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Do You Want A Classic Shard??

Do you want a Classic UO shard?

  • Total voters

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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* Era Authentic Bugs
This is listed as a "feature" of this free shard. I know this is going to sound pretty naive, but does that mean most people would consider it a "benefit"? Or is it just something you accept in order to feel like you're having an "authentic" experience playing the shard? Are these "bugs" something people want EA to eliminate or keep if they do a "classic shard"? I have a feeling we're actually talking about exploits, so I assume the answer is folks don't want them.

This kind of leads me into another question I've had about something that's been posted several times in this thread. I've heard rumors that many of the free shards are very tolerant about the use of scripting / macroing programs. Obviously, EA feels differently. A question for all the folks who have posted in this thread that they think many of the individuals currently playing these free shards would flock to an EA-produced "classic shard" because of the stability it would offer: Do you think the individuals who play free shards now and use scripting / macroing programs with impunity would really be willing to give up the use of such programs and pay a subscription fee as a trade-off for "stability"?

Luna Lagger

Err you can script just as much on EA servers as free shards... EA don't police it, actually free shards police it more, your allowed to train skills with scripts/macros, but most free shards don't allow you to farm resources etc and they actually do something about it.


Lore Keeper
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At this point, a classic shard is going to be more successful than a modern one, and will bring back lots of players, I vote yes..

A classic shard is just that though as well, none of this talk about, oh well I liked this from AoS... While it is true that we all liked custom housing and what not, a classic shard would be the shard that dates back to the beginning of UO... That is what a true classic shard would be..


What are you smoking Tina?

EA's servers dupe and script a lot more than that free shard.

Being a classic shard, duping is pointless, since everyone has similar stuff.

And as far as scripting for resources, there are better things in place.

Scripters are punishable on the spot.(use your imagination).

As far as getting pk'ed, Fel on production shards is way worse than on Classic shards. Bounty System is in place, which stops killing for the sake of killing.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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What are you smoking Tina?

EA's servers dupe and script a lot more than that free shard.

Being a classic shard, duping is pointless, since everyone has similar stuff.

And as far as scripting for resources, there are better things in place.

Scripters are punishable on the spot.(use your imagination).

As far as getting pk'ed, Fel on production shards is way worse than on Classic shards. Bounty System is in place, which stops killing for the sake of killing.
I guess I'm more confused now than ever as to why anyone who has played on free shards would want EA to do a classic shard.

Why pay EA for a subscription if you don't think they will be as effective at handling duping and scripting? Although you say everyone will have similar stuff, wouldn't some people soon enough start claiming vet rewards on a "classic shard"? I would think those would be desirable to many, especially people who have already used up their vet rewards on a regular shard. And what about the anniversary and holiday gifts we normally receive? In some years, they have included pieces of armor or things that provide temporary stat buffs, such as the Rose of Trinsic and the "stuffy" animals.

Should vet rewards and anniversary and holiday gifts not be available on a classic shard because they might unbalance things and because they might be too tempting for someone to try to dupe?

With regard to the bounty system, I've heard stories from several vets that the bounty system was a bit of a joke because the PKers would let their friends kill them and then would split the bounty with them. I've also heard people boast about how high the bounty for their character was. Neither type of comment really convinces me that a bounty system is much of a disincentive for PKing the weak or defenseless.


Lore Keeper
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Tina, I agree that people will start complaining about the shard not having this or that, I think EA just needs to start fresh with a Pre-T2A server because technically that is a classic shard... Adding stuff in later on is another thing, I am sure they would eventually.. There is a reason people want classic shards and why 100+ people have voted yes for one on this forum, they as well as I, miss the old days of UO and they want to bring back old memories and old friends.. I do not blame them, UO is very dry, not what it once was, etc... I really believe that EA needs to open up a classic shard, maybe they should do a classic TEST server first, and see how many players jump on it..

And on with there being no scripting, duping etc.. You will have your cheats, your macros and your hacks like all games, even on a classic shard, but there is really no point in duping or let alone scripting, scripters, gold farmers and unattended macroers will probably die A LOT, and it just wouldn't be worth it for them...

Anyways, I am not complaining for a classic shard, but I still think there should be one.. I currently play Darkfall, which is the best classic shard that there is..


Lore Keeper
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I voted no on this simply because its not a shard I would play. I have been playing UO for 10+ years and yeah there are a lot of things I miss about the way it used to be. I just don't think I personally could go back to the way it was after spending so much time adapting to the way it is now.

I believe the true intention of this poll to be a query as to how many people would actually PLAY on a shard such as this and voted accordingly. I have no objections/complaints to it if enough people said yes and EA was willing to do it.
I probably wouldn't play it either, but I still think there should be one due to obvious reasons.....


Lore Keeper
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I voted no because it would be another waste of limited resources.

If you want to play a populated classic shard, you can do it now and you can do it for FREE. The business case for EA then becomes only existing users opening extra accounts, so I would be really surprised if it happened.
Hahahaha, too bad you can't talk about that shard you play there though.. :hahaha: I am surprised they have not deleted half of these posts..

