put ANY AND ALL restrictions, make it 1 time, 1 char, 1 account, 1 credit card... Whatever.

That's what players need to return to Tra..., I mean Ultima Online!
If you're still seeking to punish, judge, tire or even have the power to forgive(Or not!) others you are just as bad as those who sought to kill you and gain the count.

Oh and.. NOT giving a count? There's your Forgiveness 'system' right there, basically. Simple.


The problem with a gold sink method is usually it is the reds who have the gold as a result of spawns.

So to throw out a number, lets say 1M per count... If I get an Eval, I'm allowed to kill 11 players for free.

No thanks. Using money to buy murder counts is the worst idea ever... or fairly close:hahaha:

Also, from what I remember of the murder reprieve it was a result of a huge bug that allowed people to give murder counts to others when they initiated the attack:lick:

Again, I'd still maintain that you don't go red for no reason.:scholar: "Defending" a spawn isn't an excuse... as said, the system was designed to be public. You want private, go do a peerless:scholar:

FWIW, I've got five reds on one shard and three on another over two accounts. Every red was done knowing the result. And I've put counts on several of my blues as the result of "defending" a spawn.


UO Forum Moderator
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I hate people who make stupid replies to a fairly innocent request (and one that people have made before, for that matter).

Would it not be in the best interest of the game to have people trying to get rid of counts actually DO SOMETHING, not simply banksit AFK, to get rid of them?
Quick Question, I'm sure your aware that you are calling thousands of people stupid. Since 1998 the burning of counts has been a part of UO and you really should have thought about that before calling anyone stupid...

people are so quick to judge and spit venom on these boards you would think a mod would be different....

have a nice day!
So why ARE you doing it, Mook? You're the one making a personal attack... And, you're completely misrepresenting what I am trying to say.

I said stupid replies - as in people are prone to make stupid knee-jerk replies to real issues, based on a completely different situation than what was being discussed. ANYONE, no matter how smart, can make a stupid reply - I wasn't calling any people stupid, just the ideas generated from that tendency to "How dare you suggest changing my game?" attitude some people have that make them reply with snarky responses that aren't even relative to the subject.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Here's a crazy idea...

Make it so that reds can use some sort of in game quest, or a gold sink, or something of the like, but instead of going blue, they go grey. Sort of like being on parole. While grey, they can come into Trammel, but they are freely attackable by anyone. They cannot attack blue PCs in Trammel, and if they do so in Fel, they immediately go back to being red.

This would give them the chance to experience exactly what they did to innocent players to earn them their counts in the first place, and it would give them a chance to actually play the game while their counts were worked off in the natural course of time. Once all the counts are off, they become blue.

Kallie Pigeon

I am somewhat ignorant of these issues since I haven't played in Felluca since shortly after Trammel came about. But can't you just stone off you skills and place them on another character?

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Also, while grey, the counts would work off faster, say 8 hours per instead of 40.


The simplest and most practical solution would be to offer a Cleansing Stone("Cleanse By Fire" much?) or somesuch fancy item that wipes your slate clean.. by pre-ordering Stygian Abyss.

The options are countless. 1 time only, 1 per account, this or that.
They could even up their sales and all with this... If they make them tradeable between players I can see people pre-ordering 10-20 SA "boxes".. Especially services such as Shattered Crystal which re-sell them.

Player Forgiveness? Quests? Cliche, boring, won't get people INSTANTLY back on their feet. Seriously, keep it simple. Put ANY AND ALL restrictions, make it 1 time, 1 char, 1 account, 1 credit card... Whatever.

That's what players need to return to Tra..., I mean Ultima Online!
If you're still seeking to punish, judge, tire or even have the power to forgive(Or not!) others you are just as bad as those who sought to kill you and gain the count.

Oh and.. NOT giving a count? There's your Forgiveness 'system' right there, basically. Simple.
This sounds like a good idea, especially if SA will include all of the previous expansions.

I know several vets who would return if they had this opportunity.

P.S. Ohhh! I just thought of the best option!! DESTROY TRAMMEL COMPLETELY ^_^ Only Fel again? Booyah!


UO Forum Moderator
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Tom, you totally missed my point....

The quest I suggested was for removing ONE COUNT. ONCE PER DAY.

That way, the player WOULD be out playing, not gate-sitting (And yes, folks, technically gate-sitting AFK to work off counts HAS been considered unattended macroing before, for purposes of infractions, as many people who count-sit have macros set up to do something minor that keeps them from timing out if the traffic is too slow at the gate/bank - if a GM wants to make an issue of it, they won't separate the sheep from the goats).

