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Idea about Cu Sidhe spawn.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I, like a million other tamers would love to have a blaze Cu Sidhe. But the odds of one actually spawning when I am there are insane, add to that the odss that someone else isnt going to jump in and try to tame it once it does spawn, and my odds are even worse.

My dream is that they will one day change the way they spawn, and have it use a slight variation of the ToT system. Have all Cu's spawn as the regular shade, and only once they are tamed they would (possibly) change to a different color. With a point system that after so many Cu's (200, 1000?) it would become a rare color. With a slight chance that it would be a blaze. That way anyone persistant enough will eventually get the color they want.


Yup I agree, they dont spawn that often for a reason.
Rare Colors should be hard to get ;-)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would love to have a breeding system for pets like chocobo breeding in FF7. Where you have to train up your chocobos, have them mate and breed an offspring that inherits the color/speed/endurance caps of the parents, then train that and have it mate again to get an even better one until you have one that can reach the max possible caps for all stats.

Would be nice to have pets that can reach their maximum potential.

Regarding colors though, although colours are nice, just wanted to say that lots of people want blaze because it's rare. If it's not as rare, alot less people would want it.

Eg: If the chances of spawning a blaze and white cu are reversed, everyone would want the white one instead.

What I'm trying to say is that just putting in a system that does only pet colors may grow old very quickly.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
so ... gargoyles ... then pirates ... then we get the big farmer expansion? :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargoyle and Pirates! = full blown expansions

Farmer thingy might be a bit difficult to make into a full expansion, I'm thinking of a content update like gardening :)

Calling it a farmer thing instead of tamer gave me a couple of new ideas though...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This topic was brought up last week and I would like to see it addressed and some change made that is reasonable and rewards those who put in the time turning over the spawn.

Right now it's completely open ended where one person can spends 3-4 hours a day for months turning over the spawn only to skip a day and have some player who never stepped foot in the weald kill one Cu and get Blaze to appear.

I know for a fact on my shard the person who received Blaze last year put nowhere near the time myself and other fellow tamers did in turning over the spawn. Needless to say some of us are not happy and I no longer work the spawn because the way it's set up.

I've left countless pure Blacks, whites, reds and ice blues in the Weald for the casual tamer to have in my time turning over the spawn.

As I stated in the other thread the casual player that spends less than an hour a day in the Weald turning over the spawn will not understand. There is legitimate frustration the way the system works by those tamers who spend 2-3+ hours in the weald on a regular basis turning over the spawn.

Hopefully this will be given some thought and attention.


This topic was brought up last week and I would like to see it addressed and some change made that is reasonable and rewards those who put in the time turning over the spawn.

Right now it's completely open ended where one person can spends 3-4 hours a day for months turning over the spawn only to skip a day and have some player who never stepped foot in the weald kill one Cu and get Blaze to appear.

I know for a fact on my shard the person who received Blaze last year put nowhere near the time myself and other fellow tamers did in turning over the spawn. Needless to say some of us are not happy and I no longer work the spawn because the way it's set up.

I've left countless pure Blacks, whites, reds and ice blues in the Weald for the casual tamer to have in my time turning over the spawn.

As I stated in the other thread the casual player that spends less than an hour a day in the Weald turning over the spawn will not understand. There is legitimate frustration the way the system works by those tamers who spend 2-3+ hours in the weald on a regular basis turning over the spawn.

Hopefully this will be given some thought and attention.
Maybe you should spend your time enjoying the game and occasionally checking the spawn instead of wasting it farming.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you should spend your time enjoying the game and occasionally checking the spawn instead of wasting it farming.
Maybe how I choose to enjoy the game is my perogative. And checking the spawn occasionally sure as $%$@ ain't gonna get Blaze to spawn.

Turning over the spawn takes serious time and dedication but as I alluded to casual players and tamers will have zero inclination or understanding of that.

Unless you've been there and done it then you don't know what your talking about.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
At the end of the day, if there's a guarenteed method to get a Cu within X amount of time, their value drops dramatically.

On Oceania, there is one known Blaze Cu. One. If the system is changed, suddenly that particular Cu Sidhe is no where near as valuable (or even interesting) as it used to be.

Is that Cu mine? No. But I can accept being the loser, because a world without losers is a world in which there are no real winners. It makes it worth competing, even if you might end up losing in the end.

For example, how much would you be willing to pay for a blaze robe? I could make a ton of the things, I've got plenty of cloth, and it's not too hard for me to get more. Would you be willing, under the current system, to pay as much for my blaze robe as you would for the (currently rare) blaze Cu? Or does the Cu mean more to you then my robe? Think that might have something to do with the rarity?