As far as free shards go, there is one I have played for 5+ years, still have my account (they let you have 3) it is a classic one, and has over 2000+ people on it... And the stability on the shard is good..


I guess I'm more confused now than ever as to why anyone who has played on free shards would want EA to do a classic shard.

Why pay EA for a subscription if you don't think they will be as effective at handling duping and scripting? Although you say everyone will have similar stuff, wouldn't some people soon enough start claiming vet rewards on a "classic shard"? I would think those would be desirable to many, especially people who have already used up their vet rewards on a regular shard. And what about the anniversary and holiday gifts we normally receive? In some years, they have included pieces of armor or things that provide temporary stat buffs, such as the Rose of Trinsic and the "stuffy" animals.

Should vet rewards and anniversary and holiday gifts not be available on a classic shard because they might unbalance things and because they might be too tempting for someone to try to dupe?

With regard to the bounty system, I've heard stories from several vets that the bounty system was a bit of a joke because the PKers would let their friends kill them and then would split the bounty with them. I've also heard people boast about how high the bounty for their character was. Neither type of comment really convinces me that a bounty system is much of a disincentive for PKing the weak or defenseless.
You see thats exactly what we are trying to get away from "ITEM's ITEM's ITEM's". Who cares about the vet rewards or the gifts on a classic rule set. That is why we have the item based production servers full of item crazed trammies, dupes galore, and resource scripters crawling outa the cracks like roaches. You cant even buy anything on production servers without knowing if its been duped or not. FUN!

As for the bounty system... Who cares. Its something to do. What's in place of it now anyway? Im sure something could be thought up to make it work legit. If not people just wont use it. oh well. And when that friend kills them for the bounty they get slapped with the penalty of dieing a murderer. not fun training back up.

As for dupes on a classic shard... If it happens it wont be as bad as the dupes that HAPPEN now on regular servers. Wont be as many things even close to being worth duping and the economy wont be hurt as bad. And if it happens, fix them when they happen. I imagine it would be a hell of alot easier to track or figure out who and or what has been duped just because of the massive decrease in possible items to dupe. And the space you have to search is so much smaller.

Like honestly. Are you people just picking this stuff apart because you are that bored? Why? None of the no voters have put up a good solid reason why this shouldn't happen yet. Its like your disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing or your pissed because it wasn't your idea. Give me a break. Lighten up. It would be good for you and UO :)


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I agree with Malimus.. :thumbup1:

I want a classic shard because of how much roleplaying it would bring back.. Oooh, it would be like the ultimate RP server..

I want to get that pioneer feel back into UO.. Man, I was a pioneer back then! UO was the perfect renaissance game..

I remember when you could only make a guild if you had a house, and back then, the reason why more roleplaying existed, was mostly because the guild stone was in your house, yo could only make one guild, as you could only have one house and one stone to go with it, it was like an actual guild house and people generally would stick around their guild house 24/7, people were more spread out the lands because of this and the towns seemed more filled up... People would always try to place a house near town..


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Hahahaha, too bad you can't talk about that shard you play there though.. :hahaha: I am surprised they have not deleted half of these posts..

As far as free shards go, there is one I have played for 5+ years, still have my account (they let you have 3) it is a classic one, and has over 2000+ people on it... And the stability on the shard is good..
I play one buy I have not mentioned Witch one, Its based around Classic UO UO:R (the EXP after 2nd age and the one before 3rd Dawn) FEL only. Players everywhere but they have Features from newer UO's that in not unbalanceing to combat. Lets just say its a Hybrid of sorts. They have been around for 5+ years they use some of the best servers little lag and almost everyone is at the same speed little latency issues sometimes but nothing major. Ultima online: Renaissance Was the last great Expansion. Only had one thing wrong with it witch was tram not the ruleset itself but the fact they added the ruleset to existing servers. That one move Ruined the game economy on most shards now that it allowed people to farm w/o any risk at all.

The reason I play that shard is not to Spite EA but the simple fact they dont provide Us with that style of gameplay/server. I still pay for 2 accounts But I log in very little. The reason PRS has been mentioned here is the fact that Alot if not most people here are what we call AOS allstars, They never really played before AOS so have no clue really what the game was about then, and the fact that it helps points the devs in the right direction. But If they decide to make a Charter shard or t2a era server I more than likely wont play that either While it was fun back then the magic can never be recreated there has been too many cool additions to the game to allow that type of shard to truly be fun again. Thats why I have always said A "Classic shard" just has to follow the vision UO had in its first couple of years and add things from current versions that is not unbalancing to anysort of combat.

Best way to describe what I think a classic server should be like, is Siege from 2k to just before aos (pub16/17) but production shard like rules. With some items and content form newer expansions. To me "Classic UO" IS the systems we had before AOS with only one ruleset. And to only be fair for every server thay make based for the felucia set one for the tram set needs to be made.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I wish we could discuss this issue without people bringing up free shards.

Here is why free shards are not an alternative to EA shards:

- They are technically against the ToS agreement. You are not supposed to be using EA's client with someone else's servers.

- They are not staffed by professionals. This means that if something goes wrong, they may not be able to fix it. Also, it means that bias and favoritism can, and does, come into play.

