Der Rock
here some examples:
-dragon barding
if the dragon armor breake, the difference is NOT 20%,
it is more like 60-80% of damage u take
-dex/stamina ssi
if u have 150dex/160 stamina and a 2,5 sec weapon,
and u lose let say arround 10% of ure stamina,then the ssi is NOT lowered about 10%
NO, u lose 100% ssi
why in the hell can a dumb low level monster reveal u immediately if u have 115 in all mage skills
-casting spells
why is it that u fizzle more often some spells (f.e.energy fortex,earthquake)
when u gain in magery? i fizzle more often with 115 as with lower skill
-WHY, can u accidentally start a new bandage during the last bandage is still running
why is there NO "u already use a bandage" message
-why does it look like that some +skill on jewelery dont work
-why have mages not a equivalent spell like chival: remove curse ?
-WHY if u die,do the riding-pets still try to kill monster even if they should know how chanceless they are,there is nothing more annoyed then try to ress ure pet, and u cant find a tamer for houres.
(why cant the pet stay by ure ghost or follow u automatically,and WHY are dead pets so slow?why cant they run the same speed as u)
-dragon barding
if the dragon armor breake, the difference is NOT 20%,
it is more like 60-80% of damage u take
-dex/stamina ssi
if u have 150dex/160 stamina and a 2,5 sec weapon,
and u lose let say arround 10% of ure stamina,then the ssi is NOT lowered about 10%
NO, u lose 100% ssi
why in the hell can a dumb low level monster reveal u immediately if u have 115 in all mage skills
-casting spells
why is it that u fizzle more often some spells (f.e.energy fortex,earthquake)
when u gain in magery? i fizzle more often with 115 as with lower skill
-WHY, can u accidentally start a new bandage during the last bandage is still running
why is there NO "u already use a bandage" message
-why does it look like that some +skill on jewelery dont work
-why have mages not a equivalent spell like chival: remove curse ?
-WHY if u die,do the riding-pets still try to kill monster even if they should know how chanceless they are,there is nothing more annoyed then try to ress ure pet, and u cant find a tamer for houres.
(why cant the pet stay by ure ghost or follow u automatically,and WHY are dead pets so slow?why cant they run the same speed as u)