Ugh.. GUYS! Stop with all the playground crap! This thread if for the reasons WHY NOT TO CHANGE THE EM PROGRAM and discuss. I dont want it changed as unqiue items is commonplace in UO and makes it UO.
So what if someone sell's thier reward, thier loss for selling it and more the fool for buying it. What I dont want is people getting shirty with other people in this thread as it'll end up getting it closed down!
Stay on topic please everyone and keep it civil.
Sorry, but you can't expect to post a thread for discussion with only those that agree with your view, it wouldn't be a discussion would it?
The thing is ANY item given at an event is unique and will become rare as time goes on, as only those there and participating will get the item.
I don't have a problem with any item that people get and then sell if they don't want it. Gee I collect event items for my public museum, and would hate it if I couldn't possibly buy one if I couldn't attend etc.
It is the 'way' items get distributed that is the issue, the way it currently stands has resulted in:
* the 'vets' on a shard being 99% more likely to 'win' an event at the expense of anyone else for some type of events,
* the bad manners, and griefers attending events which result in people being 'put off even attending' as the 'reward content' rather than the 'event' encourages this type of behaviour,
* worse, where the actual 'winners' complain that their reward isn't good enough and are rude to the EM's
* for people like yourself who attend events time and time again to come away with nothing each and every time resulting in disappointment.
You guys really need to understand that because an event item is given out to all participants it doesn't mean that it is not rare or is worthless. The following 'items' were given out to
all who participated on our shard in previous events. (taken from the rares forum, sell prices at the end are a 'guide' only and were paid at the time) No one missed out, everyone was 'happy' that they got an item and all items become rarer as time goes on and you have idocs, and players leaving etc etc.
Aqua, Blue, Brown, Crimson, Green, Grey, etc etc (15 teams) with robes marked: Team Color - Oceania Orienteering Challenge, October 2004 (?) (~25 mil)
I Participated in the Oceania PvP Tourney (Doublet, No Mods, Unique Color) (16-32)(~45 Mil Sold For)
I Participated in Oceana PVP Event 11/02/04 Gloves (14) (35 mil)
Royal Sand Miner Sash (~100) (15 Mil Sold For) - all who completed the hand in
Order of the Serpent (Kite Shield) (~40 So Far) (15 Mil) all who attended
Sneakers Sewn by Cerulean (~60) (~30 Mil) or
Sneakers Sewn by Sienna (~60) (~30 Mil) all who completed the course got one or the other color
Fitness Race Contestant (Neon Blue Surcoat) (~35) (~25 Mil) or
Fitness Race Contestant (Neon Green Surcoat) (~35) (~25 Mil) all who completed the course got one or the other color
Minions of Surano Robe (41) (~25-30 Mil)
Terathan Recruit Pack (Blue pouch) (38) (~25 Mil) all who completed the hand in
Arachnid Libram (Blue Book Different Players Name as Author) (38) (~25 Mil) all who completed the hand in
Now you cannot say that just because an item is given to all participants it makes the event worthless can you? In each of the above not a single person who participated was left out. Each had something they could keep, as I do, or sell if they didn't want it. The fact they state that items will be hued differently per shard etc will be enough to make them 'rare' for xsharders and those who wish to collect 'sets' of rewards from each shard etc.
I have received other 'rewards' for 'winning' or placing in an event so it is not like I wish rewards to go to 'all participants' because 'I' can't win one. I have won and kept every one of these as I don't participate in events for the $$ value.
Champion Archer - Second Place (1) (?) - I won
Archery - Finalist (15) (1-3 mil sold for) - received 1
Royal Architect Sashes (6) (75 Mil) - received 1
Royal Toolkit (Deep Blue House Deco Tool, Blessed) (2) (~100 Mil) received 1
These items are pretty 'unique' as in limited ie from 1-15 given out, but the 'best' reward to date is the WBB renovation contest (whoop I won!! for Oce) because while I do not actually 'get' a reward as such that I can sell I do get a plaque put up with my main char name, which is a MUCH better 'reward'. In fact, it would have been so much better don't you think if that 2nd place archer bow I won a few years ago was a 'plaque' on a wall somewhere commemorating my char's skill in placing in that event rather than me getting a bow? (kind of like a 'Hall of Fame' or something) I know the other two bows were xsharded to the highest bidder (1st and 3rd, although not sure if one came back or not) and the 'winners' of those bows are a forgotten memory on our shard, I for one can't remember who 'won' those and I seriously doubt anyone 'remembers' that Lady Jenay Elandi, my archer won hers.
So OP, I cannot AGREE with your position on the change to the EM events, I only hope they DO go through with it.