- They generally require 3rd party programs to log into them. Installing programs like this is a great way for you to end up with your real UO account hacked.

- You are at the mercy of someone's whim. If they decide to close up shop and play WoW or something...you are done too.

- There is no accountability. With EA, at the very least, they have to maintain their servers to a point because they rely on the revenues from subscriptions. Free shards don't, so they can do whatever they want.

I am not sure who brought up free shards first in this thread, but I know that we are not supposed to be discussing them. So unless we want this thread closed, locked, or deleted, we should make an effort to leave them out of the discussion.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Like honestly. Are you people just picking this stuff apart because you are that bored? Why? None of the no voters have put up a good solid reason why this shouldn't happen yet. Its like your disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing or your pissed because it wasn't your idea. Give me a break. Lighten up. It would be good for you and UO :)
Malimus, the poll question is, "Do you want a classic shard?" I answered no because I have no interest in playing on a classic shard. Now if the poll question had been worded differently, such as "Do you think a classic shard would bring more people back to UO," I probably would have answered differently!!

I think this thread has had some good discussion in it. I'm not necessarily arguing with any of you because I don't want to see EA create a classic shard or two or three. What I'm trying to do is ask questions to make some of you that want this so badly spell out exactly what you want, why you want it, and why it's good for EA so the UO team can figure out how to sell the idea to their management. I don't think I'm the only person who voted no that's posted in this thread who is doing the exact same thing. Think of us as devil's advocates, I guess.

I'm not adamantly opposed to UO including what is being called a "classic shard." However, there are a number of reasons why I think it's unlikely that you will see one created, at least for quite a while. Resources for most companies are pretty darn slim these days. Part of the UO budget is already allocated to the upkeep and development of two shards that are supposed to be classics. The UO team is smack dab in the middle of programming the next UO expansion as well as a new client. It's currently very very late in EA's current fiscal year (it ends March 31st) and budgets for the next fiscal year are probably already determined and probably slimmer than ever. Given all this, I think the chances of seeing even a hint of a promise that EA will consider developing something to either replace Siege and Mugen or to supplement them are very very small.

No one from EA is stepping into this thread, which I find rather curious. Does it mean they haven't completely discarded the idea but don't want to give anyone false hope by making any comments that could be misinterpreted? I dunno. In any event, please don't shoot (figuratively speaking, of course) the folks who are not jumping on the bandwagon with you. Some of us may be sympathetic to what you want but don't think you've spelled out what looks like a good business case just yet. Let's just keep things civil and keep the discussion going, okay?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Problem is tina is that Siege and MUN are not "classic shards" not since they gave it the AOS code. It would not take alot of resources from the devs to make a classic server, Now If I would have known that what the poll means as in just a T2A era server then my choice would have been NO flat out. UO:R was 10x better then 2nd age except how they did the whole tram thing.


Reason to make this shard: It will attract former subscribers. Plain and simple, all about re-activating those accounts. Mythic has the numbers from their DAoC classic servers, they know how much the population went up etc.. obviously it was a worth while expansion if they are thinking of doing it again.

That was the main reason Mythic did it with DAoC, was to bring back a lot of players they had lost with the ToA (AoS) expansion. Give those who did not want to have to grind out artifacts/master levels a place to play. Give those who didn't want to activate a seperate account just to buff their main character, a place to play. Basically it was to give former players a reason to want to play again.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

What I'm trying to do is ask questions to make some of you that want this so badly spell out exactly what you want, why you want it, and why it's good for EA so the UO team can figure out how to sell the idea to their management.
Maybe I can try to answer these...

1 - What exactly do we want?

I think the answer to this one is simple. At least 1 server (shard) that is based on the original ruleset for Ultima Online. This shard should have no transfers to or from it, and should predate Age of Shadows, at the bare minimum. It seems that most of us would prefer that it were created using only the so-called "Fel ruleset" (although that is sort of a misnomer, as that is the original ruleset). There should be only the original landmass, and perhaps T2A, although, I'd personally rather see that opened up later. I think the main thing to keep in mind is that with any classic shard that was created, that it could, and should, change over time...just like any shard. But it should never follow the same evolution as the other shards. It should never have Trammel, and it should never have AoS. If the shard is not a success, it could sit idle with no further development until the day the devs decide to close it, or all of the shards. The primary objective of all of this is to get a shard that is based in the classic ruleset (Fel only, no AoS).

2 - Why do we want it?

There are quite a few current and former UO players that feel that the game had more to offer before certain changes were made to it. I, as one of them, would like to see this classic shard created as an alternative to the current rules and systems, specifically Tram/AoS. Many of us feel that if this happened, a new chance for a different evolution of UO would be possible, as we feel that the first evolution did not go along the right path.

3 - Why is it good for EA?

