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Seige needs standard Vendor Fees


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of my eggbomb vendors died in less than week because no one bought anything :sad4:


Originally Posted by WildWobble View Post
Your being biased Klemo move this thread to siege it is clearly a siege issue!
And he is an ex mod old man wonder why? Though I rarely play siege now i must agree that x3 vendor cost is a bit much i run a vendor on production and its still to much well its not that bad but there is such low popultaion on the shard its hard to pull a profit i can understand how this x3 thing can hurt the community on siege lots.
I am not an ex mod. I am as old as I feel. *feels old* Uhall is about the exchange of ideas and experiences of all UO players. Siege should not be excluded any more than any other shard that falls under the EA/Mythic umbrella. If any have issues with any mod, any where please feel free to read through the FAQ and use the email provided to submit feed back.

*smiles* Have a nice day.

I think the x-mod/old man thing was pointing out to the player "old man" that Rico was an x-mod. Nothing aimed at you Kelmo!

U-hall is for topics that span the shards. These can be general rules, ideas, problems, etc. Siege is a little different as the rules differ, but they are still part of the UO community and we will not discriminate against our red-headed step-child! lol

Siege topics are welcome.


Grand Poobah
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Ok, I didn't read it all. But I agree on going back to the standard vendor fees on Siege. Inf act, I say go back to standard vendor fees for ALL shards. The fees are just too ridiculous regardless of shard.


Old and in the way
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I think the x-mod/old man thing was pointing out to the player "old man" that Rico was an x-mod. Nothing aimed at you Kelmo!

U-hall is for topics that span the shards. These can be general rules, ideas, problems, etc. Siege is a little different as the rules differ, but they are still part of the UO community and we will not discriminate against our red-headed step-child! lol

Siege topics are welcome.
*winks* I know. Thanks Tazer.


Slightly Crazed
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I dont know why anyone bothers to chime in without valid input to the topic. Saying this needs to go to the seige forum. Well its not gonna get seen there, and thus I put it here, as to maybe draw some attention. So please, if you are just here to troll, dont bother. Just post a valid why, or why not to decrease player vendor fees. Thanks


Siege Prices should all be the same as Production shards.
This includes Player Vendors, NPC vendors, as well as faction items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, I think this might actually be the one thing we can get the Siege community to agree on.

Lower Player Vendor prices


And if a dev would at acknowledge the request we'd be happy to go back to our peaceful Siege forum away from the evil prodo trolls.


You know, I think this might actually be the one thing we can get the Siege community to agree on.

Lower Player Vendor prices
I also agree. Please look into lowering the player run vendor fees on Siege Perilous.


Seasoned Veteran
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Sure and insurance and belssed items and hey lets add recall/sacred journey.

KinG DaviD

how do we even know if a DEV looks at this? To even know they have acknowledged our need/want? Now if they do anything is a seperate story all together. It would be nice if they posted or some how let us know they at least hear our plea's. That way people can determine the direction they are taking with the game. If they simply just choose to ignore siege...it would be better to know early before investing too much into a shard they plan to let die.

On to the current topic.

I would love to run a vendor...and i have lots of items to sell...infact my 18x18 is plumb full..and im having to start throwing things out to make room..and i do have the 20% increase.

the reason i dont run a vendor is the obsurd vendor charges!!!

Lowering the vendor charge, will promote activity and economy between players! No questions or denying that FACT! It is simple economics!!
What happens when the US Taxes teh sh*t out of american companies!?
They move to somewhere cheaper where they can actually make a profit.

This is a simple fix that could be done overnight...that could GREATLY and POSITIVELY affect the community and economy of siege.

As a Shopper on siege-- it doesnt take very long to hit the well know vendors...and seeing they arent stocking anymore...makes it a quick trip...thus less time in populated areas for community interaction...

DEVS!!! if you do indeed read these...this is a MUST change NOW!! like tomorrow!!


there you have my 2 cents...

you can find me messing around on ATL a lil bit now and again...its actually fun to shop all the different vendors and see whats out there and look for the "Deals"

I have been soley siege since 1999 or whever it came out...but i must admit im toying around on a prodo shard more and more...i hope they pay "some:" attention to siege... "good attention" that is...dont even get me started on faction gear!! "one more reason in om ATL a lil more now...


Alyssa of ATL

The current vendor fees on Siege make it hard (impossible for some types), to keep a vendor stocked and not lose money.

Please take a look at this issue.


Old Man of UO

So, based on all the arguments above, why have any vendor fees on any shard?


So, based on all the arguments above, why have any vendor fees on any shard?
The horrible devaluation of gold on prodo shards coupled with a lower vendor fee means that running a player vendor is many times cheaper than on Siege.

