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Soulstones and fragments should say which characters skills are being stored.

  • Thread starter MoonglowMerchant
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Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that would actually be extremely useful, i have so many soulstones and frags that i forget which account they belong to so i gotta try everyone


Make a box.
Engrave Account 1
Put account 1 soul stones in there.
Repeat for other accounts.


Character does not matter, thus the reason for the stones in the first place. Who cares if Joe supplied the Magery, Adam needs it! If you have that many stones then perhaps you should track who drops what into them?

Annnndd in the case of multiple accounts, see Kurgans response above ... it's workable.


Character does not matter, thus the reason for the stones in the first place. Who cares if Joe supplied the Magery, Adam needs it! If you have that many stones then perhaps you should track who drops what into them?

Annnndd in the case of multiple accounts, see Kurgans response above ... it's workable.
Character matters very much if you have multiple accounts or play Siege.


Make a box.
Engrave Account 1
Put account 1 soul stones in there.
Repeat for other accounts.
Not everyone is that organized. :)

Plus, it would really help to have character names on there so that you could return stones to the proper owner when an IDOC falls.


Character matters very much if you have multiple accounts or play Siege.
:scholar: Points to post above.....
Done, case closed....

Make box:
Label Account 1 - Char Name

You have the ability to get this done, with out new things being added to the game.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Why would it matter on Siege? Since you only get one character per account it should be pretty easy knowing who each stone belongs to. Just keep them in the bank.


Why would it matter on Siege? Since you only get one character per account it should be pretty easy knowing who each stone belongs to. Just keep them in the bank.
Because having multiple accounts with multiple soulstones can get very confusing. Additionally, as stated above, houses do fall. Soulstones are recovered. Sometimes, those players come back. How do you identify their stones?

Currently, you don't.


:scholar: Points to responce post..:lick:
Ok, you are challenged. I get that now.

I'm going to break this down for you.

Yes, it is possible, though not easy, to organize multiple soulstones from multiple accounts. However, when a house falls and you have someones soulstones, there is currently no way to get those stones back to players who return to the game because there is no way to know who they belong to.

You could have an engraved box for soulstones from IDOC's, but without a tag for the character name, they just stay in the box.

Was that simple enough for you?


Okay... so what about multiple characters with the same name? What about other people who have the same char names? I know guilds with tons of chars with the same name.:lick:

I use the engraved box method of sorting mine. As for siege, bank box or engraved box.


Okay... so what about multiple characters with the same name? What about other people who have the same char names? I know guilds with tons of chars with the same name.:lick:

I use the engraved box method of sorting mine. As for siege, bank box or engraved box.
It isn't a perfect solution, but it certainly would help don't you think?

Honestly, do people just feel the need to argue? If they did this, it hurts no one and helps a number of people.

Why argue against it other than just to argue?


Shazam Sarge:

Yes I know that there is no way to tell who's SS's they are, except maybe getting a GM to tell you. Which will most likly never happen..

This would take some undertaking to get the item(s) to show the account info.
Which I am thinking that EA will not do.
As this would put the account at risk..


You find a SS with the Account name of JoeSmoe on it.
What is to keep someone from trying every PW there is to get into that account.

It sound like a good idea, just need to think about it more.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
From what I understand, soul stones are account specific. On most shards, up to seven different characters per account can use that account's stones. Presumably, most of these characters will have different names.

A better solution might be a "last used by" tag.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll make this very simple...

Character does not matter...account does.

They can't put the account name on a soulstone because if you lose it, somebody can get your account name...half the battle to hacking your account.

I know it would be very convenient to have your account name on your soulstones, but convenience is the enemy of security.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
as stated above, houses do fall. Soulstones are recovered. Sometimes, those players come back. How do you identify their stones?

Currently, you don't.
No, I don't. But then again, I don't have the storage space to waste holding onto strangers soulstones hoping they might come back at some point looking for them. When I see a soulstone at an IDOC, I leave it there.

Honestly, do people just feel the need to argue? If they did this, it hurts no one and helps a number of people.

Why argue against it other than just to argue?
Because it seems like a waste of manpower to put the code in place for something that can easily be remedied by a simple wooden box with a book in it telling you which account owns which stones.


My only purpose for using soulstones was to transfer skills between characters on the same account

I guess the second purpose I use them would be to store skills I want to save but no longer use

Simply separating the soulstones into different bags in a chest should do what you want


this is a waste of time. there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed in this game at the moment.

Flora Green

Rather see the fragments rechargable and those stones, full or frags, picked up from IDOC have them wiped clean and used by others.


Personally, I keep the stones from account one at the house on account one, and stones from account two at the house on account two. I understand someone might like having the characters name on it, but I just don't see the pros out weighing the cons(the Dev time necessary to implement it).

The character name doesn't really make sense since the determining factor is the account name.


I have a soulstone I found in Luna bank that I would LOVE to return to its owner. The guy that dropped it cussed and ran off before I could give it to him.

