I have a tamer, dosent help my thunter know how his beetle is doing in skills, yes I use a beetle to kill poison eles that are peaced and discorded on hunts. Ostards are also possible for low level fighting.
The point is that "I" as the person that has a bond so strong with my pet that I can call them back from the dead. I should know how the thing is doing. You can still have your community when I come to get the dead pet ressed.
So, you have no lore
or vet?
Let me see if I can equate this to the real world...
You own a Porsche...you love it, you would do ANYTHING to get it running again if it broke down. But you don't know ANYTHING about cars beyond how to drive it. When it starts making a strange sound, would you know what it was...could you troubleshoot it? Would you even notice it?
A trained mechanic would notice it. A trained mechanic would know exactly what was wrong with it.
Or they would run tests and rip you off when the actual problem was loose belt or something
But either way, I think someone this close to their pet would be able to tell if it were bleeding or something, but for example...if you are not an animal person, and your cat has a warm nose, would you know that meant she was sick?