Now stay out of things you don't care about.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
So, based on all the arguments above, why have any vendor fees on any shard?
The horrible devaluation of gold on prodo shards coupled with a lower vendor fee means that running a player vendor is many times cheaper than on Siege.

Now stay out of things you don't care about.
That doesn't mean that everyone has loads of money...I am on a production shard and would love to put up a vendor in my house. First problem are the vendor fees, second is that my house is in fel. I am not willing to pay tons of fees for a vendor house where player traffic is so slim that I might end up losing more money then I would gain if I even sell my items.

Vendor fees should only stick to the Luna area since that is where you see this "devaluation of gold" you are talking about.

I say for production shards, if they don't want to revert completely back to standard vendor fees, at least remove it from areas outside of the Luna location.

And P.S., Old Man of UO seems to care about this, he just wants the change back to ALL shards not just Siege like me.

Old Man of UO

The horrible devaluation of gold on prodo shards coupled with a lower vendor fee means that running a player vendor is many times cheaper than on Siege.

Now stay out of things you don't care about.
Heh... you are so good about showing how limited intellects can be. Allow your mind to wander just a bit and expand your horizons... yes, this idea could also be applied to other shard for exactly the reason you pointed out, the horrible devaluation of gold makes it VERY expensive to run a vendor on other shards. A runic hammer at 10 mil gold eats up a lot of vendor fees.

... And P.S., Old Man of UO seems to care about this, he just wants the change back to ALL shards not just Siege like me.
Thank you! Muchly appreciated!


Heh... you are so good about showing how limited intellects can be. Allow your mind to wander just a bit and expand your horizons... yes, this idea could also be applied to other shard for exactly the reason you pointed out, the horrible devaluation of gold makes it VERY expensive to run a vendor on other shards. A runic hammer at 10 mil gold eats up a lot of vendor fees.

Thank you! Muchly appreciated!
Well on Siege hardly anyone sells high end items on a vendor, of course it is fee-intensive to sell those items on vendors, it would be on prodo as well. But we're talking about things like smoke bombs, reagents, spellbooks, runebooks, throwaway jewels. The small to medium items.


Old and in the way
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Bumping is frowned upon here. Please, do not do it again. The thread is what it is.


Babbling Loonie
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A runic hammer at 10 mil gold eats up a lot of vendor fees.

Who is selling Hammers for that much on siege we don't have all the duped items and gold you have on trammel shards. We are talking about vendors selling normal items like furniture, armor, leather/cloth, rings, pots, egg bombs, etc. Crafters are lose gold every time they stock their vendors.


Queen of The Outlaws
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There is very few vendors left on Siege, even Luna vendor owners are given up.
As we are less players on Siege it take longer to sell something. Some days I can sell several kegs of poison on my vendor, then everything slow down and I don't sell a single keg for 2 weeks.

Instead of lowering the fee, make it only charge one time each week so if my vendor mow charge me Xgp a day a day, make it so it is Xgp a week.

This way it would not matter if you sell it same day or after 6 days.

Right now, if I stock 10 kegs of potions of an avg price of 7000, it will cost me 1440gp a day.

After 6 days without selling anything, I will have lost 8640gp, that's more the price of one keg or more than 10% I have lost and yet I had not sold anything.

If the fee was charged once a week, my lose would be 1440gp for one week, 2880gp for 2 weeks. This would work and there would be a little profite to me too.


Slightly Crazed
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I just think they really need to look at his, as currently we are seeing a decline in vendors, and with low player counts, it would be nice to see it bounce back, if even only slightly

KinG DaviD

i havent spun my wheels here before...but i have alegitimate question here.

Have the DEvs ever even once...listen to a suggestion posted in this board and applied it>?? if so i will continue...if not...i wont waste my time...

Is it worth it??

If they have chaged something...particularly on siege...what was it? and was teh idea originated here?>


i havent spun my wheels here before...but i have alegitimate question here.

Have the DEvs ever even once...listen to a suggestion posted in this board and applied it>?? if so i will continue...if not...i wont waste my time...

Is it worth it??

If they have chaged something...particularly on siege...what was it? and was teh idea originated here?>

Ideas implemented into game have to originate from somehwere, maybe just maybe a Dev will read this thread, forget about it for a month or two and then at a staff meeting (you know where the three people left in charge of UO) they will say "Hey I have a brilliant idea to get more paying customers back" and bring it up.

Okay maybe I am dellusional, stranger things have happened.


Ok I need to clarify something for the prodo people...

On siege we have X3 the price on all player run vendors, were not talking about reverting to NO vendor fees, were talking about removing the X3 we have and paying the same you do on your shard.