Ultima Online is a dying game. Subscription numbers are shrinking year by year, as more and more MMORPGs are introduced to the market. The current market share that Ultima Online holds is made up, not entirely, but primarily by veteran players. Many of these veteran players have reached the "top" of what they can achieve on current shards, or they have simply grown bored with the current offerings. While Stygian Abyss may shore up existing subscriptions, it is doubtful to attract many new subscribers, and in some cases, it may cost EA subscriptions from players that do not wish to purchase another add another, but feel that they have to in order to remain current in the game. A classic shard would provide players that do not wish to play add-on content with a place to do so. It would provide players that are currently using the product in a manner that does not benefit EA with an alternative to that behavior, and it would retain or attract veteran players that wish to re-live the past for the sake of nostalgia.

In the end, as I have said before...I cannot see how creating a classic shard could be seen as a negative thing. If the true motivation of the UO community, as a whole, and Mythic/EA, is to provide for and enlarge/enrich the Ultima Online experience, then I cannot see how EA can afford not to take this opportunity to give something back to the players that have kept this game alive for over 11 years now.



90% of the people who pay the bills want something, what do the people they pay do? NOTTA thing, I think you guys make threads like this to **** people like me off why the hell else do you do it?



90% of the people who pay the bills want something, what do the people they pay do? NOTTA thing, I think you guys make threads like this to **** people like me off why the hell else do you do it?
Sorry to hear threads like this upset you so much man. Why bother looking at it if it does? And what exactly is it that pisses you off so much about some people getting together to try and reach a common goal? Does it really effect you that much dude?

I mean seriously. If you had even a slight chance of getting something you perhaps "lost" back and this thing was of much sentimental value to you. Would you sit on your ass and forget about it or would you take that chance and possibly get what you lost back?

I dunno about you but i wanna try and get what was lost back.

Bring on the Classic Ultima Online so many enjoyed so much! :please:

Lord Patapon

Hey Tina, that last post of yours made things a lot clearer, I now know where you wanted to go with your other posts, and you're right.
Thing is, I believe that no one would ask to rush anything, especially in those hard times; I'd like them to get SA out first, with a possibly finished, or at least good client, but just seeing anyone from the Dev Team answer the question about a possible classic shards, that would be okay, for me.

I don't necessarily want it NOW.
I want it to be. I've been waiting for a few years knowing that it was not in EA/OSI's plans; I can wait a bit more, now, because it's Mythic, and they've done it before with success; what I'd like right now is a "Yes, it's a good idea, we'll do it, but I cannot say when right now, but we'll keep you informed."

Or a plain and simple "No."


I don't necessarily want it NOW.
I want it to be. I've been waiting for a few years knowing that it was not in EA/OSI's plans; I can wait a bit more, now, because it's Mythic, and they've done it before with success; what I'd like right now is a "Yes, it's a good idea, we'll do it, but I cannot say when right now, but we'll keep you informed."

Or a plain and simple "No."[/QUOTE]

Totally agree.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I'd like to see them open a dialog with the players that would inhabit such a shard. I'd like to see them asking us what we want out of such a shard...and I would like to see them not get derailed in the discussion.

For example:

They could come here and say "We hear you. We want to do it. We have plans to do it. But we want to make sure we do it right. We are planning a classic shard that is classic ruleset. It will only have the original land mass. But what we want your input. Should we have stat locks, skill locks, etc. etc."

I'd also like to know that it was going to be called the Morgana LeFay shard :D


Slightly Crazed
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Yes or no to a classic UO shard.

Hopefully the devs will take notice if we can get enough interest in this!!
Ummm classic? Like in Seige or Mugen?? How many times does this topic have to come up?

Dermott of LS

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90% of the people who pay the bills want something,

Literacy is your friend:

View Poll Results: Do you want a Classic UO shard?
Yes 130 53.06%
No 115 46.94%
Voters: 245

53% /= 90%.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ummm classic? Like in Seige or Mugen?? How many times does this topic have to come up?
I don't play Siege because I think it is hard, harder than a pre-ren ever was, you can only make one character, vendor prices are too much imo, and it is just plain hard, and there is an imbalance in items in UO that make siege even harder... As a warrior on Siege, it is better to play a mage, leather offers the same protection, and it is cheaper.. Regeants are A LOT on it, like 10gp per, and you can't recall..

I got nothing against Siege I think it is great and all, I just don't play it cause it is not a classic shard...

Mr Moosestache

What expansion brought all of the item changes? Maybe I'm just off on time periods but I always assumed it was AoS that brought the change.

On that note, who ever posts this comment;"Ummm classic? Like in Seige or Mugen?? How many times does this topic have to come up?". Either has forgotten or did NOT play before these changes came into effect. Siege and Mugen are NOTHING like old UO. The item requirements, in my eyes, killed the UO I loved. I still play, not much really, but it's not the same. It just doesn't have the same appeal to it.


Babbling Loonie
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I'd like to see them open a dialog with the players that would inhabit such a shard. I'd like to see them asking us what we want out of such a shard...and I would like to see them not get derailed in the discussion.
It'll definitely be nice, but you have to understand that they can't do this lightly, otherwise certain people will treat this as a promise to do it and hold the devs' to their word for it (like some other discussions we've witnessed).

Even if we now fully expect the shard to take a couple of years, a few months down the road, someone that did not follow this thread in its entirety will inevitably ask "why haven't we gotten a classic shard yet, they promised in Feb 09".

