Wait a sec...
2 things.
1 - I never said they should add Tokuno, it was a hypothetical question.
Wait a sec,,,
1 thing...
all so very, very hypothetical. The only thing that
isn't hypothetical
so far, is the fact that after almost 9 full years of sobbing, clutching the bottom of your dresses, and throwing yourselves on the floor, and holding your breath, you
still don't have a Classic Shard.
That much
is true. Your point is moot.
2 - What do you mean I am not putting up any of my own money? I have paid for 2 (now 3) accounts for 11+ years. And, had you bothered to read it, I posted above that I would agree to pay an increased subscription fee, or the price of a retail box/code to get this content.
That's good that you would pay extra. I, on the other hand, would not. I am willing to bet that someone has looked at a model that would include a higher subscription fee. Heck...I am sure someone has looked at releasing a whole game based on the original ruleset(s).
Funny thing there...they have either completely overlooked the potential (as I have said for about 9 years now) after being the company that actually
Started the MMORPG revolution, OR, they know all about it, and just can't justify the costs...
I am sure that you and your peers would hold that the corporate giant just can't see what this Classic Shard will do for them.
I am saying, and so far it is true...so far, they cannot see the benefit in it, for whatever reason.
Why not? People pay for content all the time. Heck, I just went out and bought 2 copies of 9th Anniversary just give access to Tokuno, Malas, and ML to my other accounts.
Don't tell me I haven't put up any of my own money. I was probably paying for UO with my own money when you were in grade school.
As far as how long you have been paying for UO, I
started paying for UO in the Fall of 1997. Been
playing since August 1997. Beta...you know...
I was born in
I have been playing Computer Games (Very first one was on an IBM Maqinframe at a College, and my first three games were Football, Star Trek, and Civil War...all on computer paper) since around 1969 or 1970.
Let me get that foot out of your mouth for you...
How's that taste, anyways?
Now...what in the heck was your meaningless, self absorbed point, again, there Morgana? Unless of course you have been playing
Ultima Online for
Money since 1963 (when I was in "Grade School"), you are talking smack, in a big way.
As to "Your" money...Like I said...it just never gets old...
Your money pays to
use EA's service...period. The money you spend to play UO is not an Investment...it is a Fee. There is a difference.
Your money is not earmarked for development. Development can occur when there are no profits, and could be paid for from investor funds solely (like...people that actually buy the stock of the company....not people that
Play the game the Real Investors speculated on...) completely. Naturally, some development must occur during the course of a game's life, but you can in no way say that your $36 or whatever a month went to pay for development costs, and wasn't used to buy toilet paper at the corporate office. Of course, for logic to be valid, the opposite should apply...maybe they spent your money on development, and mine on the TP.
It is of no consequence, however. Your
Job wouldn't go away if a Classic Shard was developed, and then did poorly, as it would likely happen to some inspired EA employee that gets the higher ups to sign off on the expenditure required to develop and maintain a Classic Shard for the niche that would enjoy it.
And it ends up as populated as Siege. Or at the very least, it does
not perform, as
you and your Classic Shard friends say it will, and as the Pro-forma says it should.
You can tell us all how much more wildly successful a Classic Shard will be than Siege, and oh Boy oh Boy oh Boy...I can assure you...we have
never heard
that before...in this five minute period...[/Sarcasm]
However, in summary, your money spent on UO no more makes it your "right" to tell them how it needs to be, than when you walk into a Starbucks every day, order a $5.00 coffee, for 11 years straight, and then tell the Manager that you and your 5 friends want the front doors moved, the bathrooms remodeled, a color scheme change in the area you sit in, and you want to have your coffees waiting when you walk in, because, after all...you
Support their business.
You really are full of yourself.
Do us all a huge favor, and actually go read the Terms of Service.
Then go see how much developers make a year...if you are familiar with putting a full blown Pro-forma projection on a project, including the budget drivers, revenue impacts, roll forwards, and rate/volume variance predictions, and risks...
Maybe you can demonstrate how
Your $4,752.00 "Total Investment" (The "Total Investment" number is made up, and assumes 3 accounts @$12.00 per month...for 11 years straight...this number may vary from the actual money spent) in UO over the last 11 years breaks down, so that they can see the light...so that they can finally understand that Morgana deserves to have her way, and a Classic Shard...
Otherwise, I am thinking, you may be up that proverbial smelly creek...with no paddle.