If a sword you have on your vendor on Atlantic costs 100GP in vendor fees then on Siege it would cost 300GP in vendor fees.

Its part of our special rules we have on the shard.

To most of you, that may some redumentary but I get the feeling many were not understanding that.


Most explosive UO Legend
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You know, I think this might actually be the one thing we can get the Siege community to agree on.

Lower Player Vendor prices
Seriously! This is just blowing our minds here. Waita come together :)


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have some good news in regards to the vendor fees on Siege and Mugen. After, careful review we felt that the triple multiplier was no longer needed on these shards. We will be removing the triple charge off of the vendors in Pub 58. The vendors will charge the same amount as if it was on a regular shard.



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have some good news in regards to the vendor fees on Siege and Mugen. After, careful review we felt that the triple multiplier was no longer needed on these shards. We will be removing the triple charge off of the vendors in Pub 58. The vendors will charge the same amount as if it was on a regular shard.

Awesome! As a siege vendor runner, I thank ye!


Crazed Zealot
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After careful review

*imagines a change revison board sitting around checking dry reports when suddenly there is a blur through the room and whirlwind of papers* one person looks around wide eyed as papers rain down. "uh ... wait ... what did Draconi just yoink?"


Most explosive UO Legend
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After careful review

*imagines a change revison board sitting around checking dry reports when suddenly there is a blur through the room and whirlwind of papers* one person looks around wide eyed as papers rain down. "uh ... wait ... what did Draconi just yoink?"
[b]<<[/b] if (isSiegeMugen())
[b]<<[/b] {
[b]<<[/b] 	rent *= 3;
[b]<<[/b] }


The seige economy is not the best right now, and I like many feel the vendor rates are too high to make it worth stocking, or leaving anything on there for any amount of time.

Id suggest standard shard rates. I know its a veteran shard, and I dont care if we were to keep the 3x rates on NPCs, but its tough to pay the big fees to stock common items.

Also taxidermy kits would be nice to see lowered.
Not sure exactly what common items would be but, Maybe they could have two kinds of vendors and you choose when you place them that they can only have certain types of items and the fees be different. Probably too hard to code.

Patty Pickaxe

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have some good news in regards to the vendor fees on Siege and Mugen. After, careful review we felt that the triple multiplier was no longer needed on these shards. We will be removing the triple charge off of the vendors in Pub 58. The vendors will charge the same amount as if it was on a regular shard.





Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have some good news in regards to the vendor fees on Siege and Mugen. After, careful review we felt that the triple multiplier was no longer needed on these shards. We will be removing the triple charge off of the vendors in Pub 58. The vendors will charge the same amount as if it was on a regular shard.

Any plans on tinkering with vendor fees on production shards? Maybe facet based perhaps? Because with the new fees I can't afford to set up a vendor in Fel anymore. At least it's not profitable anymore for me.

I'm sure even players in tram and other facets have a lot of problems with these new fees as well. I mean it works for all those in Luna and the immediate areas since it's always populated there. But elsewhere it makes it really challenging.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok I need to clarify something for the prodo people...

On siege we have X3 the price on all player run vendors, were not talking about reverting to NO vendor fees, were talking about removing the X3 we have and paying the same you do on your shard.


If a sword you have on your vendor on Atlantic costs 100GP in vendor fees then on Siege it would cost 300GP in vendor fees.

Its part of our special rules we have on the shard.

To most of you, that may some redumentary but I get the feeling many were not understanding that.
Well, I knew about the 3x cost for vendors, I just had no idea it also crossed over into player vendor fees. Yikes!


King of The Bearded Ladies
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[b]<<[/b] if (isSiegeMugen())
[b]<<[/b] {
[b]<<[/b] 	rent *= 3;
[b]<<[/b] }
Can you add that in for silver to... the prices on that are a bit ridiclous when there are own so many spots in fell... Specifically Silver Serpents locations which spawn the fastest... demons spawning at half the speed of them. Just a suggestion that needs to be discussed and fixed as well.

Thank you for changing the vendor fee's maybe we can get some more shops up and running now!


Shouldn't this be posted on the Siege forum?

What next? I suppose you want to pick and choose attributes for the other shard rule sets? Costs and vendor fees were added to Siege for a reason. If you make enough changes, it isn't Siege any more is it?
Obviously you dont play the shard, go back to candy land troll, lol.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have some good news in regards to the vendor fees on Siege and Mugen. After, careful review we felt that the triple multiplier was no longer needed on these shards. We will be removing the triple charge off of the vendors in Pub 58. The vendors will charge the same amount as if it was on a regular shard.

*Hugs Chrissay and Draconi*