It only has a fairly low-leve skill on it, but I imagine he wants it back.

I can always go ahunting, I guess. :)


this is a waste of time. there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed in this game at the moment.
You know what a waste of time is? A waste of time is developing a new client that existing players will not adopt.

A waste of time is developing a new client for "new" players when you have no plans to sell your product in any place that "new" players would actually see it.

That is a waste of time.

A good use of time is to make improvements to the game that make the game easier for people in ways that don't make the game "easy".


No, I don't. But then again, I don't have the storage space to waste holding onto strangers soulstones hoping they might come back at some point looking for them. When I see a soulstone at an IDOC, I leave it there.
You just hit on a key difference between where you play and where I play. On Siege, there are no strangers.

If someones house falls and I didn't know them, I guarantee I know someone who did know them.

I won't go off now on a tangent about the differences between shards where you can be self-sufficient and one where you can't, but you just identified one.

I would never, ever let someones soulstones decay. Ever.


I'll make this very simple...

Character does not matter...account does.

They can't put the account name on a soulstone because if you lose it, somebody can get your account name...half the battle to hacking your account.

I know it would be very convenient to have your account name on your soulstones, but convenience is the enemy of security.
Of course you can't put the account name on the stones, that is why I didn't suggest putting the account name on there but rather the character name.



Personally, I keep the stones from account one at the house on account one, and stones from account two at the house on account two. I understand someone might like having the characters name on it, but I just don't see the pros out weighing the cons(the Dev time necessary to implement it).

The character name doesn't really make sense since the determining factor is the account name.
Perfect example.

Lets say something happens to you. For example, you get deployed or you get sick or you there is something that causes you to lose access to the internet (finances, natural disasters). You are gone long enough that your house falls.

Now, some good samaritan picks up your soulstones and holds them for you. When you get back from your deployment, illness, or other hardship you want to play UO again. Currently, the chances of you getting those stones back isn't very good because there is no way to link them to your account/characters.

However, if the stones had the character name on them, like the new faction items do, then it would be much easier to return them to you after some time.

Additionally, it would make sorting them much easier for people juggling multiple accounts, houses, and characters.

Win, win.


Perfect example.

Lets say something happens to you. For example, you get deployed or you get sick or you there is something that causes you to lose access to the internet (finances, natural disasters). You are gone long enough that your house falls.
Far from a perfect example. As long as the account is payed for, house doesn't fall. So who cares if you lose access to the internet, your accounts are payed for, no issue.

As for the financial disasters, most players know when SHTF and will condense their house to bank boxes for the important stuff. So if the house drops, the only thing left is "junk". 5-7 chars all holding 250 or more each will hold a lot of house junk.

The last case would be the "full" houses that drop. I'd say 9 out of 10 of those are players not coming back: whether they quit or got banned. In the latter case, all soul stones are garbage. In the former case, they aren't coming back so again, soul stones are junk.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought part of the fun was trying to find which account the soulstone goes to. :lick:

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I honestly don't see how this is even remotely necessary, or would even be helpful. Even for people with multiple accounts. I have 2 accounts and each one has a character named Black Sun on it.

How's a soulstone with an "owned by Black Sun" tag going to help me at all? It still doesn't tell me which account owns it.

Personally, I say if you're having trouble keeping track of which account owns your soulstones you either a) have too many stones, or b) are playing a game that might be just a bit too complicated for you.

I think it coding this in would be a total waste of dev time.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
um, can i make a rec?

Having lost 3 full soul stones and a handful of frags in a house fall once before, be kind to yourself and store all soulstones and frags in a characters bank acct all the time.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
And if for some reason, you took time away from UO and you had kept those soul stones in your home at the time it collapsed, wouldn't you also be thankful that someone held onto them, and when you reinstated your account, they had saved them for you?...la

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Yeah, I might be grateful if they came seeking me out to return them, but I sure as heck wouldn't go looking for them.

But, then again, If I were to leave UO a 2nd time for any reason, I'd most likely pack up my accounts into the bank and liquidate as much as I could before leaving. Just like I did back in 04 when I left.

In my mind it boils down to this: If you can't keep something as simple as which account owns a soulstone straight, maybe UO is a little too complicated for you.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I always thought it would be GREAT and FANTASTIC if the stones would highlight orange or something for the account owner who's account they belonged to... would certainly make things very easy.....

However being someone who has multiple accounts... I can say this... all my characters use one "base house" and in that house I keep a chest for each account..... inside each chest I have a bag labeled with each characters name on it and then I have one other bag without a label... This bag I keep the soulstones that I have for that account...... it's a simple method but very useful. This also helps me keep track of outfits and things like extra weapons for each of my characters... each one goes to their particular "box" and uses their own bag to put their extra stuff in.... Just a suggestion... I do understand not everyone is as overly organized as me.... but it does work......

I also have a box of soulstones that over the years I have gathered from friends who have left the lands and either given me their homes or their things.... or that I was there when their house fell and I put their stones carefully into a bag and label it for the character of theirs that I knew them best by...... this way should they ever come home I can return their stones to them.... seems silly but one can always hope...