I personally don't have a problem with bank-sitters - but on the other hand, I DO think it's silly they have to waste their time and cost EA money (all that bandwidth sending data to immobile characters does add up) to work off a count.

And, of course, my suggestion was that only reds would be able to do the quest. Blues would just have to try to play it safe, to keep from going red. Heck, have it to where you can't go blue from the quest, just get to within one count of going back blue.


I am somewhat ignorant of these issues since I haven't played in Felluca since shortly after Trammel came about. But can't you just stone off you skills and place them on another character?
Ya you can. Problem is that the cost of stones + all the 120 powerscrolls would cost over 30mill + for a lot of players depending on their skills (i.e. my red is 120 in magery, eval, med, a few others, +top stat scroll).

That in addition to the fact that returning vets are meeting a hugely inflated economy where 1 mil used to be a huge(!) amount is now virtually worthlesss. It would mean having to buy gold most likely. Not to mention certain characters have sentimental value, personal bless deeds, special hair, etc..

Duke X. Winter

P.S. Ohhh! I just thought of the best option!! DESTROY TRAMMEL COMPLETELY ^_^ Only Fel again? Booyah!
Yeah, I know this is a joke, but...really??! Really now?! Come on. Get rid of trammel and watch an exodus of players suddenly leave, and the final killing blow of UO.

Mook Chessy

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So why ARE you doing it, Mook? You're the one making a personal attack... And, you're completely misrepresenting what I am trying to say.

I said stupid replies - as in people are prone to make stupid knee-jerk replies to real issues, based on a completely different situation than what was being discussed. ANYONE, no matter how smart, can make a stupid reply - I wasn't calling any people stupid, just the ideas generated from that tendency to "How dare you suggest changing my game?" attitude some people have that make them reply with snarky responses that aren't even relative to the subject.

Did you play music when you tap danced around that reply?

Let me get this right, you think that macroing off counts is OT?

In a post about reds going blue?????

Your the one who went off half cocked, don't try to back peddle now...

Originally Posted by Basara
I hate people


RD Gumbie

I see no problem with a 1 time go back to blue from red button. Peps play style changes, they wanna go on a killing spree to see what its like, they bought or recieved an account with a red char that they would not play unless blue. I don't see what it hurts and it avoids the sitting at yew gate forever senario. It can't be abused really and you will still have every blue from PvP/spawn guilds sitting afk in luna working thier counts each day. It's sorta funny to see peoples replies on this and how they dont think a murdered should get teh chance to not be a murdered anymore.

Green Meanie

Red has meaning in fel and is still extremly enjoyable IMO. But i also dont think they time frames a char is stuck red shoudl be longer than a life time lol. Like UO is gonna last 11 years for my red to go blue (lets hope it does).
Maybe put a hard cap on the amount of time to go blue to say 3 weeks or 483 hours.

I also thinks reds should be able to go to tram and only be seen as a blue there. I mean in fel i should have to pay the price but why should the new tram only content be restricted from me becouse i elected to use the systems in the game

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I also thinks reds should be able to go to tram and only be seen as a blue there. I mean in fel i should have to pay the price but why should the new tram only content be restricted from me becouse i elected to use the systems in the game
It was originally setup that way because it added some consequence to preying on the innocent.

Every red got an amnesty back then, and some chose not to take it.


Always Present
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I kinda like the *cleansing stone* as a concept ... and if these cleansing stones could be achieved by some quest for reds...a quest that involves the shrine of Compassion. The red could go to some npc in Compassion and do some quest to earn a ...*cleansing stone*. . NO easy quest but some quest that nets them said *cleansing stone*.

Once they have this *cleansing stone* they CAN travel to trammel, where in sackcloth ie something like a death robe they must find ONE blue person to forgive them. . can also be some quest same itinerary in which much like helping some npc with compassion they are helping a blue to DO something. A gump comes up offering both to yay or nay the quest...and once it is over both safely returned to some other npc in some safe city...a count is burnt off for the red ONE count per day only...blue can net Valor or Honor or Compassion or something too.

This way a red must seek a blue ...to quest with...to achieve a count loss...ie FORGIVENESS and some folks blue can actually get to know some red and the red whom eventually will go blue...will maybe meet a new friend in said TRAMMEL or somewhere. . blue can be feluccan or trammel that why the *cleansing stone* as a quest to seek out a blue to co operated with them in trammel where they are safe ...can burn off counts for those whom have both rulesets to use...Siege be np...quest fails if said red kills the blue whom agreed to do the quest with em..np hehe no count forgiven one more ADDED.