Don't worry, we definitely have their attention thanks to that "classic shard chick" (hey I wasn't the was that said that first), they just like to lurk in the shadows.

Should we have stat locks, skill locks, etc. etc."
I was hoping for that to be incorporated into the poll, so they'd have the statistics for that in one go. *mumbles* no one listens to me *continues to sit on his lazy bum*

I'd also like to know that it was going to be called the Morgana LeFay shard :D
Erm, ok, "classic shard chick with deluded visions of grandeur" :D

Besides, shard Harlequin sounds much better heh.

Lord Patapon


90% of the people who pay the bills want something,

Literacy is your friend:

View Poll Results: Do you want a Classic UO shard?
Yes 130 53.06%
No 115 46.94%
Voters: 245

53% /= 90%.
I think Vyal's answer is not an argument in favor of classic ... I believe it was just a troll, really. Oo


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What expansion brought all of the item changes? Maybe I'm just off on time periods but I always assumed it was AoS that brought the change.

On that note, who ever posts this comment;"Ummm classic? Like in Seige or Mugen?? How many times does this topic have to come up?". Either has forgotten or did NOT play before these changes came into effect. Siege and Mugen are NOTHING like old UO. The item requirements, in my eyes, killed the UO I loved. I still play, not much really, but it's not the same. It just doesn't have the same appeal to it.
Yes it was Aos that brought the change,

1.Charter: Feluccia based.
2. 2nd Age: Felucia based Brought us T2A.
3. Renaissance: brought us tram.
4. 3rd dawn: brought us ish.
5. Lord Blackthorns revenge: allowed access to Ish.
6. Age of shadows: Total change of the game as we all once knew it.
7. Samurai Empire: Brought us Tok islands.
8. Mondains Legacy: Brought us heartwood.

Anything 4 down W/O tram to me is considered a "Classic shard". I would prefer somewhere between 3-4, Being that except for the way they handled the tram thing UO:R was the best expansion.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Erm, ok, "classic shard chick with deluded visions of grandeur" :D

Besides, shard Harlequin sounds much better heh.
It is Mythic, and they have a Morgana LeFay server for DaoC, unless I am mistaken! :D (if I really had delusions of grandeur, I would claim that one was named for me as well)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Yes it was Aos that brought the change,

1.Charter: Feluccia based.
2. 2nd Age: Felucia based Brought us T2A.
3. Renaissance: brought us tram.
4. 3rd dawn: brought us ish.
5. Lord Blackthorns revenge: allowed access to Ish.
6. Age of shadows: Total change of the game as we all once knew it.
7. Samurai Empire: Brought us Tok islands.
8. Mondains Legacy: Brought us heartwood.

Anything 4 down W/O tram to me is considered a "Classic shard". I would prefer somewhere between 3-4, Being that except for the way they handled the tram thing UO:R was the best expansion.
Refresh my memory, what was it that Ren added other than the Tram/Fel split (the epic failure as I call it)?

Also...would any of you fellow classic shard advocates consider Tok islands to be added after the fact?? I am personally on the fence with that one. The skills and lands themselves seemed to be a little more realistic than what some of the other expansions brought. Just asking hypothetically, this is not any call for it and certainly not at the beginning.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Refresh my memory, what was it that Ren added other than the Tram/Fel split (the epic failure as I call it)?

Also...would any of you fellow classic shard advocates consider Tok islands to be added after the fact?? I am personally on the fence with that one. The skills and lands themselves seemed to be a little more realistic than what some of the other expansions brought. Just asking hypothetically, this is not any call for it and certainly not at the beginning.
All of this, and not one Dev comment.

Well, maybe before they pull the plug on UO they will build your folk's Classic Shard.

It is amusing to watch you all, though...Holy Friggin LOL!!

"UM yeah...I think they should have a Tram shard for Every Fellucia Facet they make(KALEB: It's Felluca)"

"Um yeah...maybe they can throw the Tokuno Islands in sometime?? UM yeah..they seem kinda "Classic"....I mean...as long as we can kill each other there...that's what would make them "Classic"...it will build "Community"...I just know it will. I mean...I won't put up any of my own money, and if it does as well as Siege and/or Mugen, I won't have to take a hit...but listen to me...Tens of THOUSANDS will flock back...I know them all PERSONALLY, Draconi!! And...Name it after ME!!!"

"Hey! Maybe they could just add Doom in, but make it a Fel ruleset!!"

I'll just sit over here and watch you all go at it...too funny.

I have watched this stuff for about 8 years now.

Funny...just never seems to get old. Not ever...LOL.


Izzy MBC

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I voted yes, I'd like to see a Classic Shard or two appear. Personally, I would play both the old style, and continue with my Mage on Europa - a bit of diversity.

Also...would any of you fellow classic shard advocates consider Tok islands to be added after the fact?? I am personally on the fence with that one. The skills and lands themselves seemed to be a little more realistic than what some of the other expansions brought. Just asking hypothetically, this is not any call for it and certainly not at the beginning.
Tokuno Islands, carrying the theme of Japanese Samurai and so forth? Shamefuly, I'm not all well and familiar with Ultima's history, but I didn't think the Japanese were ever involved in it's past. A Fantasy Roleplaying setting right, Ultima is?