Please click my egg.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Far from a perfect example. As long as the account is payed for, house doesn't fall. So who cares if you lose access to the internet, your accounts are payed for, no issue.
Unless that person uses game time codes and not their credit card. Then if their time runs out and their account closes their house could fall.

I've got mine mixed up switching houses so it wouldn't bother me if they had names on them or they made it where we could inscribe them.


Rather see the fragments rechargable and those stones, full or frags, picked up from IDOC have them wiped clean and used by others.
I like those ideas. Rechargable fragments could be a potential gold/resource sink. Old stones salvageable, I like it. But.. I suppose they wouldn't allow it because it'd bite into their code/token sales.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soulstones should not be bound to an account in the first place (just my opinion), only skills should. Any other account should be able to flush skills not belonging to him and reuse the soulstone at his decision.
Instead of the character based naming also the abilitiy to describe a soulstone or fragment just like a rune or runebook from the soulstones menu would help as well.
That way you could name it "From the IDOC of xxx fallen on ..." or Soulstone of Olahorand or whatever you want.
Or these sculpture engraving tools should be usable on Soulstones as well. I see really no reason, why such an easy to implement convenience should not be there.
Yes, I have 5 permanent and some other accounts, some of them have soulstones, others are from IDOCs, and I lost also control, which soulstone belongs to which account. (maybe a matter of age ....)


on siege, just store in bank box

on other servers, use a box for each account

those solutions are easy to implement; require no coding, testing, or patching; and free the programmers to work on things that dont have such simple in-game solutions


What is to keep someone from trying every PW there is to get into that account.
You'd have better chances at hitting the lotto plus powerball 10 times in a row than trying to guess at some random strangers' password. The possible combination of letters, words, and numbers is almost infinite.

I really don't see what harm it would or could cause just to have the name of the last char name that dumped a skill or even simply claimed a soulstone placed on the stone itself.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Of course you can't put the account name on the stones, that is why I didn't suggest putting the account name on there but rather the character name.

Like I said, the Character name doesn't matter! The Soulstone is associated with the Account; not the character. Any character on the account can use the stone. There might be 1,000 characters named Bubba, but each of those Bubba's are associated with a unique account. Heck, I have three Thorins on Napa.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'd have better chances at hitting the lotto plus powerball 10 times in a row than trying to guess at some random strangers' password. The possible combination of letters, words, and numbers is almost infinite
Most user's passwords aren't random. Since UO accounts don't lock on incorrect password attempts, someone could run a dictionary attack 24/7 until they are successful. You'd be surprised how many people use dictionary words as passwords.

by the way, password, Password, Password1, p@$$word, p@s$w0rd!, and P@$Sw04d are all in the hacker dictionary attack.

A little OT, but you'd also be surprised how many people use part of their email address as the uo account name.


Babbling Loonie
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Why is it so hard keeping your soulstone in the bank? You can even put them in a pouch to keep things tidy :)


Like I said, the Character name doesn't matter! The Soulstone is associated with the Account; not the character. Any character on the account can use the stone. There might be 1,000 characters named Bubba, but each of those Bubba's are associated with a unique account. Heck, I have three Thorins on Napa.

So, if you only have one account on one shard, you don't have any problems. Pretty much any soulstone you own, you can transfer those skills to any character.

Some people have more than one account. Imagine you have 10 accounts. Now, you have multiple soulstones on each account. Those accounts are sharing houses too.

That is a bit more complicated eh?

So, then, you develop an intricate system for keeping track of which soulstones go to which account. For instance, you engrave boxes with account names and keep the soulstones for that account in that box. Great. As long as you never make a mistake and put the wrong soulstone in the wrong box, you will be fine.

What happens though if you are tired, or in a hurry, or (insert vice here) and you put stones in the wrong box. You might realize it, you might not. Multipy that times 6 years or so. There are lots of opportunities to make mistakes in 6 years eh?

So, even with a great system, you can make a mistake. Once you do, you have a soulstone and no way to tell which account it belongs to. Maybe you have several like that. Now, if you pay for all 10 accounts every month, it won't be too hard to figure that out. But, maybe 10 accounts is a bit much and you cycle through them. Hmmm, now it may be months or years before you can figure out which stone belongs to which account.

Of course, in addition to that, there are stones other people lose. Without proper identification tools for those stones, it is really, really difficult to get them back to their owners.

Also, understand that on Siege, there is only one character per account. So, when you say that characters don't matter, only accounts do, that isn't entirely true. That was my objection to your original statement. You don't want to label the stones with account names because that does represent a security risk. You could however, label them with character names like the faction items have. That would fix the problem of organization and the problem of identification.

If you name your characters on multiple accounts the same thing, it isn't going to help you. You are correct in that. Although, you could still narrow things down a bit.

BTW: There are no characters on Napa named Bubba and only three named Thorin.