i saw many people quit uo because of those antisocial- crime- gang behavior
(my son include, and he plays now WoW,and is top in WoW dungeon raids AND WoW pvp)
I know, mate.
You have to accept it when you play Fel.
So, yeah, basically, I have "Trammel" friends who didn't like PvP, and who did or were about to quit at one point because of that, in the old times.
Making Trammel wasn't a bad thing, because a lot of players wanted to play UO with a non-consensual pvp.
It's a fact. They don't like this kind of game ? Sure, they have the right to like whatever they want, I'm not saying anything against that, but NO, it's not because 11 mils+ plays WoW that Im going to find it fun.
It's not. For a LOT of reasons that Im not about to bring here, because it's not the subject; you just gotta see the impopularity WoW has on some boards, because, well, the point is basicaly that some wants a dangerous, riskful world to play in, and some others don't want to be killed or lose their stuff because of the other players.
All in all, some players first need are freedom in their game, even if it is to suffer from it (Im one of those, and I can tell you that I suck at PvP... curious ? no.), and some other refuse to suffer in a game.
So, please explain why the first players are "demanding things from the stoneage" and the latter are those who've known an evolution ?
It's not because the MMORPG market has extended to offer more and more riskless worlds that it's necessarily a good thing.
I don't think Darkfall is that good, but the hype for it clearly shows that PvP is part of the player's demand, whether you like it or not.
Oh, Trammel wasn't the death of UO, speaking in subscriptions terms; in fact, Trammel brought more and more players, reaching the point of 250k subscribers.
However, you just can't possibly say that AoS was successful, because the subscriptions started to drop from there, and a lot of players I know left, directly or indirectly, because of it.
I don't understand why you seem to be fighting tooth and nail against a Classic shard idea, because, objectively, even if it can cause a bit of brainstorming for the Devs, it's nothing much, really, and it would be pretty logical.
Plus, Mythic have experience with that, and on DAoC, the Classic was a success (because it was well thought.
PS: killing 15 times a player can be 15 adventures. Playing against a human player is, for a part of the players, much more fun than doing multiple times a scripted dungeon which is, basicaly, the same every single time. (even if it can be a challenge, I don't deny it for those who like that ... I do, very occasionaly, but I prefer other things. Am I dumb ?)
Oops, tis a long post.