Ie it can add interaction actually burn off counts of those whom return and no longer really want to be red...one a day is not much but if they work at it ...it beats dronning weeks of counts off doing nothing...to go blue again...and it forces to some degree the red and blue players to try to begin to FATHOM each other...ie whole quest is about compassion...forgiveness and interaction...to try to burn off a count a day doing SOMETHING besides just macroing doing nothing to try to burn off counts.

This way it would not neccessarily have to be a one time only reprieve...can just be put in game to enable it to occur giving the blue something they may wish to quest and the red too *together* under some safety valve of a *cleansing stone* quest...non aggro timer permitted during said quest once agreed to for both parties involved in the quest together .. upon all shards ...not sure though how that would work on Siege but it could work on all the other shards.

And with the stone being timed like the arcane circle glass/stone or something yet giving ample time for the red to seek out a blue, to enter the quest with...for them to achieve whatever the red had to do for the blue..something UO sets up....and then that red auto pops back to fel...till they earn get another stone...next day or so to burn off a count a day.

They could only achieve 7 burnoff counts a week or maybe 14 a week if 2 quests a day were permitted. . still beats dronning hours of burning counts the old fashioned ways...yet offers em something to burn em off..without some one time *reprieve* as this could be perma placed in game.

I do not believe in just game mechanics burning off the counts on some reprieve...the *earned* red...they should have a way to *earn* back blue..one count at a time..in some quest *WITH A BLUE* at Compassion on a timer set up...cuz that red will be having to interact with blues become blue...may as well get used to em from the get go by BURNING it off WITH a blue...in a mutal *compassion forgiveness cleansing stone* sort of quest set up via game mechanics.

Green Meanie

To make a farther note on the 3 weeks comment i said earlier that would be 3 weeks without taking a murder count.


Always Present
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You cant really be an innocent red.

Hrmmm depends...I kinda disagree there.

I will sight Siege as an example. Let us say one had a guild full of knights of virtue. Their job is to defend the innocents. Ok so ya know every one and all their alts...but be a day ya do not see their red...but ya see their *blue alt* and they are a know butcherer of innocent blues...so the justice knights slay that *blue alt* they are indeed slaying a blue...but it is the ALT of the butcherer.......they thus GO RED killing the blue alts of the murderers...yet they NEVER killed any true innocent blues at all...had a whole guild of RED knights of Justice for guildies...yep they were surely RED...but they never slain one *true* innocent...just blued alts of shard murderers.
Game mechanics is not any real reflection of the *good guys* *badguys* if one only goes via HUE........ya need to go by NAME rank serial number and ALTS of...........the vile ones...so sometimes ya just kill their so called blue *innocent* cuz they hid their red atm thinking ya do not know whom the heck they really are................ !!

Yeh yeh they killed a *blue* but it was always an alt of a true red murderer so they too got RED. meh !!

HUES are just silly in a game world.........to some degree...their hue does not neccessarily reflect what they are *playing* in game, the good bad or the ugly. Ditto for blues whom are known murderers...keep their counts burnt off to always look *blue* yet they murder....burn em off to STAY BLUE...they still KILL...so why shouldn't they be KILLED for justice by justice...making justice knights sort of all.....REDS ? :)

Guess I do not judge any of em by their color/hue...more by their reputations their name not their hues. I see someone named Krystal on Siege...lol I KNOW she gonna kill someone....I see the name oh say like Py Lethius RED on Siege I know every newbie, every bluebie innocent blues at least... are SAFE beside him.


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No. There needs to be a consequence for being a murderer. If you want to partake in consensual pvp there is a system in place for that. Join a faction.
If you want to murder people, fine, pay the price.

If you really have seen the errors of your ways and you are so innocent, then how about this... Every body has a button on their paperdoll... if the use this option, they will lose all murder counts, and imiediatly go blue... but by using this option you forfiet the right to ever again cause harm to another player. You cannot attack, nor defend yourself from attack against another player. If you have really changed your ways, or bought an account with a red and dont want to kill people as some of you are claiming, then this option would be perfectly acceptable. You can now use your leet scrolled out char in tram, or wherever you want, but the price would be that you can never again partake in combat against another real person again.

There must be a price for negative actions. People need to stop complaining about that especially when they know what that price is going into it. Is it possible to go red and not be a "murderer" not technically, but for the sake of argument lets say yes. Is it possible to go red and get 100s or 1,000s of murder counts and not be a murderer. No. And those are the players this post is geared towards.