It's my opinion, it should remain left out. I don't think the Samurai Items and the Landmass with it's style of Traditional Japanese Structures should be present. It's hardly wasted though, it's strewn across all the shards currently existing, heh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm all for a classic server, but when you look at the poll results, I can see why this option may just be a waste of time for EA.

So out of everyone who voted, 134 said "yes". reading most of the replies here, this is made up of current and past subscribers to this game.

How many people can fit in a single UO server? I heard at full capacity that 2500-3000 connections could be made at once. If this is true then we have enough people to fill that server to 0.04%. (134 is 0.04% of 3000)

For something that seems to be the saving grace for UO and bring back "everyone" sure does not look viable. If we really cared we would be spamming our icq lists and get our uo friends to vote here. Remember this is the "official" UO forum.

It looks like it will take a lot more convincing to show the idea of a classic server will be worthwhile for EA.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

"Um yeah...maybe they can throw the Tokuno Islands in sometime?? UM yeah..they seem kinda "Classic"....I mean...as long as we can kill each other there...that's what would make them "Classic"...it will build "Community"...I just know it will. I mean...I won't put up any of my own money, and if it does as well as Siege and/or Mugen, I won't have to take a hit...but listen to me...Tens of THOUSANDS will flock back...I know them all PERSONALLY, Draconi!! And...Name it after ME!!!"
Wait a sec...

2 things.

1 - I never said they should add Tokuno, it was a hypothetical question.

2 - What do you mean I am not putting up any of my own money? I have paid for 2 (now 3) accounts for 11+ years. And, had you bothered to read it, I posted above that I would agree to pay an increased subscription fee, or the price of a retail box/code to get this content.

Why not? People pay for content all the time. Heck, I just went out and bought 2 copies of 9th Anniversary just give access to Tokuno, Malas, and ML to my other accounts.

Don't tell me I haven't put up any of my own money. I was probably paying for UO with my own money when you were in grade school.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I'm all for a classic server, but when you look at the poll results, I can see why this option may just be a waste of time for EA.

So out of everyone who voted, 134 said "yes". reading most of the replies here, this is made up of current and past subscribers to this game.

How many people can fit in a single UO server? I heard at full capacity that 2500-3000 connections could be made at once. If this is true then we have enough people to fill that server to 0.04%. (134 is 0.04% of 3000)

For something that seems to be the saving grace for UO and bring back "everyone" sure does not look viable. If we really cared we would be spamming our icq lists and get our uo friends to vote here. Remember this is the "official" UO forum.

It looks like it will take a lot more convincing to show the idea of a classic server will be worthwhile for EA.
This poll is only representative of the population of UO, it is not comprised of it's sum.

Surely you don't think that only 240 or so people still play UO?


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Stratics Legend
This poll is only representative of the population of UO, it is not comprised of it's sum.

Surely you don't think that only 240 or so people still play UO?

That's why I said we as those who support a classic server should get all our friends together and take this poll. After all this is the official UO forum.

Also I was working with data we already have. We would need to get the opinions of at least half the player base. Is that possible in a reliable way?

I am just trying to look at this from a business point of view. I always hear things like "a lot" or "majority" will "return" if a classic server was made, but we have yet to come up the numbers to back it.

OK lets assume that UO has 120k active accounts. This poll would only represent 0.2% of the over all player base.


Seasoned Veteran
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The only reason I voted No was I want them to finish SA (& debug it) before any new / additional projects. Personally I wouldn’t mind if they had Classic and Tram only shards as well.
With proper marketing the ability to entice players to come play the different ‘styles’ of UO (Current/SA, Siege, Classic, Tram only) would probably do very well.
I don’t know if a classic shard would turn around the declining population of UO but something needs to happen to help stabilize the future of the game.
Until then I’ll be getting my classic shard fix on the island.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Refresh my memory, what was it that Ren added other than the Tram/Fel split (the epic failure as I call it)?

Also...would any of you fellow classic shard advocates consider Tok islands to be added after the fact?? I am personally on the fence with that one. The skills and lands themselves seemed to be a little more realistic than what some of the other expansions brought. Just asking hypothetically, this is not any call for it and certainly not at the beginning.
We got factions, and some combat changes like the specials, power hour I never liked that hence why I never added it to previous posts. I also think all the lands would be cool Under the old combat/item system except for malas not alot to do there cept doom or over charge people for items. Just because i play on a server thats only Britannia and t2a adv. 1k+ people and its real hard to find a good spawn thats not camped by a 1/2 dozen or more peeps.(yes on a Fel only shard PVM is a must its not just about pvp) I find myself killing people when its that full.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
All of this, and not one Dev comment.

Well, maybe before they pull the plug on UO they will build your folk's Classic Shard.

It is amusing to watch you all, though...Holy Friggin LOL!!

