I, like a million other tamers would love to have a blaze Cu Sidhe. But the odds of one actually spawning when I am there are insane, add to that the odss that someone else isnt going to jump in and try to tame it once it does spawn, and my odds are even worse.
My dream is that they will one day change the way they spawn, and have it use a slight variation of the ToT system. Have all Cu's spawn as the regular shade, and only once they are tamed they would (possibly) change to a different color. With a point system that after so many Cu's (200, 1000?) it would become a rare color. With a slight chance that it would be a blaze. That way anyone persistant enough will eventually get the color they want.
My dream is that they will one day change the way they spawn, and have it use a slight variation of the ToT system. Have all Cu's spawn as the regular shade, and only once they are tamed they would (possibly) change to a different color. With a point system that after so many Cu's (200, 1000?) it would become a rare color. With a slight chance that it would be a blaze. That way anyone persistant enough will eventually get the color they want.