I agree with Tomas. As out-of-game tech becomes more abundant, we no longer need to use outdated in game methods of communicating.
I think a major factor that nobody ever seems to take into consideration is the lack of "fresh blood". We have nearly NO new players these days. The only time we really get a new player is when their spouse finally talks them into playing, in which case they already have an instant support system in place. You have to realize that nearly everybody who is playing UO has been playing UO for a while now. When you have a game where the vast majority of the players are "vets" who know their way around, and have fully built characters, your not going to have the interaction that was present during the early years when people had to rely on others for information, repairs, support. Today most people have their own crafters, tamers and rune libraries.
The problem with nostalgia is that it is rarely accurate. Sure you may have good memories of the past. But your going to have a sense of awe and discovery with anything new, and UO is no longer new to most people.
Item Insurance did NOT ruin this game. I see this complaint a lot on these boards, but when you really look at it, this argument is deeply flawed. If its truly the risk that you desire, you are completely free to turn off insurence and play with all the risk you want. Not only would you be getting the risk you say you want, but you would also be saving the money lost on all your deaths. Win Win. No, what people really mean when they say they miss the risk, is that they miss being able to take other peoples stuff.
As for Insurance in PvP, I feel this helped PvP more then anything else has. Now anybody can suit up and go fight without worrying about loosing all their hard earned items. In the olden days, only the good pvpers ended up wearing good items because they didnt die as much. So the more experience you had, the better items you would wear, which means you had players with a lot of experience slaughtering players who did not have the experience, and could not afford to risk using good gear. Talk about an advantage. No, todays system allows for much more pvp. Now a person can get nearly any arti in the game and have a decent pvp suit for almost nothing. They can then use that pvp suit without the fear of loosing it, which means they are more likely to participate more often.
Both in the old days and presently people are fighting in the same way... Both sides used to use crap, today both sides use good stuff. In the old days if you killed somebody, you could loot the crap, today if you kill somebody you get gold deposited directly into your bank box. If there was no insurence people would not be running around in the stuff they are using now, and it would not be worth looting them. Todays system both allows inexperienced players to enter the field, as well as rewarding the winner with a safe transfer of funds directly to their account at the moment they defeat their enemy.
Insurance does not keep people from PvP, it allows them to take part without risking everything, and while still rewarding the winner. When people complain about missing the risk, they really mean they miss screwing over other players. Stop coming here and claiming you miss the good old days and miss the risk when we all know its a lie. Again, if you want the risk, walk the walk and uninsure your crap.
As for me... I love that I can get home from a long day at work or school, hop on, pvm or pvp and not have to worry about losing everything I have worked for. There is no way in hell I would want to have a stressful day at work, come home and log in to UO just to spend an hour looking for a smith to repair my weapon, a tailor to repair my armor, a tamer to rez my pet, just to run to fell, get dropped in 30 seconds, and loose everything. Are you kidding me? Today I can get on and actually PLAY with friends in different guilds. The last thing I want in a game I pay for is to loose everything everytime I get on.
If loosing your stuff really does it for you, then great, uninsure your stuff and come duel me. Id be happy to oblige. Then we would both win, I get your stuff, and you get the risk/thrill you apparently love so much.