"UM yeah...I think they should have a Tram shard for Every Fellucia Facet they make(KALEB: It's Felluca)"

"Um yeah...maybe they can throw the Tokuno Islands in sometime?? UM yeah..they seem kinda "Classic"....I mean...as long as we can kill each other there...that's what would make them "Classic"...it will build "Community"...I just know it will. I mean...I won't put up any of my own money, and if it does as well as Siege and/or Mugen, I won't have to take a hit...but listen to me...Tens of THOUSANDS will flock back...I know them all PERSONALLY, Draconi!! And...Name it after ME!!!"

"Hey! Maybe they could just add Doom in, but make it a Fel ruleset!!"

I'll just sit over here and watch you all go at it...too funny.

I have watched this stuff for about 8 years now.

Funny...just never seems to get old. Not ever...LOL.

Old man do you really think I care how its spelled or what you think in General? You offer nothing to this thread but negativity and trolls, border line insulting my playstyle. I dont think anyone else here mocked your easy button playstyle... yet, but maybe we should.

I mean its not like the current system is bringing in people hand over fist. Maybe its time For EA to really look at the options. SA will only do so much and in the end it will still be an item, Mediocre monster AI, Safe, unbalanced game. Where Im at now there is a community there. A type of community that I havnt seen since siege PRE AOS during UO:R to 3rd dawn (LBR i dont count as a real expansion). Meaning I talk to people all the time and almost everyone was at one time playing EA they refuse to come back until EA does make a Classic style server, many quit due to the fel/tram split, many quit due to AOS itself. People may not fill the servers but I believe it would be enough to profit off of. You got to keep in mind mostly active players look at these boards.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I think a classic shard would be from just before the made it so that you couldn't chug potions with a 2-handed weapon. Anything after that, as far as I'm concerned, is Trammie crap. That was what marked the beginning of the end of UO. That, or when they finally fixed the boat ride from Skara to the mainland, because that started us down the path of making it too easy to get around, thus Trammy-fying the game.

-Galen's player


Also...would any of you fellow classic shard advocates consider Tok islands to be added after the fact?? I am personally on the fence with that one. The skills and lands themselves seemed to be a little more realistic than what some of the other expansions brought. Just asking hypothetically, this is not any call for it and certainly not at the beginning.
Id have to vote no on that one Morgana. My opinion is it should start at T2A or before and worry about what direction it goes after that. Or just keep it at that point and possibly add a new dungeon once and a while to the existing lands to add new content and or events to keep people interested.

That's another problem is the fact there is just too many places/lands and you get a very deluded population/community. This makes it so easy for gold scripter's as well due to all the spots that don't get used at all anymore. If you keep it to a smaller size like just Britannia or Britannia/T2A then its much easier to build the community up and have more people frequent most places daily. That means dead and or reported resource/gold scripter's if they even bother trying on a classic style shard. As well as more interaction with your fellow player's. That in my opinion makes for a much more fun Ultima Online.

Tina Small

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How would you react if EA announced they are going to open up a "classic shard" or two (whatever that really means), but the only way you could play on such a shard is by using the new SA client that is still in development?

Lord Patapon

I wouldn't mind, as long as it's smooth as the 2d client; anyways, I believe this client will be good, or at least way better than KR, because they know it would be a real bad thing for UO if they finish it in a hurry. (let's just hope someone with a suit don't come and give orders to release SA asap just because of the financial situation, though; these guys are a bit moronic, sometimes, when it comes to gaming)

Why this question ?
And why would EA do this, anyway ? What would be the point ?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Why this question ?
And why would EA do this, anyway ? What would be the point ?
If it's true that they don't have a good clean backup copy of the code for UO as it existed so many years ago, it might be easier to write new code from scratch. If that's the case, then I'd assume they would do it using the same tools and "engine" they use on their other games so they could divide up the work a little easier. A more modern client might also make it easier for them to program events and future modifications to the game. And it might offer them far more in the way of tools to prevent or block exploits.


Depending on how they did the graphics with SA and a classic shard it might not feel classic... I like the 2d graphics as is... no matter how bad they suck.

I miss the old newbie clothes that came in nice colored hues... unlike today where it looks bland and fuzzy.

If they did bring out a classic shard with SA, i'd have to see the game interface/graphics to see whether or not i'd enjoy it.

It might not feel the same...if changed too much from what it was.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

How would you react if EA announced they are going to open up a "classic shard" or two (whatever that really means), but the only way you could play on such a shard is by using the new SA client that is still in development?
I'd have to see the new client, but in general, I would be against that. It has been hard enough to remain a paying customer to this game while they slowly changed it into an item based game with little community interaction, but if I were forced into using a client I didn't want to use, I think that would be the end for me...classic shard or no classic shard.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

That's another problem is the fact there is just too many places/lands and you get a very deluded population/community. This makes it so easy for gold scripter's as well due to all the spots that don't get used at all anymore. If you keep it to a smaller size like just Britannia or Britannia/T2A then its much easier to build the community up and have more people frequent most places daily. That means dead and or reported resource/gold scripter's if they even bother trying on a classic style shard. As well as more interaction with your fellow player's. That in my opinion makes for a much more fun Ultima Online.
A very, very, valid point. I agree. Someone I know IRL was asking me if I thought Tokuno should be included...so I asked here. But I have to say, just the mainland Britannia and maybe T2A would be perfect.