Under the current system, the more you work the spawn the more likely it'll be YOU who gets the next one. Granted, yup, there's a chance that someone with a bit more "real" luck then you will wander in and get one within five minutes. But the person who works the spawn, at the end of the day, really does have the best chance.

Green Meanie

At the end of the day, if there's a guarenteed method to get a Cu within X amount of time, their value drops dramatically.

On Oceania, there is one known Blaze Cu. One. If the system is changed, suddenly that particular Cu Sidhe is no where near as valuable (or even interesting) as it used to be.

Is that Cu mine? No. But I can accept being the loser, because a world without losers is a world in which there are no real winners. It makes it worth competing, even if you might end up losing in the end.

For example, how much would you be willing to pay for a blaze robe? I could make a ton of the things, I've got plenty of cloth, and it's not too hard for me to get more. Would you be willing, under the current system, to pay as much for my blaze robe as you would for the (currently rare) blaze Cu? Or does the Cu mean more to you then my robe? Think that might have something to do with the rarity?

Under the current system, the more you work the spawn the more likely it'll be YOU who gets the next one. Granted, yup, there's a chance that someone with a bit more "real" luck then you will wander in and get one within five minutes. But the person who works the spawn, at the end of the day, really does have the best chance.

QFT and for thoughs that would say well thats just being greedy i say so what having a colored pet isnt the same as hording rare items (event items for an example) becouse they give the player no advanatge the simply look neat. Its also note worthy that the blaze cu despite not giving the owner any advatage is the highest gold piece priced item i can think of that still spawns


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the current system is just fine. It'll be even better with bags of sending changed back as they were. I used to make a good amount of gold from killing the pups and sold or gave away the coloured ones. Instead of farming for gold I hunted cu's. And yeah, after a while I tamed and sold a blaze pup.

Of course it takes time, they're supposed to be rare. If you don't want to take the time or try your luck, they can always be bought from folks like me. I only went for a black pup for a friend and myself, but by the time I'd gotten him one, other requests landed in my corner and I just kept on with it. I certainly don't think "I'll never get another blaze" because to me it's just a case of turning over the spawn till you get the reward.

And if someone gets a blaze on their first visit to the spawn? Well you guys wouldn't complain if that someone was you. So don't be bitter because someone "didn't put in the time". That's just daft. Luck isn't anyone's fault.



I still think that some kind of point system should be in place. The more you tame and turn over cu spawn, the more points you earn...the more points you earn the better (even slight) chance you might have of getting the rare blaze. If I tame 100's of CUs a day I should have a better chance of getting a blaze then somebody that just wanders into the wield and stumbles on one.

I also stated in last weeks thread that I believe that CUs should be put on the zoo list for turn in. My wife has so far earned 450,000 points for the zoo taming drakes and dragons, she still needs 350,000 points to get her zoo title that she wants. She would much rather spend her time in the wield turning over spawn with me trying to get a blaze, but CUs are worthless as a zoo turn-in animal.

Give us a point system for a better chance of getting a blaze....if you can't...then...I can understand...somewhat.

But no matter what....



I hope you do get your blaze, and one whose stats are at least decent! My blaze, well, isn't the best or brightest, an insane irritant after all the effort :) I wouldn't go so far as to say what we have is "broken," but it could use a little "love." Maybe lower the paragon spawn rate for cus, and program percentile chances for skills/ stats to improve with rarity and I suspect things would plod along just fine. As above, things that are rare should be rare. Fortunately, pet hues seemingly can't be duped!


I think the current cu spawn rate is fine. Its a good challenge for tamers.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still think that some kind of point system should be in place. The more you tame and turn over cu spawn, the more points you earn...the more points you earn the better (even slight) chance you might have of getting the rare blaze. If I tame 100's of CUs a day I should have a better chance of getting a blaze then somebody that just wanders into the wield and stumbles on one.
Technically speaking, you do.

I also stated in last weeks thread that I believe that CUs should be put on the zoo list for turn in. My wife has so far earned 450,000 points for the zoo taming drakes and dragons, she still needs 350,000 points to get her zoo title that she wants. She would much rather spend her time in the wield turning over spawn with me trying to get a blaze, but CUs are worthless as a zoo turn-in animal.
The zoos really do need some love. Making Cu's a valid turn-in would certainly help matters.

Worth noting is that the Cu's "human equivalent" pet, the Reptalon, is already accepted by the zoo. Of course, the Cu shouldn't give as many points as that, considering how much harder it is to tame Reptalons.