Lord Patapon
Hey Maplestone, I understand your concern, but I have to disagree (a bit) with you.
Those servers woudn't demand much resources to run, because, yes, security updates and such are important, and no, they can't do it like some students who run their own shard, that's pretty obvious and you're right with that; but security updates are made for all shards, and are not specific.
I don't believe the rulesets have much to do with duping prevention; for all I know and a lot I heard in the past, moongates between facets have, in the past, been a way to dupe, mainly using client crash/facet swapping and such methods to abuse the server.
Anyway, dupe is now available from items, which wasn't much the case before (how the hell could they think about using an imprisoned dog to dupe ?).
I hope this **** disappear fast, and I hope the EA-Mythic team have taken into account the importance of this matter, but I think they did, indeed, because they know what cheating brings to a game, and they know it's usually a death penalty, without hesitation.
So, basically, yeah, you're right, it would take a few updates, once in a while.
But all the CONTENT based updates would be for you guys who prefer UO:AoS or don't like pre-UO:R shards enough.
We don't need much.
A lot of people have been putting up with private servers these last years, with all the inconveniences it can bring to your game time (crashes, reverts, assistance that isn't always there to help ya, lame players, extreme griefing ...), and I know a lot of those who would like to pay for a REAL, solid, EA owned Classic shard.
And you guys are right too on the content of this shard ... you say we can't know what era the devs should choose, and such ... but you forgot Mythic done it before.
They have even been further than the "Classic" shard with DAoC, as they're thinking about an "Origin" shard (a Classic Classic shard).
Why can't they do that for UO ?
The discussion is up to those who want this shard; we're not greedy, nor are you guys who wanna have the "present" game developped to its full potential (if ever possible with UO), but you gotta admit we don't ask for much, really. Not much.
Don't know what else I can say ...
Oh, and please, please, don't compare Siege to a pre UO:R or pre AOS era, because it doesn't make sense.
Siege was here long, long time before AoS, but AoS got to it, somehow.
If Siege was so identical, why would so much people bother discussing the matter here ?!
Those servers woudn't demand much resources to run, because, yes, security updates and such are important, and no, they can't do it like some students who run their own shard, that's pretty obvious and you're right with that; but security updates are made for all shards, and are not specific.
I don't believe the rulesets have much to do with duping prevention; for all I know and a lot I heard in the past, moongates between facets have, in the past, been a way to dupe, mainly using client crash/facet swapping and such methods to abuse the server.
Anyway, dupe is now available from items, which wasn't much the case before (how the hell could they think about using an imprisoned dog to dupe ?).
I hope this **** disappear fast, and I hope the EA-Mythic team have taken into account the importance of this matter, but I think they did, indeed, because they know what cheating brings to a game, and they know it's usually a death penalty, without hesitation.
So, basically, yeah, you're right, it would take a few updates, once in a while.
But all the CONTENT based updates would be for you guys who prefer UO:AoS or don't like pre-UO:R shards enough.
We don't need much.
A lot of people have been putting up with private servers these last years, with all the inconveniences it can bring to your game time (crashes, reverts, assistance that isn't always there to help ya, lame players, extreme griefing ...), and I know a lot of those who would like to pay for a REAL, solid, EA owned Classic shard.
And you guys are right too on the content of this shard ... you say we can't know what era the devs should choose, and such ... but you forgot Mythic done it before.
They have even been further than the "Classic" shard with DAoC, as they're thinking about an "Origin" shard (a Classic Classic shard).
Why can't they do that for UO ?
The discussion is up to those who want this shard; we're not greedy, nor are you guys who wanna have the "present" game developped to its full potential (if ever possible with UO), but you gotta admit we don't ask for much, really. Not much.
Don't know what else I can say ...
Oh, and please, please, don't compare Siege to a pre UO:R or pre AOS era, because it doesn't make sense.
Siege was here long, long time before AoS, but AoS got to it, somehow.
If Siege was so identical, why would so much people bother discussing the matter here ?!