, but if I were forced into using a client I didn't want to use, I think that would be the end for me...classic shard or no classic shard.
Well i hope you like the new client (just read your story btw very entertaining) as they have already stated there going to "phase out" the old 2d client


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait a sec...

2 things.

1 - I never said they should add Tokuno, it was a hypothetical question.
Wait a sec,,,

1 thing...

It's all so very, very hypothetical. The only thing that isn't hypothetical so far, is the fact that after almost 9 full years of sobbing, clutching the bottom of your dresses, and throwing yourselves on the floor, and holding your breath, you still don't have a Classic Shard.

That much is true. Your point is moot.

2 - What do you mean I am not putting up any of my own money? I have paid for 2 (now 3) accounts for 11+ years. And, had you bothered to read it, I posted above that I would agree to pay an increased subscription fee, or the price of a retail box/code to get this content.
That's good that you would pay extra. I, on the other hand, would not. I am willing to bet that someone has looked at a model that would include a higher subscription fee. Heck...I am sure someone has looked at releasing a whole game based on the original ruleset(s).

Funny thing there...they have either completely overlooked the potential (as I have said for about 9 years now) after being the company that actually Started the MMORPG revolution, OR, they know all about it, and just can't justify the costs...

I am sure that you and your peers would hold that the corporate giant just can't see what this Classic Shard will do for them.

I am saying, and so far it is true...so far, they cannot see the benefit in it, for whatever reason.

Why not? People pay for content all the time. Heck, I just went out and bought 2 copies of 9th Anniversary just give access to Tokuno, Malas, and ML to my other accounts.

Don't tell me I haven't put up any of my own money. I was probably paying for UO with my own money when you were in grade school.

As far as how long you have been paying for UO, I started paying for UO in the Fall of 1997. Been playing since August 1997. Beta...you know...:)

I was born in 1957

I have been playing Computer Games (Very first one was on an IBM Maqinframe at a College, and my first three games were Football, Star Trek, and Civil War...all on computer paper) since around 1969 or 1970.

Let me get that foot out of your mouth for you...


How's that taste, anyways? :eek:

Now...what in the heck was your meaningless, self absorbed point, again, there Morgana? Unless of course you have been playing Ultima Online for Money since 1963 (when I was in "Grade School"), you are talking smack, in a big way.

As to "Your" money...Like I said...it just never gets old...

Your money pays to use EA's service...period. The money you spend to play UO is not an Investment...it is a Fee. There is a difference.

Your money is not earmarked for development. Development can occur when there are no profits, and could be paid for from investor funds solely (like...people that actually buy the stock of the company....not people thatPlay the game the Real Investors speculated on...) completely. Naturally, some development must occur during the course of a game's life, but you can in no way say that your $36 or whatever a month went to pay for development costs, and wasn't used to buy toilet paper at the corporate office. Of course, for logic to be valid, the opposite should apply...maybe they spent your money on development, and mine on the TP.

It is of no consequence, however. Your Job wouldn't go away if a Classic Shard was developed, and then did poorly, as it would likely happen to some inspired EA employee that gets the higher ups to sign off on the expenditure required to develop and maintain a Classic Shard for the niche that would enjoy it.

And it ends up as populated as Siege. Or at the very least, it does not perform, as you and your Classic Shard friends say it will, and as the Pro-forma says it should.

You can tell us all how much more wildly successful a Classic Shard will be than Siege, and oh Boy oh Boy oh Boy...I can assure you...we have never heard that before...in this five minute period...[/Sarcasm]

However, in summary, your money spent on UO no more makes it your "right" to tell them how it needs to be, than when you walk into a Starbucks every day, order a $5.00 coffee, for 11 years straight, and then tell the Manager that you and your 5 friends want the front doors moved, the bathrooms remodeled, a color scheme change in the area you sit in, and you want to have your coffees waiting when you walk in, because, after all...you Support their business.


You really are full of yourself.

Do us all a huge favor, and actually go read the Terms of Service.

Then go see how much developers make a year...if you are familiar with putting a full blown Pro-forma projection on a project, including the budget drivers, revenue impacts, roll forwards, and rate/volume variance predictions, and risks...

Maybe you can demonstrate how Your $4,752.00 "Total Investment" (The "Total Investment" number is made up, and assumes 3 accounts @$12.00 per month...for 11 years straight...this number may vary from the actual money spent) in UO over the last 11 years breaks down, so that they can see the light...so that they can finally understand that Morgana deserves to have her way, and a Classic Shard...

Otherwise, I am thinking, you may be up that proverbial smelly creek...with no paddle.


Morgana LeFay (PoV)

You really are full of yourself.
This from the person posting pictures of their map and CD??

I have the same map, and same CD at home. Not impressed.

And as to your being born in 1957...

...that's wonderful for you.

It's a shame you have to come into this thread and act like a 3 year old. But I recognize your tactic. You will not provoke me into trading personal insults with you in some attempt to get this thread locked.

No thanks...not buying.